
  • Daily Dose of Tillman: Monday

    I hope y’all don’t mind, but it’s going to be babypalooza on the blog today.  I just finished downloading my pictures from Christmas, and I have spent the last hour cooing over pictures…

  • A Look Back, A Step Ahead

    Today is New Year’s Day. It would have been my parents 33rd wedding anniversary. This holiday season brought so many firsts to my family without my dad. I turned 30 without him (which…

  • A Whole Lot of Heaviness

    Today would have been my dad’s 71st birthday. That’s really all I can say about that because there just aren’t any words to express the heaviness in my heart today.

  • Santa and the Rebuttal

    Last night, Bean wrote his letter to Santa.  Well, he dictated it, and I wrote it down word for word. He had some pretty specific ideas that he was passionate about. Namely Rescue Heroes.…

  • Fa La La La… Nope.

    I am a Christmas junkie.  I love it all.  I love the holy season where we celebrate Christ’s birth.  I love the silly Christmas movies.  (FRA-GI-LE…)  I love the music.  I love the…

  • The Big 3-0

    On Sunday I turned 30. I don’t feel old, but I do feel older. 30 is just such a big number. I have been really excited about turning 30, though. Chris and I…

  • Thanksgiving 2012

    I was worried about Thanksgiving this year, but it turns out that the few days leading up to the holiday were the toughest. I got a little sad when the kids were in…

  • Seasons of Grief

    I had a rough day yesterday. I have this whole week off of work, and I planned to send the kids to school just on Monday so I could get some Christmas shopping…

  • A Thanksgiving List

    1.  I don’t really want to talk too much about this topic, and sometimes lists are easier to use for things like that.  Lists make hard things easy. 2.  I’m not excited about…

  • Dinner With a Preschooler

    Dinner at our house is hit or miss, but whether the kids are eating or not, it is definitely chaotic.  I always try to figure out at what point exactly the chaos kicks…