Blogging,  Changes,  Marriage Confessions

Time Out

Dear Friends,

There just aren’t enough words to thank you all so very much for your kind comments, emails, Facebook messages, tweets, snail mail, offers of money and printers and computers and DVD players and cameras and all the things in between.  Your outpouring of love, support, and encouragement have made such a dark time much brighter.  It is easy to forgive the bad in the world when there is clearly so much good in it.

Chris, Bean, Big Molly, Lucy, and I are at my parent’s house, filling their clean, quiet home with dirty diapers, bowls of kibble, and lots of noise.  But they don’t seem to mind in the least.  Every need we have had during this ordeal they have met before we even had to ask.  I don’t know what we would do without them.

I haven’t blogged this week because I have been spending some extra time with my family, especially Bean Man.  Though he doesn’t seem to be having any trouble adjusting to all this chaos around him, I can’t help but worry that this time of transition is going to do some deep permanent damage and turn him into a serial killer later in life.  So, to ward that off we are reading lots of books, working lots of puzzles, playing lots of games, singing lots of songs, and watching lots of PBS.  If Sid the Science Kid can’t save you from your serial killer within, who can?

I’m also taking this time to get my own head on straight.  We have lots of things happening right now – all very good things! – and it is a lot for me to take in and adjust to myself.  The break in was just the push we needed to get things moving in our lives and we are in the process of finding a much better house and I am happy to report that I have had TWO job offers this week!  So, I’m taking time to sort through these things and make some decisions for our family.

Next week, I’ll be back with lots of exciting news for you.  But until then, please know that your thoughts and prayers have meant the world to me and we are seeing the effect of them on our lives this week.  Thank you for being kind, generous, loving, empathetic people.  Your warmth has radiated off the computer screen and wrapped its arms around our family.  I will always remember that.

With deepest appreciation,


  • Beth

    You have all been on my mind all week and I am happy to hear that while the past week has been traumatic, you are overcoming it. Still praying for you all of course!

  • Dyanna

    Congrats on the TWO job offers!! That’s amazing…it’s all in the power of prayer!!

    Glad to hear things may be turning around as the result of something so horrible.

  • Valerie

    I’m so glad things are moving forward for you. I read your blog all the time, but I rarely comment. I couldn’t not respond to your break in, though. I experienced my first car break in last week, and reading your blog about your house just clicked. Nobody else quite seemed to grasp the violation I felt when someone invades your space like that. The financial damage I experienced wasn’t as great as yours, and I don’t have a family to worry about, but I’m trying to be as hopeful for the future as you are.
    Just wanted to tell you that you make a difference.

  • Rachel P.

    I finally caught up on my Reader today…so sorry to hear ab the break in…great to know you’re still keeping a positive attitude. It’s so refreshing to hear you’ve got job offers as well. Praying for you, Chris, and the Bean Man.

  • Molly

    Oh my gosh, that’s so great about the job offers. For so long you’ve wanted a job offer and now you have a choice between two? That’s awesome!

    I’m so glad you have family to lean on during these times. What would we do without them, huh?

    I’m excited to hear the news and hope you guys get more settled soon.

  • Sarah

    See, for little Bean Man, this is just an extra vacation at Gramma’s and Grandpa’s!! If he grows up to be a serial killer, it’s soo due to something else 😉

    I’ve been thinking about you all week. I’ve started about 6 different emails to you, but they all sound more like super stalker than blog bestie….so I bailed on them.

    I’ve been writing and thinking a lot about redemptive suffering and vocations…exchanged emails with Megan from Sorta Crunchy about it too. Your experience screams of those things to me.

    To say there’s a silver lining sounds so trite…..but Ben must think he’s in heaven! All those stories. All that mommy time! What a happy little dude!

  • Diana

    I’m happy to hear you are all doing pretty well, all things considered. Family is such a wonderful blessing and I’m sure it makes them feel good that they can help you out in some way.

  • Renee

    Congratulations on the job offers! Can’t wait to hear (read) all about it. And continuing to pray for you and your family as you go through all these changes.

