Around the House
Early to Bed
So, tonight Chris is working late like he has been for the past few days. That meant that when Bean went to bed at 7:30, it was quiet in the house. Quiet enough…
Like Being Pecked to Death By Ducks
My parents are famous for saying that raising two girls is like being pecked to death by ducks. They just nibble and nibble and nibble away at you. “Mom, can I have money…
Blog Fodder
I get asked a lot how I come up with content to write about on my blog every day. Under normal conditions, it’s really not so hard. I just tell you whatever train…
Home Sweet Home
We spent this past weekend unpacking more boxes. And unpacking more boxes. And unpacking even more boxes. I should mention here that we had five different friends help us move out of the…
And Now Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming
Anybody there? (tap, tap) Hello? Helllllloo? HELLLOOOOO???? (tap, tap) Bueller? Bueller? Oh, imaginary friends, how I’ve missed you so! We have never been separated so long before and I do have to say…
In Transition
This weekend we moved out of the house we’ve been renting for the past six months. I’ve never been happier to leave somewhere before. After the break in, it was next to impossible…
A Day at the Dog Park
(Warning: This post is about poop. Lots of poop. Proceed at your own risk. Just be thankful that my camera cord is still missing and so I don’t have any pictures to share.)…