Around the House

  • Our Family is Growing!

    Yes, it’s true. Our family of three just became a family of four. I’m so happy to announce the arrival of our slimy, scaly bundle of joy. I bought Bean a fish yesterday.…

  • The Sacrificial Laundry Wench

    Laundry is my nemesis. It’s like the house guest that just won’t leave. I stumble over it.  Climb over it.  Cry over it. And, yet, it continues to sit there in gigantic piles…

  • When Mom Does the Dishes

    This past weekend as I did the dishes, I learned several important things about the men in my life. First, they are easily entertained. Next, some short person has been putting items into…

  • What’s in Your Purse?

    In my Reader of the Month posts, I always ask what is inside the reader’s purse.  I think this reveals a lot about a person actually.  Maybe not about their personality, per se. …

  • My Faux Style

    When Chris and I first started working with Flosites, the web design company who is designing our new website, the first thing we had to do was answer a huge questionnaire on our…

  • Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds

    Once upon a time there was a little mutt puppy named Lucy.  She was beloved by her owner named Katie and all was right with the world. Together, Katie and Lucy explored the…

  • Bean and the Kitten

    Chris and his sister, Annie, grew up in a cat house.  They had kittens and cats all the time.  Their house was next to a national park and so they always had cats…