Fun Things,  Just for Fun,  Marriage Confessions,  Random

Q is for Questionnaire

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(I stole this post idea from my friend Whitney at The Glamorous Life of a Housewife.  Thanks, Whitney!)

Tell me about the shirt you’re wearing?

It is coral, turquoise, and chocolate brown.  It’s flowy and has ruffles on the shoulders.

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What’s currently bothering you?

We are closing on our house on Monday and we’re still getting paperwork and things together for our mortgage.  It isn’t bothering me, really, but it certainly is on my mind.

What do you currently hear?

A TV in the living room and our hard drives humming next to me. 

When was the last time you had your hair cut?

It’s been so long that I don’t even remember.  But seeing my sister’s super cute haircut this weekend has made me think that it might be time to cut off all my hair again.  I do that once a year, then cry because I look terrible with short hair.  It’s a tradition.

When were you last outside?

About an hour ago when I stood in our front yard talking to a neighbor.  Earlier today I was outside calling Lucy because I thought she had gotten out and my neighbor came over to see if I’d found her.  I did.  She was laying under a pile of laundry. 

Are you wearing shorts?

Yep.  Long ones.  Like an old lady.

Does the thought of marriage scare you?

Nope.  But I bet it scares my husband.

What did you do today?

I woke up early and got the kids ready for our first day of Vacation Bible School.  The kids are a little too young for VBS, but they’ll hang out in the church nursery (one of Bean’s favorite places these days) while I volunteer.  I was so excited.  Then I got to church and discovered that VBS starts NEXT week.  But I found a group of women who were helping decorate for it, so I stayed and helped for a few hours.  Then, I took the kids to Target to do some grocery shopping.  Came home, had lunch, put everyone down for naps, blogged, did a load of laundry, everyone woke up from naps, cooked dinner, served dinner, cleaned the kitchen while Chris did Bean’s bath and bedtime, and now I’m blogging again.  Whew!

Look to your left, what is there?

A binder of notes and homework for an online class I’m taking for my teaching certificate, a pile of Bean’s art work from daycare that I’m thinking about doing a project with, and a tablecloth that I’m using to pick paint colors for my new kitchen.

What time did you go to sleep last night?

Around midnight

When is your Birthday?

December 2

The way to win your heart?

Make me laugh (which is not hard to do)

What are you going€‹ to do this weeke€‹nd?

Hopefully run around my big, empty, new house! (Even though we won’t move in until August)

Were you happy when you woke up today?

Yes, but very tired

Have you ever crawled through a window?

Yep.  One time when we were in grad school, Chris and I sat out on our back porch drinking too many beers in the snow and a few hours later we realized we’d locked ourselves out of our house.  Chris tossed me into our living room through the window.  That memory makes me smile.

Would you ever donate blood?

I’d love to, but every time I try, I pass out cold. 

Has anyone ever mistaken you for a family member?

People confuse me and my sister in pictures a lot if we have our hair pulled back.  And me, my sister, and my mom all sound identical on the phone, so that confuses people, too.

Do you have reason to smile right now?

I had a GREAT day with the kids today.  Everyone was in a good mood, we had lots to do, and we had fun!  That makes me smile.  🙂

What do you do when you’re stressed out?

Write or sit and stare or pick fights. 

Would you honestly say you’d risk your life for someone else?

Absolutely.  Wouldn’t you?

Do you open up to people easily?

I open up a lot more about what is going on with my life than how I feel about what’s going on with my life.  It’s a very small difference, but an important one. 

Has anyone upset you in the last week?

Yes.  But it wasn’t their fault.  And I got over it pretty quickly.

What is the last pill you swallowed?

I can’t remember, but I’m sure it was a Tylenol.  That’s just about the only thing I take.

What was the first thing you thought this morning?

Why didn’t Chris wake me up when he got up?  Now I’m going to be late!

Who do you blame for your bad mood today?

I’m not in a bad mood

Where is the person you like right now?

Standing right next to me asking me when Gracie needs to eat again because she’s getting fussy.

What was the first thing you did this morning?

Got dressed before the kids woke up

Do you care of what people think of you?

Sure, but more so just to make me aware of my actions (am I nice?  hurtful?  considerate?).

Who was the last person you took a picture with?

By myself for this post

What are you looking forward to right now?

Being in our new house and starting school again.  I miss teaching.

Do you miss someo€‹ne?

My sister and John Michael

Does your crush like you?

Most days

If you could go back in time and change something would you?

Yep.  I would never have gotten my masters degree.  I don’t use it and my student loans hang over my head every month when we pay bills.  It was a big mistake that I made because of my ego.

Do you hate smokers?

