Marriage Confessions,  Pregnancy

Weight For Me

When we went to Sea World last weekend, we went to the penguin viewing area. I love penguins. I love that the lines on their fur (do penguins have fur?) are so neat and clean. They always look well dressed to me. Do you know those people in your life? Those people whose hair is always in place and whose make up is always perfect and who never, ever be caught screaming across the aisle at Target, “BEAN! PUT DOWN THAT HEMORRHOID CREAM RIGHT THIS MINUTE!” They just always seem to have it together?

That’s a penguin to me.

They mate for life. They’re clean. They’re communal. They’re self-sufficient. They’re never in their PJ’s past nine in the morning. They’re just those people.

But on this particular day, the penguins were having a rough time.  It was weigh-in day in the penguin pen and so there was a doctor in there with a big scale and a clipboard and we all watched as she herded the penguins one at a time up onto the scale and took their weight.  Only, the penguins didn’t really understand what they were supposed to be doing.  They all wanted to stand on the scale together.  So, the doctor would have to gently hold the penguin friends back as each was weighed individually.


And as I sat there watching, I thought to myself, “Now THERE’S friendship.” These penguins were so supportive of each other that they would stand on the scale together just so the one guy didn’t have to go through the embarrassment by themselves.

The next day I had a doctor’s appointment and as they weighed me in, the nurse kept having to push the little weight on the scale further down. Like, way further down. Like, I thought that, surely, there must be a penguin standing on the scale with me.

Like, maybe THIS penguin. That fat guy on the right there.


Surely, that big, fat penguin was so supportive that he had climbed up on the scale with me when no one was looking and was standing there beside me in total support, causing the scale to tip unnaturally.

But when I turned around, there was no penguin standing there next to me. It was just me. All me. And I was tipping that scale all on my own.

In the beginning of this pregnancy, I was so sick so often that I lost about 15 pounds. Crazy, huh? Then when I finally stopped getting sick, I completely lost my appetite and so I wasn’t gaining any weight then either. But in the past month, I gained 11 pounds. IN A MONTH! Even the nurse who was weighing me in looked at the scale and said, “Well, let’s try that again. That can’t be right.”

Oh, but it was.

When we confirmed that, yes, I had actually gained 11 pounds all on my own with no help from a fat penguin, all the nurse said was, “Wow,” as I muttered something like, “I had a really good Thanksgiving…”

And then I looked around one more time for my penguin, but he was no where to be found.


  • Alaina

    Aw, I feel for you…they do say you gain more weight in your second pregnancy, and hey, you were eating for two! I, on the other hand don’t have that as an excuse for the fat penguin being on my scale… 🙂

  • Nate's Mom

    Wait now. Let’s clarify your statement up there. You were *not* on the scale alone. You were there with a little penguin. A little girl penguin. And yes, she was clapping her hands for those microwave marshmallow treats that you’ve been making + Thanksgiving dinner and everything else. Keep growing, mama. That penguin needs the food! 🙂

  • Staci

    Aww, no worries! You are looking absolutely beautiful and you’re creating a little miracle so go ahead and have another Thanksgiving, darn it!

    Also, yes, I do know those people. And, yes, they make me feel frumpy and un-penguin-like.

  • Katy

    And you’re making up for lost time! I’ll be needing a penguin, too, as I’ve gained 5 pounds in 2.5 weeks…not looking forward to this month’s visit! I’ll probably be matching you!

  • Jen C

    ahh the joys of pregnancy. I really hadn’t gained much weight at all significantly until my check at 32 weeks when i gained 7 lbs in two weeks. that impressed my doctor. next time, i’m definitely blaming a penguin.

  • meredith

    Omg…I love penguins! This is so cute! Sorry you’re feeling sad, but its true! U do have a cute little penguin on the scale with u, just can’t see her yet. 😀

  • Casper

    I feel for you!! My doctor told me at my first appointment that he only wanted me to gain about 25 pounds total. Well I am 29 weeks and have already gained about 30. I still have about 10 weeks to go so that goal is shot! I was like you though, I was sick for so long and lost weight. Soon as I felt better though the pounds seemed to fly on. Hang in there – it is all for a good cause. Maybe the penguin is an invisible one 🙂

  • Mindee@ourfrontdoor

    I love you Katie. I love that you are not one of “those” people because I am not either. Just so you know: despite throwing up for 4 MONTHS with my last one, I did not lose a single pound and in the last month of that pregnancy, gained 13. Feel better?

  • Kat @ Living Like the Kings

    You are hilarious! Funny story for you – a couple months ago I was at my doc’s apppointment and my door was slightly ajar while I was waiting for someone to come and chat with me after we finished all the fun blood pressure/weight stuff. I was pretty bored. Then I noticed a couple walking into a room next to mine. Their door was ajar too. I witnessed the following:
    Nurse: “Ok. Let’s just take some stats and get your weight.”
    Silence while I am assuming the woman stepped on the scale. Then movement of weight on scale. Some more movement. Some more movement.
    Me giggling.

  • Sarah H.

    First, penguins have feathers.
    Second–I hate that scales have to be used in pregnancy. I have my second visit or “weigh-in” on Wednesday. And I’ve just been so nauseous and the only thing that seems to help is eating. So I’ve been putting food in my mouth constantly. I’m interested to see how this goes
    I liked this post 🙂 I like the idea of little penguins being supportive and waddling around at my OB visit 🙂

  • Patty Ho

    I must never be drinking water again when I read your blog because one minute an entry is cute and I am smiling, next minute the entry becomes hilarious and my computer screen AT WORK is sprayed and I am totally caught on the job reading a non-work-related thing. Thanks for the much needed laugh. That was water weight by the way. Water and baby. That is all.

  • Maggie

    Penguins! I love Penguins. And I’m pretty sure that there’s an invisible one that follows me to the doctor’s office scale as well (and I’m definitely not pregnant). Hate that scale!

  • colleen

    I love love love this post. I think you are starting to feel better. This is a really creative and beautiful way of looking at the world, through the eyes of a comical light hearted strong woman. Welcome. I love keeping up with your family.

  • Regina

    I went up 11 in a month one time, and I remember telling my doctor he needed to get on the stick and have his scale recalibrated, because it was clearly off. To which he replied, “sure, I am sure THAT is the problem”. It was worth a shot.

  • rebekah2322

    the same thing happened to me! during the first 20 weeks, i lost 11 pounds. but, in the last 20 weeks, i gained 30-40 (this is a vague number…because i refused to count it up & become obsessed w/ weight). i just knew that i felt too big & my face was a lot larger than it had ever been!!! my next pregnancy (whenever that may be) i hope to be able to exercise more! “hope” being the operative word. good luck with this pregnancy! regardless of what weight you gain or lose, you will have a happy, healthy baby! *praying for y’all*

  • rebecca

    Good for you!!!!! There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING WRONG with gaining weight when you’re pregnant! Especially not when you have to make up for 4 months of puking your brains out =) And don’t let that nurse act like she’s never seen a pregnant woman gain 11 pounds in 1 month before….I’m sure you didn’t set any record. Anyways…enjoy the fact that you can eat! I couldn’t for 9 months…I would literally get up from the meal and run to the bathroom to puke…every day, for 9 months!

  • Liz

    My sister totally outdid you and gained 13 pounds one month – and she didn’t lose any to begin with… and she lost it all eventually. So not to worry… I’m sure you’re just making up for the weight you lost to begin with – happens all the time :)… You just keep on feeding that little sweet Gracie! There will be time enough for losing it later on… embrace your inner penguin!

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