Bean vs. Mickey
Some friends of ours from Connecticut are vacationing at Disney this week and they invited us to meet them for breakfast at their hotel. But it wasn’t just any breakfast. This was a…
Wedding Weekend Extravaganza, Part IV
The wedding reception was at Apple Annie’s in Seville Quarter in Pensacola, Florida. See those martini glasses in the bottom right corner there? Those were for the MASHED POTATO BAR!! My mom made…
Wedding Weekend Extravaganza, Part III
After hair and make up, all the bridesmaids met back up at Ginny’s BFF’s house for a light champagne lunch… I can’t believe my baby sister is a BRIDE!!!! And such a pretty…
My Sister’s Wedding Extraveganza
This past week we celebrated my sister, Ginny, who finally married her best friend, John Michael. They were married on Saturday, April 24, but the wedding activities kicked off on Friday when my…
A Second Wedding
We finally pulled into our driveway at midnight last night after a week of celebrating my sister’s wedding. It was a beautiful, beautiful wedding. I’ve never seen a bride so happy before. Ginny…
Hometown Tour Resumes!
UPDATE: Thank you all so much for your kind emails and comments about my health this week. I am feeling much better, though still groggy from all the pain pills. From what we…
Back to Basics
This coming Saturday, my sister, Ginny, is tying the knot in our hometown of Gulf Breeze, Florida. Since we’re here, I thought that this week I would share some of my most memorable…
To Infinity And Beyond: Fun at the Kennedy Space Center
Last week Chris, Bean, Chris’ sister, and I drove over to Titusville, Florida to watch the launch of the Discovery space shuttle. Chris was mesmerized. If he could have hitch hiked to space,…
Finding Happiness as a Stay at Home Mom
Waaaaaay on back when Bean was born ten months ago (it really does seem a whole lot longer than that, doesn’t it?), I had to adjust to being a working mom. Going back…
321LIFT OFF!!!
Early this morning, Chris and I loaded up his sister, Annie, and Bean Man and we drove an hour outside of Orlando to Cape Canaveral for the Discovery shuttle launch. It was really…