Gracie Update: Age 22 Months
Gracie Girl is 22 months old this week. In some ways, I can’t believe she is almost two-years-old, but in other ways it is hard to believe she’s ONLY two-years-old. Gracie Girl is…
Bean Update: Age 3 1/2
I’ve never been really good at doing milestone updates on my blog. Which is weird because most bloggers use their blogs as a way to catalog milestones. Now that I think about it,…
Pass Me My Mom Jeans
It’s official, y’all. At 6:00pm tonight, I became a soccer mom. Bean is playing pre-K soccer through the YMCA league in our neighborhood. Chris and I are beyond excited. The entire reason we…
Binky Free is the Way to Be!
The kids go back to daycare the week after next, and when they go back, both will move up to the next classroom from the one they left at the beginning of the…
Gracie Walks!
This weekend Gracie and Bean went to my parent’s house so that Chris and I could have a yard sale and not have to worry about chasing kids around. While they were up…
Spelling Champ
A couple months ago, I accidentally stumbled on an article through Pinterest on the things your child needs to be able to do before they enter Kindergarten. Normally, I avoid milestone charting like…
When My Kids Annoy Me
Bean is entering a new phase. I think this must be the three-year-old behavior people warned me about. These days, Bean is like a PMS-ing tiny warlord hyped up on steroids. He’s emotional,…
Birthday Plans (ALREADY?!?!)
Oh, my Gracie Girl. How I love that child. I simply cannot believe that she is turning one at the end of March. I keep redoing the math and checking my calendar just…
My daughter, Princess Grace, has chosen to sit on her diapered, cute bottom for the past ten months and not move a muscle. Puffalump had no interest in moving whatsoever. She was content…
Regression, Digestion, Mid-Western
This post is only about regression. The other two words are there for no rhyme or reason. Actually, they are there exactly for a rhyme, but that’s not the point. The point is…