• The First Tee

    For the past three seasons, Bean has played Little League baseball and our whole family has loved it!  We became dugout parents and spending three or four days a week at the ball…

  • Because Brothers.

    She was so proud to show me her trick. She never even saw him coming. There are no pictures after this because Gracie was bounced off the float unexpectedly, flew into the water,…

  • The Sound of Music

    Our church is blessed enough to have two places of worship on Sunday mornings.  We have a traditional church service in the sanctuary and then a simultaneous contemporary worship service in the gym.…

  • 12 Hours on a Couch

    The first few weeks of school have been overload for our family.  We hosted five large parties at our house in three weekends.  It was lots of fun and we loved every minute…

  • Date Night Co-op

    My friend, Jamie, has four boys.  They range in age from kindergarten to fourth grade.  The kindergarteners are twins.  And Jamie is a preschool teacher.  If anyone needs a date night every week,…

  • Busy Weekend, Happy Family

    This weekend was packed full of all different kinds of fun.  I love weekends like that.  I’ve been having a rough start to my school year for the past two weeks, so my…

  • Greatness All Around Me

    Two great things happened last week to two of the most important people in my life.  If that’s not blog-worthy, then I don’t know what is! First, my awesome sister did this awesome…

  • How Was School Today?

    After I pick the kids up from aftercare, we head home and I try to coerce them into conversations about their days while I cook dinner.  I love spending this time with them.…