
  • Gracie Update: Age 22 Months

    Gracie Girl is 22 months old this week.  In some ways, I can’t believe she is almost two-years-old, but in other ways it is hard to believe she’s ONLY two-years-old.  Gracie Girl is…

  • Bean Update: Age 3 1/2

    I’ve never been really good at doing milestone updates on my blog.  Which is weird because most bloggers use their blogs as a way to catalog milestones.  Now that I think about it,…

  • Pass Me My Mom Jeans

    It’s official, y’all. At 6:00pm tonight, I became a soccer mom. Bean is playing pre-K soccer through the YMCA league in our neighborhood. Chris and I are beyond excited. The entire reason we…

  • Gracie Walks!

    This weekend Gracie and Bean went to my parent’s house so that Chris and I could have a yard sale and not have to worry about chasing kids around.  While they were up…

  • Spelling Champ

    A couple months ago, I accidentally stumbled on an article through Pinterest on the things your child needs to be able to do before they enter Kindergarten. Normally, I avoid milestone charting like…

  • When My Kids Annoy Me

    Bean is entering a new phase. I think this must be the three-year-old behavior people warned me about. These days, Bean is like a PMS-ing tiny warlord hyped up on steroids. He’s emotional,…


    My daughter, Princess Grace, has chosen to sit on her diapered, cute bottom for the past ten months and not move a muscle. Puffalump had no interest in moving whatsoever. She was content…