Marriage Confessions,  Pregnancy

Packing the Hospital Bag for Mommy

A couple days ago, I posted on Bean’s page about what all I’m packing in Gracie’s hospital bag. I had a ton of requests to do a similar post on what I’m packing for myself, too. So, here we go…



I had a c-section with Bean because he was breech. And huge. And stubborn. Because of that c-section and especially because it’s been less than 2 years since my last c-section, I’ll be having another one with Gracie. Though I would prefer to have had at least one of my babies naturally, my first c-section wasn’t so horrible and so I’m not really worried too much about having another one. The recovery is tricky and can be long, but it really wasn’t as bad as what I had expected. I’m crossing my fingers that this time around is similar. Having a c-section slightly changes what I’m packing, so keep that in mind as we go through this list.

The first most important thing that I’m packing are comfy pajamas. Critical and crucial to the recover process. I was going to bring my maternity yoga pants that I got when I was pregnant with Bean and that I haven’t taken off since then. They have holes in them. They have no elastic. They drag the floor. I love them. But when my mom heard I was packing these, she dragged my bed-resting butt to Target. I’m so glad she did because I found some comfy jammies.



When you’re having a c-section, you really have to be careful about what pants you wear afterwards because of your incision. Most PJ pants hit right where the incision is and so I when I had Bean, I wore a gown instead of pants. But in a gown, I had to be careful how I moved so I didn’t flash anyone. And when you’ve just had major abdominal surgery, the last thing you want to do is worry about how you’re moving. This time around, I looked for pants that sat really low on my waist and that had a drawstring so that I could loosen them as I need. We’ll see how that works out this time.

As concerned as I am about how comfy my pajamas are, my mom is just as concerned with how cold my feet are for some reason. She has insisted with both pregnancies that I wear slippers in the hospital. But I hate slippers. So instead, my mom got me these cute socks with rubber grips on the bottom.



And as if that wasn’t enough, she loaded me up on regular socks, too. My mom has a sock fetish. Can you tell?

But actually, socks are really useful in the hospital. You are in your room a lot and it’s nice to have some socks to kick around in, but you are also out of your room quite a bit, too. You’re walking to the nursery to see your bambino. You’re doctors and nurses want you up and walking as soon as possible. You’re sniffing down vending machines full of Famous Amos cookies. So, throw some socks in your bag.



Another necessity? A bathrobe. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of bathrobes. Like slippers, they just seem to get in the way. But when you’re up and walking around, it’s nice to have an extra layer of clothing on. Plus, it gets a little chilly in hospitals.



When I was in the hospital with Bean, I packed all this reading material. A had a ton of books with me. Turns out, paying attention to books when your brand spankin’ new baby is laying there next to you is impossible. I just sat there and stared at Bean. For hours. And then I’d sniff his head. And then I’d stare a few more hours. Books? What were books? This time around, I’m only bringing two books and those are more just in case I have trouble sleeping. Nurses are always coming in throughout the night and I am a light sleeper, so I’d always wake up and have a hard time getting back to sleep. If that happens, I am bringing my two favorite (and only) parenting books. With Bean, I referred to two books religiously. The first was BabyTalk Magazine’s Guide to the First Year. It covers small trivial things like how to cut your baby’s nails and how to really change a diaper. I’ve been flipping through it lately just to refresh my memory on newborn care, so I’m throwing it into my bag just in case. The other book that Chris and I both loved was The Happiest Baby on the Block. We used this book for the sleeping methods. They worked like a charm on Bean and so we’re going to try them again with Gracie and see what she thinks.



Another thing I’m bringing are travel size toiletries. That way, I don’t have to worry about packing and unpacking them when I’m at the hospital. I’m going to throw them into a Ziplock bag and then when I’ve used them at the hospital and we’re ready to go, I can just chunk the whole bag in the trash and be done. Super easy and worth the $1 a bottle. I’m also bringing lotion because hospitals have really dry air and my skin is dry anyways.



One thing I am definitely bringing is my face stuff. After a c-section, a shower is incredibly painful and tricky to maneuver. With Bean, I was in the hospital for 5 days and only managed to take 1 shower because of the effort and pain. But I still want to feel clean! I’m bringing all my face care stuff (face wash, moisturizer, eye make up remover, and soothing eye gel) so that I can maybe fake myself into thinking I’m clean.



Some people bring their own pillows to the hospital, but I don’t want to have to keep up with anything extra and bulky. And I don’t want my home pillow to get all hospital-y. Instead of bringing the whole pillow, I’m just going to bring my own pillowcase. If fits easily into my bag, it’s not the end of the world if something gross happens to it, and it will be much more comfortable and homey to sleep on something that smells and feels like my own bed.