  • Amy

    Praying for you always, Katie. Your courage and willingness to share your life with us is awe-inspiring. May God pour wisdom and love in your family during this time!

  • Nicole

    I am a little late on reading about the break in. I am so sorry to hear about that. We had someone break into our home and it is an awful feeling to know that they were there. Either our little poodle yapping or the alarm (which never notified the police) scared them off and they didn’t stay long or take anything. Your situation is 10 times more difficult and sad than ours, but I am so glad that you were able to get out of there and have other good things going for you now. It is hard to imagine that they were in there for so long doing all that damage without anyone noticing. I often think about the people who do these things and wonder if they feel bad or if they ever think about how their victim feels. Terrible situation, but you have made the best of it.

  • Heather in ND

    Can’t wait to hear more good news! 🙂 I’m so happy you guys seem to be doing okay… and if a break is what you need… then take one! This is YOUR life! 🙂 As always, thanks for sharing it with us!

  • Megan @ Red Dirt and Crazy

    Hot diggity dog!!! Two offers in one week! Pffft…to jerky robbers trying to bring y’all down!

    Just like so many others I’ve had y’all on my mind this week and sending lots of prayers your way! I would do the same thing you are doing…taking a moment to smell the roses with little Bean Man. Enjoy yourself. We’ll all be waiting patiently to hear the awesome news!

    Blessings to you all!

  • Sara

    CONGRATULATIONS on the job offers! That is huge. You have to let us know if one of them was from the bug-in-your-ear interview.
    In all seriousness, I’m sure all of your readers share the sentiment of being glad to know you guys are doing well. I know I have been thinking about you a lot this week!

  • Sarah H.

    Katie! I’m glad to hear from you 🙂 This post really made me cry–I’m so happy for you all! YAY for job offers! YAY for a better house because you’ll have two incomes soon! Did you ever think you’d have to CHOOSE between a job? Love it! Can’t wait to hear all about it!!

  • TMae

    I cannot imagine that there is a serial killer lurking in Bean. He’s too cute. And I suspect that he will come through this with nary a hair out of place.

    Congrats on the job offers, I imagine those were wonderful in the midst of an otherwise sucktastic time. I’m looking forward to hearing the news!

  • Sara M

    like everyone else…YAY on the job offers! Who would have thought you’d get the chance to choose between offers instead of take the first reasonalbe one you were offered. Congrats!

  • Rebekah M.

    news jobs…YAY! so glad that you and the family have been able to find comfort in a new place after your break in. praying for a great new home for you all!!!

  • Christina

    Again, the tears! I hope you have a great break, and that it is just what you need. That you get refreshed and renewed. That you enjoy being with your parents and your little man. And your big man, too. 😉
    Can’t wait to hear about all that is going on. 🙂

  • Jamie

    You could take two months off, and while my life would feel empty without your daily dose of reality, I would still be waiting for you when you came back! This post made me tear up because I’m very happy that you are finding peace and comfort during what could be such a dark time! Here I was worrying that you weren’t writing because you were too sad. Congrats on the job offers and all the good things that are happening! I cant wait to hear all about them!

  • Alaina

    That’s so great that you have blessings coming to you guys at such a stressful time. You all are still in our thoughts and prayers, and I can’t wait to hear about the new changes!

  • Corinn

    Woot Woot about the TWO job offers!!! So happy for you! Prayers answered for sure in that aspect. I can’t wait to read all about your exciting news! Until then, soak up your family… and watch Handy Mandy (we love that show in our house!)

  • Lee Ann

    Katie, I often struggle with letting my Higher Power know what is best (after all, “I” should be in charge of MY life, shouldn’t I??). But today, reading of all the wonderful forward motion and love in your life right now, I cannot help but believe your release of control over these horrid experiences, given to your Higher Power, has brought you to a wonderful place in your life. Thank you for the lesson!

  • Diana Oliver

    Congrats on the job offers! I’m sure that is a huge relief. I hope everything continues to fall into place for the three of you and that there are many blessings along the way. Look forward to catching up when you get back to blogging!

