Around the House
3:00am Recession Stream of Consciousness
August 13, 2010, 3:18am: No! Don’t do it! Don’t wake up! Don’t wake up! Shoot. I’m awake. I need a job. I hope it has benefits. I can’t wait to get a paycheck…
Our Family is Growing!
Yes, it’s true. Our family of three just became a family of four. I’m so happy to announce the arrival of our slimy, scaly bundle of joy. I bought Bean a fish yesterday.…
The Sacrificial Laundry Wench
Laundry is my nemesis. It’s like the house guest that just won’t leave. I stumble over it. Climb over it. Cry over it. And, yet, it continues to sit there in gigantic piles…
When Mom Does the Dishes
This past weekend as I did the dishes, I learned several important things about the men in my life. First, they are easily entertained. Next, some short person has been putting items into…
What’s in Your Purse?
In my Reader of the Month posts, I always ask what is inside the reader’s purse. I think this reveals a lot about a person actually. Maybe not about their personality, per se. …
My Faux Style
When Chris and I first started working with Flosites, the web design company who is designing our new website, the first thing we had to do was answer a huge questionnaire on our…
Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds
Once upon a time there was a little mutt puppy named Lucy. She was beloved by her owner named Katie and all was right with the world. Together, Katie and Lucy explored the…
The Sweetest Reason for Divorce
The other morning at 7:30, Bean came toddling into my bedroom. He had his two golf clubs with him, as always, and he used them to poke me awake. Then he broke into…
Bean and the Kitten
Chris and his sister, Annie, grew up in a cat house. They had kittens and cats all the time. Their house was next to a national park and so they always had cats…
How Elvis Fell in Love With Me
When I first moved to Florida, there was a snake in my driveway and I hit it with my car and you all shamed me for the brutal murder. Remember that? Ever since…