Parenting,  Siblings

What Makes My Heart Melt

When Gracie was a baby, she was too small for Bean to play with.  He would occasionally bring his toys over and play next to her, but that was really the extent of their relationship.  That and sneaking her pieces of cheese when she was entirely too small to have chunks of cheese in her mouth.  Almost gave me a heart attack several times.

About six months ago, they went through this very frustrating time when Bean realized that Gracie was now able to play with the toys, which meant he now had to share things.  That phase didn’t go over well with Bean.  There were frequent shouts of “mine!” in our house, until I banned the word to the naughty list.  Now, no one is allowed to say “mine” in our house.  Why?  Because everything is actually MINE.  I bought it, I simply ALLOW my children to play with it.  So, when they start claiming toys as untouchable for the other, I remind them that I have supreme authority over all the toys in the land.  It comes with my Mom crown.  Make sure you get yours before you leave the hospital when you have your baby.  They are quite handy.

Lately, though, the kids have been getting along so well.  So, so, so well.  I can send them upstairs to someone’s room to play, and I won’t hear a things from them for over an hour if I don’t go up there and check on them.  Now, there are times of the day when this works out better than others, but for the most part, all is quiet and docile in the sibling world at our house.

Which is why when things like these pictures below happen, Chris and I simply hide in a corner somewhere and take pictures on rapid shot.  Who knows how long this phase is going to last?  It might end tomorrow, for crying out loud.  We’re going to enjoy it while it’s here!

Chris took these pictures the afternoon of Gracie’s birthday party.  After all the guests had left, the two of them ended up on the kitchen floor together, just having a great time with a balloon.














And that, my friends, is why children make the world a better place.


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  • LDiggitty

    This is why siblings are THE BEST! I can’t even begin to express how different my childhood (and, consequently, I) would be without my sister. I’m sure Gracie and Bean will continue to drive each other nuts over the years, but they’ll also challenge and comfort each other too!!!!

  • Allison

    That is so SWEET! I love these pictures. It is so fun when siblings get along and play together. When our 3 are playing like that, I am SO thankful we had more than one child.

  • Kat

    Gracie’s face is just beyond any words. I’m DYING to see this from my two girls….so I can remember it when they’re teenagers and one of them steals clothes or boyfriends.

  • Timpy

    This is one of the best posts! I am currently pregnant with out second and we dont know what it is yet, but I have been nervous about how my currently two year old son will interact. This gives me hope that the transition will be great and one day, they will play together happily. Thank for this today!

  • SanDee

    Enjoy it…my 2 kids (almost 5 year old boy and 3 1/2 year old girl) played like that for a while…until my little girl hit 3…it has not been pretty…and she is most often the instigator…but when it does happen…it is SO nice! 🙂

  • mae

    mine…the hated word in my household. I’m trying to teach my 3.5 yr old to not say it b/c then of course his 22 month old sister mimics everything he does and says. Must go hunt for my crown! lol LOVE that Gracie and Bean are getting along well.

  • Lindsay Campbell

    Love these pictures! You’re really making me want to have another one. I just wish the next one would come out as a 1 year old so I wouldn’t have to wait so long for them to be able to play together. 🙂

  • Shana

    This is gorgeous! Lil Mister is at that stage with LJ right now…brings him toys, places them in his hands, constantly tries to share his food! I love watching them together because LJ is so full of love for his big brother that it is often breath taking! I look forward to the days where they too play together!

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