Family,  Marriage Confessions,  Travel,  Weddings

I’m the Matron of Honor (cringe)

My favorite sister is getting married on April 24.

My least favorite sister is also getting married on April 24.

That’s cause I’ve only got one sister.  Get it?  GET IT?  I love riddles.

Anywho, my sister, Ginny, is getting married on April 24 and graciously asked me to be her Matron of Honor.  I agreed, under the condition that I would not officially have the title Matron of Honor. Because if there’s anything sexier than being a Matron, I just don’t know what it is and I don’t think I can handle that level of sexiness.  Being my sister, she said of course I could be called something different and after I agreed she went back on her word and I am not stuck with the Matron of Honor title.

Honor, Ginny.  Ever heard of it?  Honor thy matronly sister.  Its, like, practically in the Bible.

Part of my responsibilities as the MOH is throwing the bachelorette party.  Nothing in this earth scares me more than bachelorette parties.  As a homebody, one-glass-of-wine-on-a-wild-night, cardigan wearing, blogging in my basement kind of girl, bachelorette parties represent everything I try my hardest to avoid.  Loud bars.  Strange men.  Jello shots.  Short skirts.  So, the idea of even attending a bachelorette party makes me shake in my mom jeans.  But hosting the bacheorette party makes me curl up in a corner and cry.

Seriously.  I’m ill-equipped, people.

Especially because my sister and her friends are all the friendliest, out-going, party-like-its-1999 group of ladies you’ve ever met.  Oh, yeah.  And they’re all beautiful.  Like, beauty queen beautiful.  Like, Chris isn’t allowed to hang out in the same state as them beautiful.

AND NONE OF THEM HAVE HAD A BABY.  Which means that none of them have had a human being stretch their bodies into unnatural states and then shoot through their nether regions, demanding to be fed at all hours of the night for three months straight.

Which means they are well rested and their skin still has elasticity.

Which means I hate them all.

I’m hoping the fact that this bachelorette weekend is in my home turf, I’ll feel a little bit better about it.  We are having 12 girls fly into New York for a weekend of good food, anatomically correct body part shaped cakes, and drinks.  Lots of drinks.  Lots and lots of drinks.  In fact, I volunteered to be the DD so I could pass up on some of the drinking, but turns out Manhattan is one of those “public transportation” type cities.  Who knew?

And yet, despite all of this I am still strangely excited about this weekend.  Excited to the point that I went out and bought myself a pair of fishnet tights.  And hot pink toe nail polish.  I just can’t wait!  I think its because I’m so excited for my sister.  Ginny deserves a good bachelorette weekend.  The timing of the party was set way before we sold our house, so when we found out that we would be moving out the same weekend as my sister’s bachelorette party, Chris asked if I thought I could change the date of the party so that I could be home to help move.  Of course, the idea of being out of the house as Chris packs the U-Haul is very appealing to me.  But its actually more than that.

Here’s the thing…  If the same thing had happened to Ginny and it had been my bachelorette party, she would have done anything to make it work.  And she deserves that from me, too.  The truth is that any time something major has happened for Ginny, somehow I have managed to upstage her.  I’m sure that is just the plight of being the little sister, but I can’t imagine how frustrating that would be. For example, when Ginny graduated from college, I got married one month later and so her graduation was sort of lost in the fuss.  When she moved to Atlanta and got her first job and started her new Big Girl life after college, I announced I was pregnant.  When she and John Michael got engaged, it was the same weekend as my baby shower and so everyone was fawning all over my belly.  Its never been intentional, but Ginny’s events always seem to get the shaft.  But this time its gonna be different.

Which is why one month before she gets married, Chris and I are moving the ONLY grandchild within 45 minutes of my parents.  Cause THAT doesn’t distract ANYONE…  (sigh)  I seem to have done it again.

So, the bachelorette weekend?  ALL ABOUT GINNY!  She has my undivided attention.  She is the queen of the weekend (which is why I have 2 crowns for her to wear…).  And I just can’t wait.  Besides, my parents are flying in tomorrow to help pack the moving truck and to take care of Bean while Chris gets ready to move, so he’s all set.

The itinerary for this weekend is still confidential because Ginny doesn’t know some of the things yet.  I could tell you all, but then I’d have to kill you.  And that’s, like, a lot of effort for me.  So, I’m taking my laptop and camera with me this weekend and I’ll post from the hotel every morning to tell you what kinds of debauchery I supported the night before.  Should be fun.

But I’m still a little nervous.  Mostly about the jello shots.  And the short skirts.  And the loud bars.

DON’T MAKE ME GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • Jen

    Congrats to your sister! Have a great time! I want a weekend away in New York with all my friends….your sister is a lucky girl!

  • Anne Cooper

    That’s awesome! I’m having my own bachelorette party up here in NYC as well, I’d be interested to hear if you have any ideas or suggestions on where to go/what to do that I could pass on to my own Maid of Honor (my sister!)! Hope ya’ll have a blast!

