Bean,  Conversations with Bean and Gracie,  Parenting

The Best Time for a Chat

Bean, I’d like to talk to you for a minute about your attitude this week.  Is this a good time for you?


Okay, good.  Bean, your Dad and I are becoming very frustrated with your attitude lately.  This whole screaming as if you were dying just because you want a Cheerio instead of a Puff has got to stop.  Not only does it scared the dogs and hurt my ears, it makes your Daddy want to give you to Goodwill.  And you don’t want to be donated to Goodwill, do you?


No, I didn’t think so.  And I also want to talk about meal times.  I know you know how to eat correctly, Bean.  I’ve seen you eat like a big boy for months now.  So, this whole thing where you wave your hands around and throw food and drag avocados through your hair and let food fall out of your mouth is unacceptable in this house, young man.  We eat quietly and politely and we are considerate of others eating around us.  Do you understand?


Good.  I’m glad we agree on that.  Now, Bean, I know that we are going through a lot of changes right now.  We’re in a new house in a new city.  I know that you probably miss your daycare teachers, Miss Sylvia and Miss Carrie.  And I know your bedroom looks different and your toys are in the wrong places.  But, sweetie, Daddy and I are right here with you in this new place.  And we’re learning about our new home, too.  So when you get scared and upset and start to feel out of sorts, you can always come talk to us.  We’re good listeners.  And we also give good hugs, too.  That’s what family is for, Beanie.  We celebrate with each other during happy times and we stand beside each other during hard times.  So, from now on, lets try to be open and honest with each other when we’re feeling upset, instead of slamming ourselves against the hardwood floors and kicking like mules. Okay, Bean Bean?


Okay, good.  I’m really glad we talked.



    • Katie

      Yep. He’s slept like that since he was born. Used to scare me to death. I’d go uncover his face when he was sleeping only to find he’d covered it right back up.

  • Sarah H.

    Aww. I love it! Great talk you had there. Hang in there Katie, maybe he justs need to readjust? Kinda makes you aware of how intune he was with things in CT? Honestly, I have no idea and no experience on this topic. So Bean, this is from Sarah…time to take a chil pill and give those lungs a break!

  • Julia

    Ooooh Katie, you should try really talking to him about those things. Just a real conversation. You’d be surprised how much it might help the both of you.

    And then? Get ol’ Beaner on a schedule. Stat. The kid needs structure. I’ve been reading your story since before you had Bean a day after my birthday. Whitney had Levi ON my birthday. I’m just saying – he’s had a pretty regular routine for the majority of his life.

    I know it isn’t fun for you, because it isn’t this mama’s favorite. But I’m always amazed when baby girl is acting bratty and then I realize I’ve fallen off the routine she’s used to. We get back on and she can control herself. She knows what to expect.

    You friggin’ rock lady, keep up the beautiful baby business and get to work on makin’ us a little girl to read about! PLEASE!

  • Christina

    He can’t talk back, at any rate!
    Eliana has been screaming, also (she’s actually two, though) and I try to get her to calm down before we carry on (I try not to give her what she wants when she’s hollering like that)…and then when we are talking about it (I tell her all the time,”You can tell me what you are trying to say…you know how to talk.”) I’ll ask her,”Did you need to fuss?” and she’ll giggle and say,”Nooo!” Sigh.
    I also like it when you are not working outside of your home! 🙂

  • Holly at Perrydise

    I agree with the schedule. Same time naps every day.. it makes your day harder because you have to plan around them… but it will make your life so much better because he will be well rested and the crankiness will stop. Right now we are having a nap at 9:30am and another at 2pm.. try different things out until you find what works best for Bean. 🙂

  • Heather in ND

    I liked getting a bunch of posts as well! 🙂

    P.S. I love, love the pictures of Bean at the park… they make me smile!! I’m ready for that warm weather to come!!!!

  • Rachel

    I have said this before, but I absolutely LOVE your blog. I love how you keep it real and funny. Keep up the good work!

  • deepa

    I completely agree with Holly – naps and schedules are so key. I never thought I would be one of these people who says “sorry, can’t make it – he needs to nap”, but it is what it is. When he misses that afternoon nap, the entire afternoon/evening is just torture. Every fiber in my being wants me to bring him to the bed weekend mornings for a catnap at 6:30, but I know that a few hours of intense playtime from 6-9 will mean a 2 hour morning nap at 9:15, which is a welcome break in the day.

    Hang in there – you are doing great!

  • Amy H.

    Oh Katie, this brings back such memories for me! My son will be 15 in May, but when he was Bean’s age, he would ONLY nap in his dang swing. In fact, some nights, we could only get him to fall asleep in the swing, then have to transfer him to the crib. Our nickname for him was The Boog (yes, as in booger), so we referred to moving him from swing to bed as “The Boogie Transfer.” I wish I had a snazzy solution for you, but we just waited him out and eventually he got too big for the swing, and the problem solved itself. I love reading about the Bean…he’s SO much like my Boog. Now that he is a head taller than me and has hair under his arms, the nostalgia I get from your blog is lovely!

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