Spiders, Bugs, the Hulk, and Rain Puddles
Lately, we’ve been dealing with something I like to call “Bean Fears.” Topping the list of Bean Fears today are spiders, bugs, and the Hulk. He likes the toy versions of each…
Driving a Bandwagon
Last week, Bean moved over to his new preschool class. It was not without some sadness and tears, let me tell you. But Chris and I did the best we could to support…
Parenting Through Trembling Lips
A lot of parents worry about their kids. Worry comes with the job description. But, honestly, I haven’t consistently worried about my kids in quite a while. Both are old enough to express…
Chalk, Tattle-Telling, and Volume Control
Having kids provides hours of entertainment. HOURS. Especially at the ages Bean and Gracie are right now. Bean is four and he is awesome at it. He asks questions around the clock these…
History Sometimes Repeats Itself
Friday afternoon, my mom came down to pick up the kids and take them to her house for the weekend. Chris and I were overworked, overstressed, and in need of some down time…
Apple. Tree.
Last week as I was having a massive nervous breakdown about my job, Chris was also having a massive nervous breakdown about his. He came home one night and unloaded all his frustrations…
Parenting As a Teacher
The other night we went to Open House for Bean’s new preK program that he starts this week. I knew that preK would be awesome, but I was blown away by all the…
The End of the Line
This is my last week home with the kids before they head back to daycare next week and I start my official week of preplanning at school. I have mixed feelings about this.…
The Challenge of Four
Bean is four. Seems like a simple enough statement. But that is really code for, “Bean is four and so he thinks he knows everything, he questions everything I know, and he is…