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Easter Recap

Easter ’round these parts is a day of relaxing, enjoying family and friends, and giving thanks that we serve a living God.  And yesterday it was also about a competitive game of croquet in our backyard with our friends and christening our pool for the first time this year.

We were up early to open Easter baskets before church. Which meant Bean got hyped up on jellybeans and then we turned him loose on the nursery staff. That’s just good parenting, right there.





We came home and sat around outside while lunch was prepared. We attempted a family photo since we were all clean and pretty. I’m learning that in family photos, if just one person is crying then it’s a good picture. This one might get a frame.


After pictures, we all changed clothes and played out on the back porch while lunch was being prepared. We dyed Easter eggs and Bean played with his water table. Chris also showed him how to use his new fishing pole and fish that the Easter Bunny brought him.





Our friends, Scott and Sarah, came over to eat and play, too.


After lunch, we had a little Easter egg hunt for Bean. It was the first time he’s been old enough for one and he loved it! He hunted around our backyard for about half an hour and found a ton of eggs!







Once all the eggs had been found, it was time for the big kids to play a rousing game of croquet in the backyard. And by rousing, I mean SCOTT IS A BIG, FAT MEANIE! He chased all of us all over the backyard! Just as one of us would get lined up to hit our ball through one of those little wire hoop thingies, Scott would come along and knock our balls to the other side of the yard!


It caused some frustrations.


And some death threats. Made by his wife.


Bean hung out with us while we played croquet, too. He got his own mallet and everything.


But his favorite thing was crawling under the bushes to dig out balls. He was filthy by the time our game was over. He looked like a little hobo.


After a hot afternoon in the sun, we ended the day by jumping in our pool for the first time this year. It was so much fun! Bean hasn’t been in the pool since last year and I was amazed by how much more fun he was this time! He was excited and fun and loved the whole thing! We had a wonderful afternoon playing with each other and just having a lot of fun! It makes me so excited for swimming lessons later this spring!






It was a wonderful, full day of fun. We didn’t end up coming inside until after 6:00. By that point, Bean’s little eyeballs had glazed over and he was walking around in circles mumbling about “E-ter eggs.”

After we put Bean and Gracie down and all our company had left, Chris and I sat on our couch watching TV and munching on ham and potato salad.

“I had a perfect day,” Chris said to me.

“Me, too,” I said.


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