Other things that we’ll pack when THE TIME comes:

– Snacks and bottled water for me and Chris
– A phone and email list so that Chris can get the word out when Gracie arrives
– Our insurance, medical, and doctor information
– Our camera, video camera, laptop, and chargers for all of that stuff
– Cell phones and chargers
– A pack of diaper wipes (good for feeling fresh in the hospital bed and they’re just so handy!)
– PJ pants and extra clothes, a sheet or blanket, a pillow all for Chris
– A gift to give Bean from Gracie when he meets her for the first time
– A notebook or notepad to keep track of who visits or sends flowers so that I can send thank you notes later

What about you? What did you bring to the hospital that you couldn’t live without?


Today I am grateful for Domino’s Pizza after long days.


  • Lori @ I Can Grow People

    Well, since I went into labor at 35 weeks, I didn’t have anything packed so Aaron and I frantically shoved things into a bag while I was in the midst of contractions. I don’t recommend that and I tell everyone I know who is pregnant to start getting stuff for your bag as soon as you enter the third trimester–because you never know! By the way, I want those Old Navy slippers and I have that robe, but in plum!

  • Abby @ They Lend Me Their Hearts

    Oh man, now I want to go to the hospital and have a baby! I loved being in the hospital with my babies and Spencer had to practically pull me out of that place! I mean, room service, nurses taking care of you,a not having to leave bed, TV, laptop, and brand new baby – what’s not to love about that!

    I had a c-section with my 3rd baby (also breach) and the recovery for mine was no big deal at all… I’ve told my friends that if they ever need one not to worry about it! :o)

  • Cindy In Owensboro, KY

    I honestly don’t remember what I packed in my bag but I think a lot of it was useless. I wore the hospital nursing gowns and I think I wore my own robe but I didn’t venture to far out of my room because after delivery I hurt too bad to walk too far. I didn’t pack anything for my hubby because I felt that he could fend for himself– he used the hospital pillow, blanket, etc the night of delivery and then the other nights he slept at home with my son. I think that magazines would be more useful but I think that I basicly was like you and spent most of my time looking at my baby. What about the outfit that you are going to take Gracie home in?

  • Rebecca

    Something I learned as a camp counselor when I would go on 10 day backpacking trips and taking a shower wasn’t an option. If you get your face, arm pits, and nether regions clean, and change your under garments {I’m being so polite}, you’ll feel like a million dollars. And a little bit of baby powder will take the oil out of your hair if you have oily hair. I don’t, but my sister uses that trick sometimes.

  • Carrie

    Katie, I’m so excited about Gracie! Morgan’s 1/2 birthday is on St Patty’s Day. Two thumbs up on the books you recommended, I took them to the hospital as I was admitted 10 days before I had her. I was confined to my room and had bathroom privileges and that was about it! I did a lot of reading, a lot of internet surfing, and a lot of TV watching. Comfy PJ’s and socks are a must for me. Also I had to bring my own pillows, and my own bath things. If you’re expecting, I would have your bag packed by 36 weeks. I took my bags with me to a doctor’s visit after being on home bed rest for a week because I had a hunch I was going to be admitted (mild pre-eclampsia) Thank goodness I didn’t have to take any meds, and while Morgan was born little, she’s growing and thriving like a weed! I would also add to your list an extension cord for all your chargers and especially if your lap top cord isn’t long 🙂

  • Jenn

    Pants! more pants! always more pants! (I mean both underwear and PJ bottoms/yoga pants). No-one tells you about the bleeding, and that sometimes, no maternity pad will hold it all in….worrying about leakages and the fact I only had one spare pair of bottoms took up a lot of my time!

  • Kate

    That seems like a great packing job Katie. Did your feet swell after your c-section with Bean? I know you were really swollen before he came.
    I ask because I was swollen like a balloon after my c-section with Bridget and couldn’t wear my cute slippers in the hospital. They were just like the ones you have and the little strap wouldn’t fit over my freakishly ginormous feet. Then again, nothing but one really loose pair of flip flops would fit. So, I guess what I’m saying is, bring a really loose pair of flip flops just in case. 🙂

  • melissa

    hmm. when you have a cesarean birth do you still bleed afterwards? i suppose that stuff has to get out someway. hmm. i have never thought about this before. how interesting to be bleeding but not have your vaginal canal feel like it has the strep throat of a thousand men.

  • Dyanna

    I know you don’t want to carry a lot of stuff but Garnier has that new Fresh Start line that doesn’t require water. A friend of mine spent 6 days in the hospital recently and she loved it. She was able to do her hair from the bed and it made her feel so much better.

  • Lindsey

    Hahaha, your pajamas are so cute. I won’t be packing any of those things – I bled through every gown, every sheet, every “everything”. I probably bled on my socks! How’s that for graphic?! And omg, #10’s comment – HYSTERICAL.