  • Katina

    Have been thinking of you often this week, and am very happy for your new developments. Don’t worry about your Bean Man. He’s on “vacation” right now with grandma and grandpa and the extra tim you’re spending with him is just the right recipe. We’re all pulling for you and your family. Congratulations on your offers! Best of luck and lots of prayers…

  • Jen @ Life with Jen and Ronnie

    Been thinking about you and glad you are well! You have been missed! Last night I tweeted at you “contests on your job offers”. Contests?! What the heck was that supposed to mean. I MEAN’T congrats on your job offers…stupid iphone! The Lord giveth and taketh away. Looks like your entering the giveth part!

  • Ann

    You are amazing, Katie! Your family is indomitable. Glad you’re safe and well cared for at your parents’. Can’t wait to hear your exciting news on various fronts next week.

  • Amy

    TWO job offers! What wonderful news — congratulations :)Enjoy the break and spending extra time with Beanie! I’ll be keeping you & your family in my thoughts & prayers, and looking forward to your return 🙂

  • Jordan

    This post makes me so happy for you! A horrible week can turn into a good one, huh? Yay for the MC family 🙂 (I was going to write ‘Brown family’ but that sounded weird because I usually refer to you as Marriage Confessions, hah)

  • Dianne

    Glad things are starting to look better in your life. Keep smiling and know your blog readers are praying for you and your family;-)

  • Claudia

    Two job offers! How exciting! I can’t wait to hear what you decide. You are a very strong person (haven’t met you in real life but I can tell) and I am sure that you will get thru this rough patch. You and your family continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.

  • Ashley

    After reading your broken post, I really didn’t know what to say to you. I admire you and your family – you have pulled together in the unfortunate time and held each other up and made it to the other side, hand in hand. Congratulations on propelling your lives forward. I am very happy to hear that you have such exciting news to share with us in the coming weeks. My thoughts and paryers will remain with you and your amazing family. can’t wait to hear more =)

  • Nikki

    Congrats on your job offer! I was so upset when I read your previous post. I hate when terrible things happen to wonderful people. I kept checking back to see updates and then felt guilty for expecting you to write so soon. I’m so impressed at how you and your family have overcome these tough times. Best wishes!

  • Jill

    Sometimes bad things happen to good people so that better things can take their place! Prayers & happy thoughts continuing to head your way.

  • Jennifer

    Congrats on the job offers! In the midst of all this sadness I am glad to hear good things are happening as well. You’re still in my morning prayers. Thanks to your post, I’ve started my day thanking for the blessing in my life (family, friends, a roof over my head) in addition to asking for other things. I hope you guys are able to move forward and heal from this experience. Looking forward to hearing from you next week.

  • Tressa

    Keep putting one foot in front of the other. All takes time, keep your chin up!
    Thinking and praying for all of you 🙂

  • Ashley

    I am continuing to pray for you all in this time. So glad that there are positive things going on in your lives right now as well and that you are keeping the faith and staying close to your family! Congrats on the two job offers. Amazing!

  • Heather M

    Good for you all 🙂 Taking time out for your family sounds like a really good plan. Taking time to decide which direction you want to move in both for a new house and a new job also sounds like a great idea too! Enjoy the remaining time you have with your family before the ‘real world’ intrudes again 🙂

  • Emily

    Wow! That’s really good news Katie! I’ve got a big smile on my face 🙂

    Was so sad to hear the news of the break-in but it’s lovely that you’re with your family and looking ahead.

    Sending happy, heart skippy vibes x

  • Laura

    It’s only right that we brighten your day just a wee bit. Your blog brightens my day on a regular basis. 🙂 Keep smiling, Katie!

  • Monica Esquivel

    Congratulations on the job offers! I’m so glad such great things are coming from a not so great situation.

    I guess you could say I’m a new reader, having found your site this week. You’ve done such a great job with your site!

  • courtney

    Yeah! for you. And for the record Bean won’t be a serial killer. He’ll only be an even more easy going, well adjusted little guy because he has parents and grandparents that love him so very much.

  • Katie

    Good luck! I am a long-time lurker but I have never loved this blog more than this week. We are so lucky to hear from you even during your toughest moments!
    Looking forward to hearing the next news from your life 🙂

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