
  • #oneword2015

    Hello again, imaginary friends! I missed you so while I was away, but I did enjoy a much needed break from my blogging grind stone.  I have been soaking up time away from…

  • Not Much At All

    In the hustle of going back to work on Monday and my birthday yesterday (32!), I haven’t gotten around to my Thanksgiving recap.  And I know how much people look forward to seeing…

  • The Thanksgiving Scramble

    The Day of the Turkey is near, friends.  I can tell because the laundry piled sky-high in every room of our house is taunting me and the hairballs on our kitchen floor are…

  • The Christmas Spirit

    When the afternoon bell rang last Friday at school, I was out of work for an entire, heavenly week! WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!!! Chris headed to New York for a bachelor party this pas weekend,…

  • Ginny vs. The Birthing Ball

    So, my sister and I were talking this week and she told me a story that made me wet my pants.  Seriously.  I laughed so hard that I peed my pants.  I figured…

  • Vacation Pictures, Part Two!!!!!

    (This is a continuation of our vacation to the mountains of North Carolina and Tennessee.  See it from the beginning here.) At the end of our awesome first day of vacation, we came…

  • Things I Love Right Now

    1.  Bean’s soccer games.  I love cheering for him on Saturdays at his soccer games.  It has been so fun to watch him grow and learn this season.  He doesn’t seem to have…