Parenting,  Playing

10 Monfs Old and Already in Need of a Toof Fairy

This weekend while we were living it up Eagle Scout style with my family, Bean had a little…mishap.  He was hanging out in the Man Cave at my aunt and uncle’s house, just hanging with the guys, watching a little March Madness.  This particular Man Cave was a lot nicer than Chris’ Man Cave in Connecticut and it came equipped with its own beautiful bar.

Chris was standing at the bar and Bean was walking while holding on to the footrail at the bottom of the bar.

And as Bean was cruising, his little hand slipped and he fell face first into the metal railing.  I heard him fall from across the room and immediately I knew it was bad because he started crying like I’d never heard before.  But I knew it was a painful cry.  He just couldn’t catch his little breathe.

Not knowing how bad it was yet, Chris and I calmed him down a little bit with a cube of cheese – his new favorite treat – before giving him the once over.  There was no blood anywhere, but his lip was really red.  When I lifted up his top lip, there was his front big tooth.

Only half of it was missing.

I almost started crying myself.  His beautiful little bitty teeth that he had worked so hard to grow.  His beautiful little smile.  Oh, how my heart broke.

But he actually seemed fine for the rest of the afternoon and he even chomped later that day on a carrot.

Just as a precaution, we called a pediatric dentist first thing Monday morning, and they told us to watch for the tooth to turn gray, which would indicate that the tooth had died as a result of the trauma.  They also told us to watch for any kind of bump to appear on the gums – something that might look like a pimple – which would mean that the gum had developed an abscess and would need to be treated.  Other than that, if he was eating, drinking, and sleeping good (and he is) then he was good to go.

All things considered, it could have been a lot worse.  I was really afraid he had broken a bone in his face or had bit through his lip.  But, he bounced back quickly and so did I.

This afternoon, Chris and I tried to take pictures of the tooth for you guys.  It was pretty funny.  Bean was laughing and the minute we’d try to open his lip, he’d clamp his mouth shut.  Apparently, his teeth are camera shy.

I think it makes him look hardcore.  Like, all the kids on the playground will whisper behind his back.

Did you see that Bean kid?

Yeah, I heard he busted his tooth on his bike because he rides WITHOUT TRAINING WHEELS.”

No, man, I heard he busted his tooth while street fighting with a THREE YEAR OLD.  And you should have seen the three year old by the time Bean was through with him…”

I told Bean not to worry.  We’d get a gold cap for it and he’d be back to his normal self in no time.  He seemed to think a gold cap was the right thing to do.


  • Liss

    Poor Bean! I must be really overly emotional, because I started to get a lump in my throat when I read your description of his fall. 🙁 No one wants babies to hurt.

    Good to see he bounced back, though. He’s still 100% adorable, even with 50% tooth. 😀

  • D. Sarah H.

    Infrequent commenter (because I don’t have a blog of my own to refer you to) delurking for a quick note. I was so sorry to hear that Bean’s beautiful smile had changed in dramatic fashion. But it is wonderful to hear that he bounced back so quickly and you have the cutest pictures to prove it! Now he’s just going to have a unique smile until his adult teeth grow in. 🙂

    On a side, when I was a toddler living in Germany with my parents I got tangled up in something and went bouncing down a flight of stairs. Ouch! I knocked out my top front two baby teeth. My “eye teeth”* on either side of my missing top two front teeth had to be capped, in silver. So, in all of my elementary school pics through about 2nd or 3rd grade I have a big smile, no top front teeth and these small silver capped teeth. I had a funny looking smile and a few kids picked on me, but in the end I turned out just fine, mostly because my mom showered me with love and affection. And now I have some funny school pics to share with my maybe-one-day-in-the-future kids. 🙂

    So hopefully you’re not fretting too much over his smile, because I am sure he’ll be fine and soon you won’t even notice it because he’ll be busy climbing your bookshelves and you’ll be busy redirecting his attention to safer fun activities. 🙂

    *not sure what the correct term is for those teeth on either side of your top front teeth, but that’s what my dentist called them.

