Marriage Confessions,  Moving

We’re Alive! And Still Married, Too!

Oh, friends.  Let me just tell you that it is a miracle that:

A)  I am able to blog coherently right now and

B)  That I am still married after packing a house, selling a house, and driving 11 hours all within a 48 hour window.

But, here I am.  And Chris and Bean are sitting here next to me.  And we’re alive.  And even excited!

We packed up our house this weekend (well…Chris, my parents, and our friends did while I partied in New York with my sister…which is just how God intended it…) and we closed on our house yesterday.  Which means we are entirely homeless at the moment.  Homeless and unemployed.

BUT, we are the most excited homeless and unemployed people you’ve ever met.

We locked up our house in Connecticut on Sunday afternoon with sadness and excitement.  It was the home of a lot of firsts for Chris and I.  We grew up in that home for the past two years and we created our family there.  So, in that sense it was hard to leave.  But I know that the person who bought it is a young, engaged woman who is about my age and, oddly enough, that makes me happy to know that that house will become a home and another place of firsts for someone else.

So, I write you this morning after 12 hours of driving yesterday to my sister’s house in Virginia.  We are heading out this morning with our two moving vans, two cars, grandparents, our friend, David (who is driving one of our moving trucks for us because he is an angel), Big Molly, and Bean Man.  What a cast of characters we are.  I’m driving my car with Bean, my Mom, and Molly – who gets car sick.  Chris is driving with my houseplants.  Which is probably okay because my Mom and I are talking enough for two car-loads of people.

We are arriving in Orlando today probably around 7:00 tonight.  The first thing I’m gonna do is squeeze the poop right out of Lucy Goosey!  I can’t wait to see her!  And then we’ll probably set up sleeping bags and Bean’s pack ‘n play in the living room of our new house and camp out for the night.  Tomorrow we’ll be unpacking the trucks.  I know we have internet access at the house, so I’ll blog as soon as I can tomorrow.  Hopefully with pictures!

Until then, thank you all so much for your support, kind words, and prayers.  Moving is such a stressful time, but I’m already feeling the relief knowing we are just about there.

Now, if I can just remember where I packed up Bean Man, we should be good to go…


  • Nate's Mom

    It’s very appropriate that your “You might also like…” widget showed the “Recalculating” entry, about Chris’s love affair/breakup with the GPS system. It makes me laugh to think of Chris alone in a car with plants. Lots and lots of plants. Hah! Safe travels and thanks for the update along the way! 🙂

  • Jordan

    How fun- you have to have that attitude when moving otherwise it totally sucks. Can’t wait to see pictures.

    We’re moving from GA to MD in a few months, so I guess only half the distance of your big move, but I’m not looking forward to it none the less.

  • Dayla

    Katie, I truly can “hear” the excitement in your typed words! Best of Luck on this New Adventure! I know you guys are thrilled to be closer to family.

  • Jes Cady

    I’m so happy for you guys. You are giving me hope that one day I too will be able to move from New England back to my home state to be closer to my family. Have a safe trip.

  • Dana

    I am so glad that the process is going well. All of your imaginary friends are thinking about you! Thanks for the update! Can’t wait to hear more of your adventures!

  • Layne

    Ok, I have been following you guys forever and I haven’t posted but I must say (without sounding too terribly stalker-ish) how excited I am that you guys are moving to MY town!! Oh you didn’t know? Yep, I own Orlando. 🙂

    My husband and I live in Winter Park, close-ish to the UCF area (Chris’ alma mater, if I remember correctly). We are also a young married couple, we bought our first house about a year ago and no kids yet but trying for our first right now! (TMI? Sorry.)

    No one who blogs seems to live in Florida so I’m super excited to read about your adventures in my very own city! Good luck and if you ever have any questions about Orlando (that your friends and family down there can’t easily answer? riight?) don’t hesitate to ask!


  • Rachel

    wow, good for you guys for moving right in the middle of a monsoon! 🙂 the merritt was crazy on Saturday afternoon, and Sunday made me just as nervous! did the yard appear unscathed as you were leaving?

