• Catch Ups and Weekends

    Last week I was back in school for preplanning and it basically kicked my butt.  I started to regret my afternoon naps and staying in my pajamas all day during the summer because…

  • Friendship Knows No Country

    A little over a year ago, Gracie’s bestest little buddy in her daycare class moved back to Italy.  Her dad was here working for two years, but when his contract was up, they…

  • I’ll Miss This One Day

    This past Saturday afternoon, we were all in the kitchen having lunch.  We had a baseball game to get to, and Chris and I were hurrying around trying to get ready to go…

  • Where’s My Baby?

    Good Lord.  I can’t even handle this picture.  How old is that kid? Surely, that’s not my little baby boy?   The one who used to say that dogs “woofed” instead of bark.…

  • FEVAH!

    Oh, man.  The fever has hit our house. There’s nothing I hate more than a fever in one of my kids.  They are so darn scary!  Neither Bean or Gracie run fevers very…

  • The Hardest Part of Kindergarten

    I was somewhat prepared for Bean starting kindergarten this year.  I read a few articles about it online, talked to some friends who had been through this before, and reminded myself that Bean was…

  • John Hancock, The Remix

    I have had the same signature since I was in college.  I sign with my first initial and then my last name.  I started with the first initial thing because my maiden name…

  • Flashback

    A couple days ago, I pulled down some of Bean’s old baby things and set them in the New Guy’s room.  I’m still a long way away from putting together the nursery, but…