Nope.  Some of our closest friends are smokers.  But I don’t like to be around smoking, especially when my kids are with me.

Ever had a near death experience?

Not that I can remember (and you probably don’t forget those)

Something you do a lot?

I wear my hair in a ponytail every day.

Last person you cried in front of?

I think it was on the phone with my seester.

Have you ever been to a tanning bed?

Yes.  I went a few times in college, but decided it wasn’t worth the risk with my fair skin.

Does anyone hate you for no reason?

I hope not!

Have you ever kissed someone whose name starts with the letter J?

I’ve kissed my Aunt Joan hello and goodbye?  Does that count?

What are you stressed out about?

Buying a house, paying for daycare, what I’m going to wear to my 10 year high school reunion in August…you know, the usual

What was your favourite grade?

Want to know a weird secret?  I can’t remember anything before grad school!  Isn’t that awful?  I remember people, but not events.  I know I had a great time in high school, but I can’t remember hardly any of it. 

When is the next time you’ll see your best friend(s)?

I’ll see Sarah when she comes back from Michigan in August and I don’t know when I’ll see Emily again.  She’s in California and our visits are sometimes years apart.  So sad.

Favourite number?

I don’t think I have one now that I think about it

Ever been in love?


Are you wearing make-up?

Mascara and chapstick

What were you doing at 11:30 last night?

Taking a shower.  I shower at night because it’s easier with the kiddies.

What’s the last thing you said and to who?

“Did you just toot?”  to Gracie who is sitting beside me in her Bumbo seat at the moment

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Do you sleep on your stomach?

Yes, and flat on my back.  And sometimes on my side.  I toss and turn a lot.

What do you hear?

Gracie gurgling and a TV that Chris has turned on in the living room

Are you ticklish?

Yes, but don’t ever tickle me.  You will get hurt.

Last time you saw fireworks, with who & where?

In my back yard, with Chris, on the 4th of July


  • Sarah

    I am so excited for you all and your new house! So exciting 🙂 Ha ha, I had to laugh when I read your response to the last thing you said to someone because the last thing I just said was “did you just poop?” Oh, the glam mommy life 😉

  • Jenn

    My 10 year reunion is this year as well. Just have no idea when and where it’ll be. Also, your birthday is 6 days before mine and Chris’s is 2 days after my husband’s. Weird coincidence 🙂

  • Ann G-B

    I don’t remember much of school either… weird huh? I don’t want to go to my reunion because I am afraid I won’t remember anybody!

  • Andrea

    I went and got my master’s degree even though I didn’t really want it because I felt like I had to. Writing that check every month is the worst and is the reason we don’t have babies yet and that breaks my heart. Told my family who has told me to get a phd to just but out!

  • Whitney

    If you do a project with Bean’s artwork, could you let us see it? I would love to do something with my little guy’s things from preschool other than put it in a box! Thanks!

  • Amber

    Can I just tell you that you look amazing! I am so jealous that you are so tiny after having 2 children. You look like you have never had kids. What is your secret? I am 27 weeks with kiddo number 2 and I really need to lose the weight after this one. You look fab!

  • Jenna

    I love this idea! I want to do one now too 🙂 You always say how you aren’t crafty, but I sure think you are crafty with your blog posts! Also, I’m happy to hear one of your bffs if from MI. We make great friends!

  • Trish

    I am so glad to know someone else feels the same way about their masters degree. I did it for the same reason and have never really used it. I’ve felt guilty about it for 25 We married young..had babies young..I HAD to go to grad school…my parents helped us way too much with finances because that’s what daddies do for their baby girls. Live and learn..I guess.

  • Long Lost BFF Emily

    8 months and counting since my last visit! Need to fix that, stat. I’ve already talked to Bean about camping out in your back yard one night, maybe a couple scawey ghost stories. He said as long as Buzz is invited he’s down. Vegan ‘smores!

  • Rebecca @ The Reluctant Housewife

    I have the exact opposite thing with my hair. Every year I try to grow it out, because I’m sure that THIS TIME I’ll like my hair long. I get to about an inch below my shoulders and then get completely fed up with the process and cut it off to my chin. The truth is, I just really really really love short hair…but I think long hair is sexier

  • Tee

    this is awesome… so stealing it 🙂 Congrats on the new house. It’s always stressful at first, but will be suck a relief in the end. Good luck!!

  • Holli

    I had my 10 year reunion a month ago. Did I go? No! Who schedules something like that 2 weeks before you have it?! I’m only friends with a couple people from high school, so I suppose it doesn’t really matter. I wouldn’t worry about what you’re going to wear. Just have fun! I hope you do a blog entry about it!!

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