  • Magimom

    I have to agree with Liss… it broke my heart to read your description of his fall! It reminded me of my son at 2 (20 years ago now!) falling FLAT on his face and putting both front teeth nearly all the way through his lip… the cry is one that if you’ve ever heard it you will never, ever forget it! Glad to know that Bean is on the mend and will be the talk of the playground! Although with the gold tooth, you’re going to be beating the girls off with a stick!

  • Jordan

    aww, that’s so sad about his tooth. He’ll have a funny smile for several years, but I guess we can be glad that baby teeth eventually fall out? Thinking of breaking one of my teeth makes me cringe. That must hurt SO BAD!

  • Sheila

    the trauma was worse on you than it was for him!!

    my daughter was jumping on the bed when she was 2 and fell and hit her teeth on the headboard and knocked the two front ones backward, and had them pulled. horrible trauma. but she’s doing fine and after an adjustment to her eating, she’s her old self. with some extra personality. except no jumping on the bed!

    you all seem to have recovered! and it’ll be a great story to tell to his future girlfriends 🙂

  • Kelly H.

    Awww… poor Bean.

    My son, Nick, lost his tooth while visiting Toronto. First morning of our visit he goes head first into a granite table. Bye bye tooth. Kids are so resilient, though.

  • Dana

    Bless all of your hearts!
    I know that cry, the one where they can’t breathe. Breaks my heart every time. . .

    He does look pretty tough and manly, though. But I think the Bean would be cute no matter what!

  • Marlene

    Poor Bean! My youngest (MY Katie) broke off her very first tooth! She only had it a few days when she went face first out of the camper! Took her to the dentist who xrayed her mouth. He said her permanent tooth was damaged too from the fall! So when she got that one, we got to cap it – twice! First didn’t hold, for whatever reason! He just filed down the babytooth so it wasn’t sharp on the edge rather than cap it.
    She’s 25 and still has the last cap they put on it!
    So enjoy has funny little face! He’ll be fine!

  • Laura

    I know how you are feeling! My little boy was about the same age as Bean when he fell off Grandma’s bed and chipped a hunk of his front tooth off on their hardwood floor! Grandma felt terrible since I had left him there for the weekend, but dentist told me the same thing he told you. over a year later now and he still has the funny chipped tooth, but is just as spunky as ever! He’ll have a killer smile when he gets his adult teeth! 🙂

  • Liss

    I just had to come back here and say that not one hour after I wrote my first comment, my seven month old took a dive off our bed and bruised his forehead after I turned my back for a second. It’s no chipped tooth, but we both cried (me more than him), and now I know first hand how gut wrenching it is to hear that cry from your own baby. What a well-timed, if unfortunate, coincidence.

  • Ella

    Oh poor Beanie 🙁 that would have really hurt! Glad he is ok albeit a broken tooth. What did the toof fairy bring him?

  • Miss M!

    AH! Poor kiddo, but I think I feel worse for you guys than him. Kids roll with the punches but I can only imagine how traumatic it had to be for his parents. I know it would be traumatic for me!

    (Loving that you’re calling it a toof. Bean could totally rock the cap, or he could roll with the chip a la Brad Pitt in Fight Club.)

  • Lisa

    Poor little guy, broke my heart to hear he got hurt, but he’s a little trooper and seems like he bounced back pretty well. Totally hardcore look to him now…maybe you should start spiking his hair!

  • Mindee@ourfrontdoor

    I’m so glad nothing required stitches or x-rays. I’m also glad you found a pediatric dentist – they rock. If I had had one as a kid I might not break out in a rash at the thought of a teeth cleaning now.

    My niece broke off her front tooth a couple of weeks ago. You can’t even see the repair. Maybe when Bean’s finish growing in they can fix up his killer smile.

  • Tressa

    You need a bumper sticker that says “my baby can beat up your baby” LOL He looks tough now. REALLY cute….and tough!

    I’m glad to hear you ALL are doing better now!

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