Conversations with Bean and Gracie

  • The Happy Delinquent

    Every night at dinner, we ask the kids how their days at school were.  They each get the chance to tell us what they did, who they played with, and what they learned.…

  • History Sometimes Repeats Itself

    Friday afternoon, my mom came down to pick up the kids and take them to her house for the weekend.  Chris and I were overworked, overstressed, and in need of some down time…

  • Apple. Tree.

    Last week as I was having a massive nervous breakdown about my job, Chris was also having a massive nervous breakdown about his.  He came home one night and unloaded all his frustrations…

  • She’s Two

    “Gracie, do you want me to help you?” “NO! I do it mysef.” “You sure you don’t want Mommy to help you?” “NO! Gaycee is a big gul. I do it mysef.” “AAAAAHHHHHHHH!”…

  • Bean Discovers the Beach

    When you come to Pensacola Beach, you have to cross two long bridges to get out to it. We were expecting the kids to get excited about the beach, but we were NOT…

  • Big Beds and Tuttle Shirts

    Last night around 11:00, I went in to check on the kids before I went to bed. When I went into Bean’s room, though, he was no where to be found. And neither…

  • Preschooler Thoughts

    Bean has been cracking us up lately with his little comments.  He will say some of the funniest things, but it’s not just what he says that is funny.  It’s how his mind…

  • The Unspeakable

    This week and next I’m sharing some changes Chris and I have made in the past couple months to how we parent Gracie. On Tuesday, I talked about our new public time out.…

  • Independence and the Preschooler

    “Hey, Bean,” I said, as I got ready for work this morning.  “You about ready to go get dressed?” “Okay,” said Bean. “I laid your clothes out for you on your table.” “Oh,…

  • Wires Crossed

    My dad’s funeral was on Saturday, so Friday evening, Chris and I sat down with Bean to talk with him a bit about what was going to happen the next day.  We didn’t…