Bean,  Parenting

The Talking Bean

These days, there’s not much Bean’s not saying.  He has such a wide vocabulary and is learning to put all those words together into small, simple sentences.  The result of his budding language is that I have become pretty unproductive these days.  I basically just stand around listening to Bean talk.  He sounds like he’s sucked the helium out of a balloon.  He has such a sweet little voice.  But even better than the sound of his voice are the words he’s saying.


My Favorite Phrases Bean Says These Days:

“Oh my goosen!”  (Oh my goodness)

“Wonnerful!” (Wonderful)

“Makin’ messes!”  (I made a mess)

“PeeeYouuuu!”  (When he’s got a stinky diaper)

“Gaycee, Gaycee, Gaycee…”  (Gracie, Gracie, Gracie…  Which is what Chris and I say when we’re trying to calm Gracie down.  Now, Bean says it whenever she starts to cry.)

“I no see it.”  (When he’s looking for something)

“Go to Target?”  (What he says whenever we get in the car.  Bad mommy.)

“Umm…Not Bean.”  (His answer to any question asking him to do something he doesn’t want to do; he says it like he’s really given it a lot of thought)

“Say please, Mom!” (What he says instead of just saying, “Please.”  I think it’s because we are always saying, “Say please,” to him when he asks for something.)

“No, thankum.”  (No, thank you)

“Look, Gaycee!”  (When he shows Gracie something – which is pretty often)

“Michael’s turn!”  (What Bean says when he wants to do something by himself without help.  We hear this one all the time now!)

“Yeah…(big sigh)…I’m awhite.”  (What he says when he hurts himself and we ask if he’s okay)


My favorite thing Bean is saying lately makes me just about wet my pants every time he says it.  I have no idea where he picked it up or, especially, how he knows how to use it in the correct context.  Whenever I tell him to do something he doesn’t want to do (i.e.  eat his veggies, pick up his toys, etc.), he looks at me, puts his hands on his hips, and cocks his head to the side.  And then he says, “Oh, come on, Mom…”

It cracks me up every single time because he does it with such a straight face and he is, clearly, very irritated with me.  The best (or worst?) thing about it is when he says it when he’s on his way to his time out chair.  I’ll be in the middle of walking him over to his chair, explaining to him why he’s going to have to sit in time out, and when I put him up on his chair, he’ll sight and say, “Oh, come on, Mom!”


I have to leave the room because it makes me laugh so hard.


Another thing I am loving about Bean is that as he is learning to talk more, he is using that skill during his playing, too.  I hear him talking to his stuffed animals and toys all the time.  Today we were driving and he was asking me where one of his toys was.  It was a small Lego person named Jesse, from Toy Story.

“Where Jesse go?” Bean asked me.

“I don’t know, Buddy, did you drop her?” I asked.

“No dwop her,” he said.  And then he held up one of his 10,000 Buzz Lightyear figurines and said, “Where Jesse go, Buzz?”


Oh, that kid.  He’s melting my heart one high pitched word at a time.


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