Marriage Confessions

Reader of the Month: January

It seems only appropriate that to start a new year, we should profile a new Reader of the Month, doesn’t it?  I’m so happy to introduce you all to the first Reader of the Month for 2011, Kat King.

Jon and Kat

Kat has been a long-time reader of my blog and I have come to love reading her comments on my posts. When people comment regularly, I get to know them a little bit just like they get to know me and I love that. But I really got to know more about Kat on Twitter.  And her Twitter comments peaked my interest and had me checking out her blog, Living Like the Kings, on a regular basis.  Like other past Reader of the Months, Kat just seems like my kind of girl.  Like someone I’d want to hang out with.  And when she sent me her answers to my ROTM questions, it just confirmed that we are long-lost friends.  Check out her engagement story – hysterical!

Okay, here we go…

What is your name?

Kat King

Who lives in your house?

Oldest to youngest:

Jon – aka the Hubs; the old man will be 28 in just over a month

Kat – aka me; a very young 27

Travis – aka Bubba; our 5-year old Yorkshire Terrier

Cailey – aka the Gremlin, our 3-year old Schnauzer Pug, or Snug

Addison – aka Peanut, P-nutty, P-nizzle; still in the womb

How long have you been married?

3.5 years

How did your husband propose?

I used to travel quite a bit and on the night in question was coming home from a business trip around midnight.   As usual, Jon and I were on the phone while I was driving home from the airport, chit chatting away.  When I pulled in the driveway, I cheerfully told Jon that I was home and that he should promptly come outside and help me get my luggage.  This was our routine.  Except that night Jon said €œno.€  Actually, he whined that he was already in his PJ’s and didn’t want to get out of bed.  Fuming, I hung up the phone and dragged my heavy bag to the front door.  Once inside, I noticed that the whole place had the lights dimmed, candles displayed around the room, roses on the table, the whole 9 yards.

Now here you’d think a light bulb would go off that my boyfriend of 8 months was going to propose€¦but we were 23 and it had only been 8 months!  So, instead I thought he was being romantic and bolted upstairs.  There I found more cutesy stuff along with a note for me to blind fold myself and proceed to the bedroom.  Now we were talking!  Assuming I was about to get lucky, I stripped down to my birthday suit, put on the blind fold and knocked on the bedroom door.  There I found Jon in a suit, kneeling, with a ring.  He mumbled something about spending our life together while my entire world spun in place and I temporarily went deaf.  I ran and hid in the couch pillows, then finally came to, reached out for the ring, and said €œYes.€  All the while wearing my birthday suit.

What is your favorite part about being married to your husband?

I love always having my partner in crime by my side.  He was my best friend before we started dating and that part of our relationship never changed.  I love growing and navigating through life with him by my side and knowing that there is always someone there to lean on.  It’s also great to have someone else pick up the slack, like taking care of the dishes or cleaning the house when you just don’t have the energy or time to take it on.

What is the hardest part about being married?

I think the hardest part is letting your significant other be themselves.   I like to get things done quickly when they come up while he likes to take the time and think through every little detail.  I need constant action and attention while he enjoys parking his bottom on the couch for hours.  I’m what you would call a €œworrier€ while my husband thinks that everything will just work out.  There are times that it’s hard to remember that he’s there to balance you and your personality so that together you make sound decisions and that those crappy jokes once made you laugh and fall in love with him.  After all, I married him because he is his own person and, although I often forget, I really like that about him.

What do you think is the “key” to your success in marriage?

Honestly, I have no idea.  I think if I had to put my finger on it, it’d be trust and respect.  Trust that your partner has your best intentions in mind when they’re making the decisions they make and respect them for who they are.   Oh, and share the remote.  That’s a very important one in our household.

Did having children change your marriage?  If yes, then how?

We’re actually expecting our first one any day now.   Being pregnant has brought us closer together.  We’re way more tolerant toward one another and there is this shared coy smile when we both think that there’s something growing inside of me that we made.  All by ourselves!

When is your baby due?  And do you know if it’s a girl or boy yet?

Our baby girl is due January 15th.  Which means that I’m ready to pop.

When did you start blogging?

February 2010.  It’s almost my 1 year blog-aversary!

How often do you blog and how do you make time for it?

I try to blog at least 4-5 times a week.  It’s become part of my routine.  Work, cook dinner, eat dinner, plop on the couch and grab the laptop while hubs turns on the TV.  I’m sure everything will change once the baby comes, but I hope I can still make time for what’s become one of my favorite hobbies and, quite frankly, an outlet.

Why do you blog?

I love to write, take pictures, and I’m a technology geek.  I’ve kept a diary or a livejournal (does anyone remember those?) since I was a teenager so I could always go back and reflect on the past.  Once I started blogging I learned that there is a whole community that’s supportive and caring.  Now I can’t imagine what I would do without my blogger friends.

What are your top three favorite blogs (Please don’t include MC)

Pioneer Woman–   I love all the recipes and photography advice.

How Sweet It is – she is hilarious!  And again, the recipes are to die for.

Hyperbole and a half – If you haven’t seen this, you absolutely must.  SO freakin’ funny, I have had to stop reading to catch my breath and make sure I don’t pee my pants.

What’s in your purse right now?

Oh boy.  Can I start by saying that I swear I’ve been meaning to clean it?  I’m just a little behind.

Tissues, some hair clips and a hair tie, a popcorn kernel, a clothes pin, a leaky pen, a Baby Depot coupon, a pocket knife, a target receipt, 2 wallets (a small one I bring places and a bigger one with coupons and receipts), mints, some cough drops, a mirror, eye drops, a Tide pen, matches (I have no idea why), make up, liquid bandage, Big Y coins, change, some loose dog treats, dog poop bags, lip gloss, gum and, of course, my iPhone.

Thanks for playing along and entertaining me with your answers, Kat!

Follow Kat on Twitter:  MrsLLTKings

Check out Kat’s blog:  Living With the Kings


Today I am grateful for Chris’ sister, Annie.


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