Food and Eating

  • Eff This Healthy Shizzzz

    A few weeks ago, I blogged about how I have given up certain things in my life in order to simplify and make myself happier.  One of the things I gave up was…

  • A Dinner Idea

    Last week, I let the kids help me meal plan for the week. They each got to pick a dinner we would have one night, and then on the night we had their…

  • The Thanksgiving Scramble

    The Day of the Turkey is near, friends.  I can tell because the laundry piled sky-high in every room of our house is taunting me and the hairballs on our kitchen floor are…

  • Things I Love Right Now

    1.  Bean’s soccer games.  I love cheering for him on Saturdays at his soccer games.  It has been so fun to watch him grow and learn this season.  He doesn’t seem to have…

  • Raising Boys and Girls

    Y’all, my sister is having a GIRL!!!!!!!!!! I am so happy for her family! Especially for Tillman. He is going to make an awesome big brother! See? His shirt even says so! Thinking…

  • Snack Happy

    I don’t know about you guys, but my kids are SNACK HAPPY these days!  Goodness!  That’s all they ever want!  Snack, snack, snack!  If someone asks me for a snack one more time,…

  • A Fabulous Fourth!

    The Fourth of July is one of Chris’s favorite holidays. And with all the grilling, swimming, and firework action, who wouldn’t love it? We had a fun time with friends and – bonus!…

  • Basic Meal Planning

    Occasionally, I post pictures of various parts of my meal planning process on Instagram.  Inevitably, I get people who want to know more about my meal planning process.  I’m always hesitant to blog…

  • Smooth Operator

    Part of my February goals for my happiness project includes having a smoothie for breakfast during the work week.  So far, it has been going pretty good.  I’ve posted some pictures on Instagram…