  • Jennifer

    Glad to hear you are alive and well. I actually forgot that you guys were moving this weekend in addition to all the bacherlorette fun. Best of luck for the second half of the drive.

  • lauren

    praying for safe travels for your caravan!!! …i am traveling some this afternoon and if i pass 2 moving vans and cars with luggage, plants, and mollys head hanging out i will be sure to wave!!

  • Tracey!

    Ah the open road, the last big move We did was from Pensacola, FL all the way to Seattle, WA… and we had just gotten married. 48 HOURS earlier, Looking back it is definitely interesting to see how the dynamics of our honeymoon stage changed drastically… haha, Noowwww I can laugh.

  • Beth

    Take if from someone who just moved across the country with a baby, two dogs and cat- you are doing great! Have all the fun you can because looking back at this experience will be one of the best memories you have! Good luck with getting settled, can’t wait to hear about all the chaos!

  • Nikki

    Can’t wait to hear all about your weekend/moving adventures. I went through a little bit of a withdrawal this weekend when there wasn’t too many updates! I can’t decide if that shows how sad I am, or if your blog is just that good…

  • Sandy

    Good luck with the drive! You are coming in at the best possible weather this week in Orlando. Sunny and low 70’s! Perfect moving in weather.

  • Holly

    Safe driving. How wonderful that you have so many to help you with the move. How is Bean doing with the car? Can’t wait to see you in your new state!

  • Heidi

    Yay! Glad to hear moving is going well. It’s good to know your old house is in good hands. That would be the hardest part for me if we ever move out of our first house! Can’t wait to see pictures 🙂

  • Brina

    My husband and I recently moved to Orlando as well. Welcome! Hope your drive today went well and good luck unpacking. Can’t wait to hear more! 🙂

  • Jaclyn

    This all sounds so exciting! I loved living in Orlando the 7 months I interned in Disney World, and it must be great to be moving closer to family. I branched out on my out to California about a year ago, but it would be SO nice to live near my crazy parents and sister sometime in the future. Travel safely and have fun 🙂

  • Kate

    So happy to hear everything is going well! I thought moving from our apartment to our first house (approximately a mile away) was crazy difficult. You are proving to me that I am just a wuss.

  • Katie

    I’m glad things went smoothly, and I hope The Bean didn’t give you too much trouble on the road! By the way, I have a surprise for you on my blog. =)

  • Christina

    Reading this made me think of when we moved for the second time…we left Florida and went to New Jersey (that’s kind of funny, isn’t it? Pretty much the opposite of what you’re doing. Since then we’ve gone on to Kentucky and then Texas). My mom and I were driving together, and Mike (my husband) and my dad were together. We had CB radios and had fun talking back and forth. At one point Mike asked us a question and we answered with a yes, but our yeses were back to back. He was quiet for a minute and then he said,”That was really funny. It sounded like it was in stereo…you guys said,’Yep…yep.'”
    Seriously…that sounds so stupid typed out and I’m laughing that I even shared the story, but at the time it was freakin’ hilarious and my mom and I almost wet our pants we were laughing so hard at his impersonation of us. I think that’s what was so funny. Like when people quote movies.
    I am so sorry for such a dumb and nonsensical comment, but now that I’ve taken the time to type it out I’m hitting submit. 🙂 Glad you are doing well, and I hope that when you got your hands on Lucy you were outside!

  • Mrs. Noel

    My husband and I are moving in 2 months after I graduate from college. The insanity that came about from moving to our first place will be nothing compared to the next move we make. Lots more driving, lots more stuff. Glad to know you made it through. It gives me a dash of hope! 🙂

  • Adrienne

    Congrats – I’m happy to see you all made it (and that you got to see Lucy too!) Have fun unpacking – such a fresh start!

  • Dawn

    Eight years, one week and two days ago, I departed Connecticut (where I had lived the first 25 years of my life) and relocated to Florida. It was approximately three and a half weeks from making the decision to move until I unpacked the first box in my new home. In a state that I hadn’t set so much as a toe in, until the day I arrived to live here. I hope you love it as much as I have. I love to go back to New England to visit, but Florida is most definitely my home now. =)

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