Around the House,  Fun Things,  Just for Fun

Weirdness on a Thursday

Is there a full moon?  Because today was weird, y’all.  Was it just me or was everyone just slightly off their rocker all day long?


My students at school were weird.  There were numerous fights (which rarely happens in my school), a drug search (also a rarity for my school), crying girls in bathrooms (happens ALL THE TIME in ANY middle school), and one of my favorite, struggling, challenging, love-him-so-much-I-might-beat-him students cursed out an administrator and was suspended.  It breaks my heart when my students make poor choices, not because of the choice itself.  They need to learn about making mistakes while they are in the relatively low-risk environment like middle school.  But it breaks my heart because they then have to face the consequences.  And I fully, 100% support the consequences.  But it’s still tough to watch.


And then after school I went to pick the kids up from daycare, and they ushered me into the little cafeteria and made me pick out pictures of this strange child who I do not recognize at all.  Isn’t that strange?  She’s a cutie patootie, but I don’t know who that little girl is.  It is certainly not MY Gracie Girl…


Then, I came home to find a box of Carolina Cookie Company cookies waiting on our front porch step.  A gift from our mortgage company.  How weird is that?  (Don’t worry, they were all sealed and legit.  I checked right before I face planted in them.)  We refinanced this month, and they sent us a little thank you present.  Which is awesome.  But the best part was that the box had been sitting on the front porch for a little while in the sun, so the chocolate chunk ones were gooey and runny and perfect.


There were three kinds of cookies in the tin – sugar, oatmeal raisin, and chocolate chunk.  I buried the chocolate chunk ones at the bottom of the tin and put the oatmeal raisin ones on top, and told the kids they sent us a tin of oatmeal cookies.  They didn’t want anything to do with them.  I WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!


Also strange?  We had nothing on our family schedule this afternoon.  NOTHING.  We all came home from work and school and just hung out.  The kids vegged on TV, and I happily let them while I fixed a slow, leisurely dinner.  It was a miracle!  Don’t get me wrong.  I love our busy schedule, but it was nice to have a night at home on a weeknight without anyone having to be anywhere at any time.


And the strangeness continues on my blog because none of these pictures match anything I’ve written about tonight.  I used to read this blog year ago called “Mabel’s House.”  Did anyone else read Liz’s blog?  She was adorable, and Mabel was her equally adorable dog.  She used to post all these random pictures from around her home and life that had absolutely nothing to do with her writing, and I always loved that.  It just felt quirky and like I was really looking at her life.  I know now that she was probably just posting random pictures because organizing pictures with blog posts is the hardest part of blogging.  Do you know how time consuming and annoying it is to have to have enough pictures to match what you are writing about every day?  So, I’m giving that up (half-assed, remember?).  From now on, my pictures MIGHT match what I’m writing about, but they might not.  And life will go on.


(If you’re wondering, these pictures are from this past weekend.  It was our inaugural swim in the pool for 2016.  Still a little chilly for Mom and Dad, but the kids had a blast!  And just as we were outside relishing the sunshine, the ice cream truck came by for the first time this year, too!  SUMMER IS COMING, FRIENDS!)


So, yeah.  Strange day.  And now, if you’ll excuse me now, I’m going to put my PJ’s on and eat my smuggled, chocolate chunk cookies in the closet so my kids don’t see me.


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