The Dog Pound

  • Puppy Love

    From the minute we brought Bean home from the hospital, Big Molly has been right by his side. She used to lay down where ever he was – next to his bouncer, next…

  • Coping

    They say that when you’re pregnant, your dogs can sense that something is up.  With Bean, this was true.  Lucy and Molly stayed closer to me, were quieter, and were gentler during my…

  • I am Thankful

    I am thankful for a roof over my head, a job that makes me happy, and food on our table every night. I am thankful for medical insurance and even more thankful that…

  • A Day at the Dog Park

    (Warning: This post is about poop.  Lots of poop.  Proceed at your own risk.  Just be thankful that my camera cord is still missing and so I don’t have any pictures to share.)…

  • Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds

    Once upon a time there was a little mutt puppy named Lucy.  She was beloved by her owner named Katie and all was right with the world. Together, Katie and Lucy explored the…

  • Kill It Till Its Dead!

    This afternoon when Bean woke up from his nap, he was really fussy (read more about Bean’s reoccurring fussiness HERE) so I took him out to our back yard where Chris was playing…

  • Distractions.

    I think I have discovered the secret to being a happy person. A routine. I can always tell when things are a little off kilter in my life by looking at my routine.…

  • Attn: Residents of PA

    Well, I’m getting ready to tell you the saddest story ever. I would normally advise you to look away from the sadness, but I have to tell you in case anyone out there…