Out and About
Art Festival Goodness
This weekend, we loaded the kids up on Saturday morning and headed down to the Lake Eola Arts Festival. Lake Eola is this giant lake in the middle of downtown Orlando. The city…
The Festival of Gracie
The term “birthday” is so misleading. “Birthday” (singluar) would seem to imply that the celebration lasts a single day. Our family is either doing them so right or totally wrong because birthday celebrations…
Don’t Bother Me. I’m Relaxing.
Ohhhhhhh, imaginary friends. I cannot tell you how wonderful our Christmas vacation has been so far. We have seen family and friends, eaten until we are about to pop, slept late and napped…
A Celebratory Splurge
A few weeks ago, my principal asked me to go on the morning announcements one morning to share some information about a fundraiser I am doing with a club that I am the…
C’est La Vie
Oh, imaginary friends. I feel like we are growing apart. My silly work schedule at my silly job is draining me this year. Teaching is so intense right now that by the time…
Oh. Em. Gee.
A few weeks ago, we were grocery shopping in Walmart and ran into one of Bean’s friend’s from school named Sophia. Her mom mentioned that they were getting ready to have a birthday…
The Longest Week
I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. I have been craaaaaan-key. I am in the middle of the longest week ever. I feel like tomorrow should be…
Summer Happenings
Things have been pleasantly dull around my house for the past few days. We have been enjoying some sun by the pool, spending time with family and friends, eating (marshmallow pie, anyone?), and…
Granddaddy’s Dock
I don’t often post pictures of people other than my own family to my blog. I’ve mentioned before that I very seldom talk about my blog with people in real life. People who…