Baby Products,  Bean,  Parenting

The Continuously Growing Bean

I don’t know about other babies, but with Bean it feels like he goes through weeks where he doesn’t grow or change at all and then all of a sudden he wakes up one morning and he’s doubled in size and is now taking SAT prep exams in his crib.  The other morning this happened and I ran to get my camera because I just KNEW he looked older than when I put him down the night before.

When this happens, I suddenly feel like I am unprepared.  Like, he now has all these different needs and I’m not prepared to provide those to him.  I mean, I don’t really remember my multiplication tables past 10 and LOOK AT HIM!  He’s basically needing trigonometry tutors now!

In these instances, I try to focus on the things I CAN do to help him as he grows.  And I definitely can get him some new clothes in bigger sizes.  And he needed them badly.  For so long he sort of plateaued in his growth and so he was still wearing nine month clothes and even some six month jumpers that still fit him.  But when he suddenly goes through growth spurts, he practically needs a whole new wardrobe.

Lucky for Bean, his Mom and Nana are professional shoppers.  So, this past weekend, we hit the Carter’s outlet and got Beanie some new duds.

First, he was in desperate need of pajamas.  All the ones he had were footie jammies and he was suddenly too long for them, so they pulled at this neck when he wore them.  It was definitely time to upgrade Bean to big boy jammies and aren’t these perfect?  If they’d had them in Chris’ size, I would have gotten him a set, too.  And (after a few cocktails) he totally would have worn them.

Carter’s also had these sets of PJ’s that had a top with PJ pants and shorts.  I love the dino pants with this set!

Bean also needed some new romper play clothes and Carter’s had t-shirts and shorts on sale for $5, so we stocked up.  And look how big the clothes are!!  Well, relatively speaking.  They look enormous compared to his old clothes and I was sure that he would have to grow into them.  But when we got home and I tried them on him, everything fit perfectly!  What happened to my little bean?

I also got him a few one-piece rompers.  These are my favorite thing to pack in a diaper bag.  Instead of packing a change of clothes, I can just throw one romper in there and if I need to change his clothes, it is much faster when we’re out somewhere.  They are just easy in general.  And they had these rompers on sale for $5, too.

And while we were there, we got him his birthday outfits.  I found him the cutest little safari outfit to wear when we go to Disney’s Animal Kingdom.  There are hippos and elephants and safari animals on the shorts and a matching little shirt.  And the best part is that the shorts are really bathing suit trunks, so if he wants to play in the water at the park to cool down, he should dry pretty quickly.

And Nana found him a safari hat to wear to keep the sun out of his face at the park…

I also got him a little birthday shirt to wear on his actual birthday when we have our little family party.  I can’t explain why, but I have been excited about buying this shirt since I was pregnant.  I remember walking around Carter’s with newborn onesies in my hand and I’d come across the little stand holding the first birthday clothes and I’d get all excited.  It was just a happy reminder to me that I wasn’t just going to have him as a baby, but that I’d get to keep him!  I know that’s so weird, but it was just one of those things that I have been waiting for as a mom.  Strange, huh?

I can’t believe how fast Bean is growing these days.  Overnight he just takes off and before I know it I’m having to buy him new clothes so he has something to wear!  But it is so exciting, too, because as his little body gets bigger, so does his mind.  He is doing so much more these days as he grows.  He has started babbling and chatting again after about a month of being pretty quiet.  And he’s doing just like I thought he was.  He must have just been soaking it all in for that month because now he seems to be so much better at speaking.  He can say a few more words now, most recently it was “Granddad,” which sounds like, “GggggggDad.”  So adorable!  And he is learning Lucy and Molly’s names, too.  Every now and then I think he says, “dog,” when he points to one of them, so we’re also teaching him, “What does a doggy say?  Woof Woof!”  He thinks its hysterical and after I do about 2,000 times, he’ll sit there for a minute and then go, “Woof.”

You can just see him soaking up what is around him.  He points to things all the time and when you tell him what it is, he’ll try to mimic the sounds you make.  Its a pretty fun game for all of us.  But his favorite game right now is Patty Cake.  He’ll clap him hands until you start saying the rhyme and he’s starting to “roll ’em up” and “throw it in the pan!”  It makes all of us laugh and Bean thinks he’s pretty stinkin’ smart.

I agree.

Growth spurts are strange, weird, incredible things.  You literally watch your baby grow up right in front of your eyes.  It is amazing and makes me so excited for the things that are about to come for Bean.  And I can’t help but think that if we’re having this much fun right now, what will next month bring us?


  • Megan (Best of Fates)

    Pants with dinos? Safari shorts that are also bathing suits? The under construction T-shirt? The monkey one piece?

    It’s going to be awkward, but I’m going to start taking fashion advice from Bean.

    Because he’s clearly rockin’ it.

  • Caitlin

    Oh my goodness, he looks so grown up! I have been waiting since I was pregnant to buy one of those birthday shirts too! I’m thrilled the time has finally come (Bink is one day younger than Bean). Apparently, I have to make a trip to the Carter’s Outlet, those outfits are awesome!

