• Grateful for the Boring

    It’s been tough to find things to blog about lately. The kids are always easy to blog about because I think they get more awesome-er every day. But my own life and marriage…

  • Our Weekend in Pictures

    Well, kids. This weekend was a rosy one for our family. Roseola went through Gracie’s class at school and so, naturally, Gracie was kind enough to bring it home and share it with…

  • Best Laid Plans

    This weekend we had friends in town from New York. It was going to be a killer, fun-filled, action-packed weekend. Chris and I took off on Friday and the plan was that while…

  • Sit, Boo Boo, Sit.

    This weekend, Gracie checked another milestone off her chart. She now sits. (sigh) Damn. When Bean was a big lump of baby fat, I couldn’t wait for him to hit milestones. Rolling over?…

  • Memories for the Forgetful

    I have a notoriously bad memory. My sister says she does, too, and so we think it’s a genetic thing. Which explains why I often make plans with my mom and sister, but…

  • Like Father, Like Son

    One of my mother-in-law’s favorite stories of Chris and his sister, Annie, is from when they were really little. Annie and Chris are four years apart and when Annie was a baby, Chris…

  • Long Days

    Ya’ll. I’m beat. Like, all the time. You know when you wake up about half an hour before your alarm goes off and then you’ve just fallen back to sleep when it actually…

  • Sick Days x 2

    Last week, Gracie had a runny nose. Within two days, she had spread that runny nose to Bean, who then took on multiple cold symptoms – runny nose, cough, low fevers. At that…

  • Feeding the Calvary

    Having two kiddies in daycare is, among other things, not cheap. In fact, I write a $375 check every single week. Feel sorry for me. Feel very, very sorry for me. I know…