Baby Products,  Fun Things,  Parenting

Bean’s Birthday Presents

Last week was Bean’s 2nd birthday. We celebrated on the actual day with Chris’s sister, Annie, and pizza on our back porch.


After pizza, we came back inside to have birthday cake. There was no theme at all for this little shindig. There was cake from a box, shark sprinkles, and Toy Story plates and napkins. It was a smorgasbord of Bean’s favorite things. And, of course, there were two tiny candles.






After cake came the real fun. Presents! Early that morning, we’d gone ahead and given Bean his big gift so that he could play with it all day. He got the Little Tykes Home and Garden Playhouse.


Bean loved it! Inside there is a little kitchen area, a phone, and a work bench. Chris and Bean went to work right away with the tool set, hammering nails and trying to unscrew the front gate.



Lucy even helped. Though, I think she was in it for the waffle pieces that were stuck to Bean.


We thought the house would be a perfect something for Bean to play with outside. We’re out in the backyard a lot, so we knew we wanted an outside present. And Bean is all about forts and hiding places right now. Plus, he really likes helping out doing household chores, so a playhouse seemed like a perfect fit for him right now. So far, he has really enjoyed it and I think it was a great gift for his age.

(By the way, the house is set up on our back porch right now, but that was just for Bean’s birthday. It’ll be moved into the back yard soon.)


After his birthday dinner, Bean opened his other two gifts from me and Chris. First up were the Imaginarium Building Blocks.


These are giant cardboard building blocks that I remember from working in the church nursery when I was in high school. These things are great because they are oversized, but still really lightweight. And Bean likes them because he can build things that are so much bigger than his Lego creations.


The only thing about these were that we wrapped the box for Bean to open and we didn’t know that we’d have to put together all 50-something pieces before he could begin playing with them. So, he opened the present and then had to wait for half an hour while Chris and Aunt Annie put them all together for him. If you give these as a gift to an impatient toddler, I’d put them together before you give them so they can start playing right away.


Once they were all put together, though, Bean loved them! So did Chris…


The last gift for Bean was a Tickle Me Elmo. Bean is really into Sesame Street right now and especially into Elmo, so this was a no-brainer gift. And a huge hit!


Bean doesn’t really like it when Elmo shakes, but, luckily, Elmo doesn’t shake a whole lot. I think he shakes every time when he’s in store mode because every time I saw him in the store he was shaking. But now that he’s home and we’ve switched him to home mode, he doesn’t shake hardly at all. Which I guess can be a good thing or a bad thing. It’s a good thing for Bean and he happily totes his buddy around everywhere now!


I can’t really review any of these gifts yet because we haven’t had them long enough to know their pros and cons, but right off the bat, I’d say all of these make great gifts for two-year-olds. Bean’s having a blast with them all!


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