  • deepa

    the timing of the post couldn’t be more perfect. i came home from being away for three days and was like – rohan looks so DIFFERENT. his face changed in those three days. he is also crawling for real now! (no more commando crawling!) AND he has been standing up in the crib on his own. i actually watched him pull himself up for the first time this morning.

    i went online and bought a lot of the same pieces you did (rohan has been wearing 1 year for a while now bc he is just so tall, but all we had was winter clothes, so he needed some light, summer stuff). of course, the minute i get them, boston temps drop and he is back in those heavy sweats!

    the bean looks like a 2-year-old! seriously!

  • Holly at Perrydise

    I love all the clothes!!! I think my favorites are his safari outfit and the green and white striped romper with the monkey. Oh yes, and the rocket pjs. I love Carters! He is so cute. I feel like my little one has grown up in the past week. It’s so crazy that they are starting to almost seem like toddlers!!

  • Gina B.

    My daughter is just about Beans age and I’m right there with you. She was still fitting in her six month onesies and pants one day and the next they were pulling at her neck and looking like high waters! It’s just been in the last week, too. Suddenly, the clothes she wore last week aren’t fitting and I’m staring at her wondering when she grew.

  • kirsten

    The next month will bring more and more changes and then before you know it he’ll be getting ready to turn 7 and then you’ll work yourself up because you only have 11 more years with him an you know that most of those years he’ll probably loathe you because you’ll be uncool and then you can’t stop crying because your baby doesn’t need you anymore! Oh wait, that’s me. Enjoy him! And Carter’s has such adorable clothes!

  • Amber

    I know what you mean about actually getting to keep the baby! You get to play with other babies but someone always comes and takes it away. Now I’m expecting my own and I get to keep it! I get to take it home! Crazy!

  • Kathie

    Beaner has changed since you last took pictures of him!! He looks more like you in these pics, whereas before, he still had that baby-baby look in him. Aww… makes me sad!
    And the blond hair?!! Gatta love that Florida sun!

    PS – Love me some Carter’s!

  • Tiffany

    Hey Katie, thanks for letting your readers share in all the fun stages of Bean’s development. I’ve only been reading your blog since November, but I feel like I know him almost as well as the kiddos I babysit! He’s such a handsome little dude, too. =) You’re doing a great job and I totally love the new clothes! The only downside is that you’re making me want someone adorable to dress up too and I not even engaged yet! Oops. Keep sharing pics; I’ll live vicariously!

  • Nate's Mom

    OMG – he does look like he’s grown! The whole thing is unbelievable. Nate’s mouth landscape went from one tooth to five in a week’s time. Huge difference. And I’m pretty sure that Nate’s ready to play basketball. Give that Bean a squeeze for us. Nate wishes he could come over and play trucks.

  • Heather in NY

    Doesn’t Carters have the best clothes? I used to love those rompers for my baby. He’s two now, so I’m pretty sure he’s too big for them now. I’ve only been reading your blog for a few months, and even I am amazed at how much he has grown and changed in that time. Enjoy it, and him. I can’t wait to see pics from his Animal Kingdom birthday party!

  • Stephie

    Super cute! I love the 4th of July one and the Monkey Rompers. Can’t wait to see pics of him in his safari hat. I don’t have babies yet…key word there, yet!…But for me its the Halloween costumes that I just want to go ahead and buy. Just in case.

  • Sarah

    I absolutely LOVE the monkey stuff at Carters! I can’t wait to have kids to dress them in all the adorable choices…well, and the “having kids” part about having kids is going to be cool too…

    Bean man is so cute!

  • Amy

    Your little boy is ridiculously cute. I love seeing pictures of him. He reminds me a bit of my son, who turns 15 on Saturday. Time flies!

  • Courtney

    Cute clothes. Don’t you just love outlet shopping? I love the safari outfit. Adorable. Bean is getting to be a big boy and more handsome than ever.

  • Sara Rickman

    Carters has the cutest clothes ever! 90% of all the clothes I have bought for both of my kids have been carter’s. I’ll be so sad when they are too big to shop for them there anymore!

  • Christina C.

    These photos could not be more adorable! BTW in my Child Development classes I learned that babies (on average) know about 50 words before they start talking. Amazing!

  • Christina

    He is just so cute…and he does look different. The teeth, his hair, even his cheeks look a bit changed. He looks so happy! It is awesome to see you enjoying him so much…fun to look on. 🙂

  • tan@tan/green

    Every Monday I talk with our daycare provider about what changed over the weekend for our 10 month old – somehow there is always something. It is amazing how fast physical and developmental changes happen. Most days I am just fascinated and enchanted; some days I am anxious for the next phase and some days I want it all to slow down! Love the crib pics – Bean is so animated!

  • Ella

    Bean is going to look so cute in that hat! I wish we could buy carters here in Australia – the clothes look so cute. I received a 3 piece pj set (carters) for my son when he was born from friend in the USA. I couldnt wait until he could fit into them – they are a size 3 so i had to wait a while! They are the cutest pjs – red and white stripes with blue shorts – the top has a glow in the dark rocket ship – adorable!

  • Karen Lisa

    He’s so adorable! I love the blast off PJ’s for Zachary – need to find those as we are also obsessed with anything space related. We have the same dino PJ’s! And I looove the cute hat!

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