
  • The Easter Bug

    For Easter this year, we were celebrating with my mom and Grandma on Saturday and at our house with friends on Sunday.  It was supposed to be a great weekend.  Easter is my…

  • 10k On-the-Fly

    I’m slowly getting back into running again.  I’m up to three or four times a week, and it feels so good.  Well, mentally, at least.  Physically, I’m freaking sore!  My calves are throbbing,…

  • Another Happy, Happy Birthday

    Gracie turned two yesterday, but we celebrated on Saturday with family.  It was a pretty low key celebration, which is just the kind of party that Gracie likes.  She’s not big on the…

  • Spring Cleaning Outside

    This weekend has been another gorgeous central Florida day. Mid-seventies and not a cloud in the sky. I have crazy bad spring fever right now, and this weather isn’t helping at all! Luckily,…

  • 7 Months and a Day

    Yesterday was seven months since my dad passed away.  I can’t believe it’s already been seven months.  I feel like I just saw him yesterday.  I think that’s part of coping for me. …

  • Weddings and Festivities

    I am sitting on my couch fighting either a terrible low pressure headache because a big storm is rolling in, or an oncoming migraine.  Either way, I feel like my head is being…


    It is widely known in my family that I am a last minute person. I’m never late when I attend something, but I’m last minute when it comes to preparations. And, honestly, nine…

  • Gracie Sings the Blessing

    By popular demand, here is the cutest video in the world of Gracie saying the blessing at the dinner table. For those who are interested, here is a transcript of the blessing. I…

  • Take a Bow, Mom

    Tomorrow, February 28, is my mom’s last day as a working woman.  She’s retiring after a lifetime of being a full-time working mom.  I am so darn proud of her. Sadly, I don’t…