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Better Run, Run, Run

I can usually tell how I’m feeling about life in general based on how my running is going. Right now, I can barely get my butt out of bed. I am dragging fo’ sho’. I haven’t skipped a day when I was scheduled to run yet, but I have certainly shortened my distance and slowed my pace.

This morning, Sarah was going to run with me but she texted at 5:15 to say she was taking a rain check. I laid there for a while, dozing in and out of sleeping, contemplating getting up and going anyway. I finally decided I would just go tonight instead, and I rolled back over and fell asleep. But then at 6:00, I woke up because I remembered that I had a school thing today after school and the chances of me working late and then coming home to run were slim to none. So, against my own will, I forced myself up. Even in the bathroom as I pulled on my running shoes (usually a surefire way for me to get pumped to run), I was thinking, “I really don’t want to go run right now.”

I made it out of my house and halfway down my street (which is a LOOOOOONNG street, by the way) and I almost turned around and went back home. My legs were just tired and heavy. But I feel like that a lot in my first mile, actually. It isn’t until my second mile that I actually wake up, and then not usually until my third mile that I start to enjoy myself. So, I pushed myself to finish the first mile. I figured if I didn’t feel better by then, I’d turn around and run home and call it a day with a two mile run.

Y’all. I didn’t even make it one mile.


I turned around before I even made it. I think I actually thought to myself, “To hell with this!” And then turned and WALKED HOME! I walked home, people! I didn’t even TRY to make myself run anymore. The whole way home, I kept thinking, “At that stop sign, I’ll start running again.” And then I’d think, “At that mailbox, I’ll start running again.” Until finally I realized that I wasn’t going to be running anywhere this morning. So, I hoofed it home at a snail’s pace.

Through my shower, I was really irritated with myself. I don’t LOVE running every day. I love it most days, but not every day. But I usually am able to get myself through whatever goal I’ve set for myself that morning. “You’re just being lazy,” I thought to myself. “You didn’t even make it a mile.”

That’s basically how things are going right now. Sort of half assed. Not really committed. Knowing what I need to do and then giving about half the effort. This can only mean one thing…



Summer will officially be knocking on my door tomorrow afternoon at 3:50pm as my last student runs squealing from my room out into the hot sunshine. And I will follow right behind him squealing, too. Probably louder. There’s just something about the last week of school that brings laziness and a general, “I don’t wanna” attitude. I have been irritated in seeing it in my students this week, but I haven’t really faulted them because I know just how they feel.

Tomorrow I’m supposed to run a short stretch – probably 2.5 miles. Not too bad. And I have no idea how that will go. I might wake up and be so excited that school is ending that I skip through the entire run. Or, I might wake up like this morning and simply refuse to get out of bed. It’ll be a toss up. But however I choose to run tomorrow, my goal is to at least FINISH it. Because if I can finish an entire year of educating 125 middle school minds, then I sure as heck can finish a 2.5 mile run.



  • Renee

    Oh, I know the feeling! Our last day is Friday, but I have pretty much checked out. How can I expect my students to be happy and attempt to learning anything when I’m dragging myself along? The last week is always rough and goes by soooooo slooooowly.

  • Alaina

    Some days you just need those days off…that motivation can definitely be a tough thing! I say that every morning when I try to get myself out the door on just 4 hrs of sleep 🙂

  • Jessica

    Beautiful weather and upcoming vacation time can suck the work ethic out of anyone. The only encouraging thing I can say is: Go Katie Go! GO Katie GO! Go Katie Go! GO Katie GO! Go Katie Go! GO Katie GO!

  • Heather@KeepCalmAndLoveOn

    Teaching will definitely wear you out girl, especially at this time of year! Give yourself some time to recooperate and you’ll be back to feeling like yourself and ready to run. We’ve been out for about 10 days and I’m just now starting to feel like a human being again. 😉

  • Jen @ Ginger Guide

    Dude, some days, you just gotta take a break. No judgement here. But oh how I miss summer break! And Christmas break…..and spring break. Basically I miss every day I don’t have to work, which in a hospital isn’t many. Hope you have a great last day of school!

  • Diana

    Unmotivated workout weeks are the worst. It is hard to tell when you need a break or if your head isn’t in the game. Today I showed up to swim practice and though I was going to DIE in the first 10 minutes. Life has been sucking recently and had my husband not carpooled with me, I probably would have gotten out and gone home. I felt horrible for 40 more mins and then the endorphins kicked in and felt great. I even had energy to swim for a few minutes after practice. My opinion is that while you should not push through physical pain, it is super important to stick to training. Not only do you get to pat yourself on the back for finishing what you started, you get happy drugs and mental clarity. And the best part is, you can indulge in that extra latte or cookie. Happy running!

  • laura

    Sending you crazy running vibes. I haven’t exercised much in the last fortnight, need to take a leaf out your book and get back into it.

  • Jacquie

    You are starting your proper summer holidays?! We are in the middle of half term – still got 6 weeks until our holidays start properly 🙁 But hopefully the weather will have cheered up a bit by then – who am I kidding? This is England!

  • Jamie @ The Cheese Stands Alone

    I can totally relate to this. Not only have I need able to motivate mysefl to exercise for the last week, I have also been eating junk food like I may never get to eat it again. I’ve gained two pounds this week so I guess I better get out of this funk!

  • Rika

    Thank you for this. Your honesty about running helps me as I try to run and get in shape and be healthier for my kiddos.

  • Laura @ Unpunctuated Life

    Ugh, I know that feeling all to well. I tried to go for a run with my husband one Saturday and after less than half a mile I just couldn’t keep going. I was so mad at myself. But I feel like as long we’re mostly doing good things for our bodies sometimes we have to just give ourselves grace. Happy summer!

  • Abbie

    I actually did that on Wednesday last week- and I haven’t ran since, so you are doing better than me! I have been to the gym three times, but I just can’t get the “want to” back to run. Going to try again Saturday morning. Until then, I am resting and going to the gym. Hopefully the short break will do me some good!

  • Pregnant lady

    I was really good about going to the gym until I found out I was pregnant. I know it’s the time to stay in shape, but it’s just such a great excuse not to go. This week has been a tough one for me to get through, but I’m allowing myself to get over it, and next week will be better!

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