• Autumn in Orlando

    It’s no secret that I had a rough time adjusting to our move back to Florida from Connecticut. But if you were to ask me now how I am doing, I would be…

  • We Are There

    During one of the busiest points of grad school at Yale for Chris, he came home one night to find a hearty, home cooked meal: Chinese take out. We ate at our tiny…

  • I’m Baaaaaaack!

    Oh, imaginary friends! I have missed you so! For those of you who don’t follow me on Twitter or Facebook (…cough, cough…shame on you…cough, cough…), let me tell you what I’ve been up…

  • Hump Day Musings

    I have sat down to blog for three days now and been stumped. You know in cartoons when a bunch of people try to fit through a doorway, but they all get stuck…

  • Home Tour!

    Well, kids. We’ve got a new house. I couldn’t be happier! We aren’t moving in for a few more weeks so that we can do things like scrape wallpaper, paint, and re-carpet the…


    Oh, imaginary friends, how I have missed you! I took an unplanned hiatus for the past few days because of a few things that were going around ’round these here parts that made…

  • Packing and Unpacking

    Dear Chris, On Monday we will finally close on our first house here in Florida. Can you believe it? I can’t. I can’t believe that this time last year we were struggling to…

  • Deeeeevine.

    (Before I resume our regularly scheduled programming of nonsense here on Marriage Confessions this morning, I wanted to take a minute to thank you all for your outpouring of kindness, encouragement, and support…

  • On the Move

    After some fancy financial footwork and several “are-you-sure-we-can-do-this” conversations, Chris and I are ready to buy a house again. It’s kind of weird to be house hunting in Florida. We grew up here,…