The Baby Front Carry
In my wise old parenting experience, I have found one particular baby holding position to be incredibly versatile: the Front Carry. The Front Carry serves so many purposes in life. It’s like the…
Se Habla Espanol
When we were in Costa Rica, everyone spoke Spanish. (Side note: I just re-read that sentence and it is the dumbest thing I’ve ever written. No crap they spoke Spanish…what else would they…
Status Update
This post is more of a scheduling pep talk for myself than anything else. In the next week, there are so many major events happening that I can hardly keep myself straight. I…
Singing Praises
This past Sunday in church, we had a guest minister who gave a sermon about active prayer. She suggested that sometimes we need to do physical actions when we pray to remind us…
One of Those Days…
I haven’t had one of those parenting days in a while. You know the ones. Those days when nothing goes right and everything is a struggle. I mean, don’t get me wrong. On…
Self-Inflicted Laziness
In the hustle and bustle of daily life, sometimes our family gets behind. If we have a weekend with hardly any down time at home, laundry piles up that week, groceries don’t get…
Hooves, Mouths, and Bad Days
Yesterday was a long Monday for me. Nothing particularly bad happened. It was just a long, stressful day. Aren’t all Mondays? I woke up this morning and thought, “Today is going to be…
Monkey Joe.s
This past weekend we took Bean and Gracie to a birthday party for one of Bean’s classmates. Who knew that a toddler birthday party would be a lesson in the value of marriage? …