  • Amy Deschamp

    Sounds like fun–that is what sisters are for. My sister who is not a big drinker at all managed me and my best friend (who has little filter when she is sober and none when she is drunk) in a city she didn’t know and managed to have a great time! Can’t wait to see pictures!

  • Casey

    2 things:

    1. I was the Matron of Honor in my best friend’s wedding. I insisted she call me the Best Woman. And she did, except for when she printed the gosh darn programs. SO, no matter how many people she TOLD I was the Best Woman, I am forever the Matron of Honor in print. Thanks, Randi. (

    2. What a good sister you are for taking your little sis and her friends to the Big City for the weekend! Ya’ll are going to have so much fun! Congrats to Ginny… spoil the crap out of her! And, what a great last weekend up north for you!

  • Jennifer

    for my bacherlorette, i stayed sober (because I don’t drink) and my friends got drunk. I had a blast laughing at them :-). Have a great time!

  • Alyson

    I’m sure you’ll have a blast. Lucky you to have such a great relationship with your sister. I’m sure she knows that you don’t ‘try’ to upstage her, for every event in her life. That’s just the way things go right?! haha.
    Enjoy your last weekend up north and the time with your sister. Can’t wait to hear all about it. Oh.. and you’re just as gorgeous as your sister! 😉

  • Sonya

    I know my girls are in good hands with you, Kate. But I recommend that you keep a cup of ice handy when the shots start to flow.

  • Radish

    What a kind, sweet heart you have to even REALIZE that your sister has been upstaged by you so many times, even if unintentionally. Says a lot about you.

  • Stacy

    Giving up my virgin comment status. *pop* It’s all yours! You’re going to have a BLAST this weekend, can’t wait to read all about it! Found your site a few weeks ago and LOVE it! Just watched the feed from last night, and you and Chris are adorable. (LOVE the glasses and hair!) If what you say is true and you visit new commenter’s blogs, I went through and found the post that I think you’ll find most enjoyable. I figure if you’re gonna visit, might as well make you laugh! I look forward to reading many more of your entries! Oh, and yesterday must have been a push the hubby off a cliff kinda day. I felt you on that big time!

  • Kelly

    Hi Katie! First let me say I love your blog and check it daily (even though this is my first time commenting). I followed this post at the bottom to the one about “meet my sister” and I saw that she was voted “Miss Gulf Breeze” in high school and I had to ask, was that at GBHS in Gulf Breeze, FL? If so, that is where I graduated high school! I just thought that it was way too small world and had to share. Keep up the great work! – Kelly

  • Lisa

    Katie you’ve done an awesome job planning and this weekend is going to be a blast! (if I ever get there. i’m currently delayed at the airport…) Can’t wait to see you and all the girls!! And I’m pretty sure you won’t be the only one in fishnets 😉

  • N

    I have enjoyed reading your blog for a while and also think you are a lovely couple. What I like most is that you seem like regular people who I can relate to(although you are so much funnier than me). However, I was disappointed with how off limits you are about the blog income question. With the responses given, it made me feel like I was a nosy person. I wasn’t asking for an exact number, just some range of what is possible/realistic. I wish I hadn’t asked because now I don’t feel so welcomed anymore. Best of luck!

  • Ashley

    I’m a lot like you…the idea of a bachelorette party makes me cringe! I will probably not even have one when I get married. But I think that as long as you have penis-shaped cakes and lots of booze, you’re all set. Plus a crown. Gotta have the crown.

    She’ll have a fantastic time! Don’t worry about a thing.

  • Sarah

    Love this post! Very well written! I had to throw my sisters b-party last May (2 weeks after I moved back to my home state, so I was also planning in the midst of a move. I was the “matron” of honor—but I hand made sashes for us to all wear out in Baltimore—and I REFUSED to put matron on it. So since I was in charge, and I was making them, I wrote Maid of Honor. I mean, really, I bet 85% of the people out that night in Baltimore wouldn’t even know the difference!

    Here’s are picture:

    Oh and in the end…we ended up drinking a whole lot of tequila…from a pitcher…while seated. So the next day all the ladies were totally fine and I was wrecked.

  • Michelle

    Sounds like a fun weekend! I commented on a wall post the other day you had about your sisters party. I wanted to tell you about my custom party veils that I make but it looks like you are all set with you crowns and it would be too late anyway. But I also make these beautiful wedding gown hangers that your sister would love for her wedding dress and even the bridesmaids would love them. They are made to make your wedding pictures of the dress/dresses look even prettier! Have a super fun weekend!

  • Tressa

    Can’t wait to hear all about this weekend! Even though you say your “ill-equipped” I bet you have plenty of tricks up your sleeve!!! 😉
    Good for you for going forward with the weekend for Ginny, THAT MAKES YOU AN AWESOME SISTER, MOA, BEST WOMAN!!

    Good luck, have fun and be safe!!

  • shionge (Betty)

    This is awesome Katie and what a blast!!!! Congratulation to Ginny and how I wish I get the invitation to attend her wedding just like when we attended yours.

    I must send an email to your Grandma soon 🙂

    YOu are such a sweet sister to her and have a good time in NYC and good bonding too.

    Congrats again Ginny!!!

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