Fun Things
LIVE Video Chat!
Well, I have run out of things to blog, which can only mean one thing. It’s time for a LIVE video chat! Join me and Chris tomorrow night at 9:00PM EST for a…
Step Inside My Head
1. This week is a three-day work week for me. We had today off for MLK and Friday is a teacher planning day. Tuesday through Thursday are semester exams at my school, so…
Colored Rice Sensory Activity for Toddlers
The other day, a little fairy came and whispered into my ear that toddlers love playing with brightly colored rice. Okay. Not really. I found this on Pinterest. (sigh) Because I’m addicted. Since…
Two Ways to Skin a Cat…or whatever
Chris and I parent very differently, but with the same end result. We figure as long as we both end up at the same destination, what does it matter what road we each…
1st Brain Dump of 2012
1. I am finally getting up the courage to wear leggings and I think they are going out of style. Are they going out of style? I feel like I haven’t seen them…
Christmas #1: The Recap
This past weekend we went to Atlanta to have Christmas with my side of the family at my sister’s house. My sister and John Michael have the cutest little condo in downtown Atlanta.…
Dashing Through the…Dolphin Tanks?
My BFF, Sarah, is a health nut. She’s vegetarian (and, except for her unnatural love of cheese, I think she’d probably even be vegan). She eats organic. She goes to the gym every…
Grow, Baby, Grow
Gracie is eight months old now. I can’t believe it. I caught myself telling someone last week that she was six months old and realized how much time had actually gone by. In…
Toddler Activities
Anyone whose been around these parts long enough knows of my love and slight obsession with Pinterest. I can’t look away. I can’t stop. It’s become a problem. But it’s also been a…