  • Jen @ Caved In

    I had these great nursing nightgowns that were long enough to not compromise my modesty and loose enough to not bother my incision. I feel you on the shower. I had to have mike hop in there with me to help. Not fun at all. I loved the happiest baby on the block. His technique helped out so much the first few weeks when Sullivan was freaking out. Almost time! So excited for you guys!

  • Candice

    I’m pretty sure I brought the same robe to the hospital. 🙂 It also helped me feel not naked and stop worrying about what my gown was doing. I had serious bleeding going on so there was NO way I wanted to put on pants b/c I felt so gross. But if there’s a next time, I think I’d be more ready for it and probably more interested in some comfy pants.

    I think your bag is perfectly packed!

  • DeAnna

    The most important thing was my own blanket…those hospital ones are always so thin & I am a person who likes to be warm.

    I forgot to write it in my comment on the whole Breastfeeding post…I know it may sound weird, but something that really helps to ease the girls when your milk does come in after the baby is born, is Cabbage… cabbage absorbs liquid and combined with being cold from the fridge it makes a very soothing combination. I had a good friend tell me to use this after I had to stop breastfeeding my first child. And I used it after I had my 2nd child. It worked great both times, and yes my hubby laughed at me for putting cabbage leaves in my bra both times too.

  • laurenbtrain

    $1 for my husband to raid the vending machines and i totally have the same robe! i found a long t-shirt/pj thing that came to my knees and matched it and thats what i lived in at the ole hospital. i had a normal delivery but am pretty sure i only showered once. i thought i was going to die having to get out of bed and stand on my own for more than a second!! oh and i packed a ton of undies…and then fell so much in love with the hospital mesh ones that half of my stuff stayed in the bag and never saw the light of day. eeeek! cant wait for Gracie to arrive! i am sensing some serious girly pink cuteness about to hit marriage confessions!

  • Jenn

    Chapstick was the one thing I could not do without. My first baby I packed the biggest suitcase we had up to the top with stuff I never used (I thought I’d fit right back into my pre-baby clothes for the way home). The last baby I packed clothes to go home for me and baby and that was it.

  • Nate's Mom @ NateisGreat

    We brought a laptop and lots of movies. That way we could email people and watch more than the limited television channels during those five days. And magazines. And snacks. And I second Jenn’s comment – chapstick!!! So excited for Gracie’s arrival!!! Can we see her coming home outfit???

  • Jocelyne

    I was a very minimalist packer. But music was really important, even just my iPod and headphones let me listen to something cheerful round about day 3. You might also want a really comfy stretchy bra and maybe even some nursing pads for those few days when your milk wants to come in? If I were doing it again *spits to ward this off* I would bring some brainless TV on a USB key, and more underwear than I think I need (I was not a fan of the mesh panties).
    Did you want to make sure you had extra hair elastics? I know that a ponytail was the only way I could stand my hair after a couple of days without a shower, and those things vanish or fall onto the filthy floor.

  • Bec

    OK, I just had my first baby 4 1/2 months ago and I am so jealous that you get to go do this. I loved the whole experience of giving birth, and am itching for another already!
    My son ended up being a NICU baby for seven days, and I couldn’t have used more sweat pants and hoodies for the trips back and forth nursing…but nobody really plans for a NICU stay.
    My necessities: chapstick, laptop, and of course a camera!

  • Megan

    I just started reading your blog, found you through Pioneer Woman!! Quick question: The book you recommend “The Happiest Baby on the Block” – does the author recommend sleeping babies on their stomachs instead of their backs? Another author I have read recommends doing that, and of course against what conventional wisdom says about SIDS and sleeping on their backs. I just can’t help but feel my new mommy instinct telling me to sleep him on his tummy….just wondering if you successfully did this or what you thought?! Really enjoying your blog!

  • Jessica

    Are those socks from Target? Who makes them, they are so cute. In Canada we don`t have Target, although supposedly Target bought out Zellers, so heres hoping!!

  • Donna

    I had my hubby take a sweatshirt to keep warm, and since I ended up with a c-section and then drugs from that made me feel extremely hot he was very happy to have it. (I had the thermostat down to 50, as low as it would go, and I still felt hot in my hospital gown.)

  • Amber

    I definitely was glad to have my robe and slippers, plus comfy pants. The other thing I was glad to have was big, comfy underwear for those giant pads! For the next one I think I will make sure to bring some nursing tank tops and my Boppy.

  • Mandy

    I had the exact same bathrobe when I had my daughter 2 years ago! I normally hate bathrobes, but wanted to bring one to the hospital. This was comfy…I didn’t take it off the whole time I was there!

  • Regina

    I love the comfy jammies idea, I had recieved some from my mother in law the when I had my last child (and 3rd c-section) they are so much better than those yucky hospital gowns!
    the old navy booties are very cute! I am so excited for you guys to meet Gracie!

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