Flashbacks,  Friendship,  Travel

Girls Weekend Kick Off

This afternoon I had a PTA board meeting and I had to tell them about the Box Tops Crisis of 2018.  Everyone was super nice about it and everything, but I still felt awful.  Which is why later in the meeting when we talked about officers for next year, I volunteered to be the PTA president.


Let’s move on before I dwell on my decision making skills and realize what a terrible thing I have done, shall we?

Tomorrow I leave for a much needed, super anticipated, couldn’t be more excited GIRL’S WEEKEND!  I’m meeting my two best girlfriends in the Hamptons where we have rented a house for a long weekend.  It’s only three days, but that’s, like, 400 mimosas or something.


I feel terrible because Sarah and Christina have already been texting pictures of what they are packing and I’m over here like, “My flight doesn’t leave until tomorrow morning!  Why the rush?!”  And that’s probably why they will both have everything they need with them when we get there and I’ll be trying to bum toothpaste, deodorant, ponytail holders, phone chargers, and chapstick from them all weekend.

I’ve mentioned Sarah on here quite a bit before.  We have been friends since we were in 6th grade and I was brand new to the town we grew up in.  She sat in front of me in our history class and she turned around on the first day and introduced herself.  She was so nice back then…


Christina and I have been friends for almost as long.  She and Sarah went to preschool (maybe even before preschool?) together and so they were longtime friends.  Sarah introduced us and the three of us were fast friends.  Like most long-term friendships, we have had ups and downs.  In fact, there are two pretty big downs that I plan to get drunk and apologize for this weekend, but the important part is that we have pulled through it all and thanks to modern technology, like the ability to send gifs to group texts, our friendship has flourished in the past few years.


But because of our friendship drought, it has been a LONG time since we have all three gotten together to hang out.  Like, we have created human beings and stuff like that since the last time we got together.  So, a trip was overdue.  (Also, if you follow me on Instagram, be prepared for the onslaught of pictures from the Hamptons this weekend!)


Gracie has been devastated about my leaving.  She is my little shadow and for the past few days, she has been snuggling me up extra good for “when I go away.”  (She’s a bit over-dramatic and I have no idea where she gets it…)  Bean and Chris, on the other hand, don’t even seem to notice that I will be gone.  Most likely, they will wake up on Saturday morning and MIGHT realize I am gone when no one starts yelling at them to get out of bed.


But I’ve taken care of that.  I secretly set an alarm to go off on Chris’s phone on Saturday at 7:00am, in memory of me.  He’s going to be SO EXCITED.



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