Back to Normal
The last time I did a real, actual, day-in-the-life-of post, I was a bit…hmm….what’s the word? Suicidal? Homicidal? Maybe its best to just go with under the weather. I…
Fall is for Family
This past weekend we planned to just lay low at the house. Beanie was getting over his terrible cold and my cold was starting to get bad. But then we woke up…
How Motherhood Gave Me Peace
I once heard someone describe new moms as hormonal, sleep-deprived chickens with their heads cut off. It was a disturbing image to say the least. Especially considering that I was eight-months pregnant when…
Can You Hear Me Now?
Beanie has been in daycare almost two months now. In those short eight weeks he has already had one cold. I have had two colds and two ear infections. Carrier. Monkey.…
Finding the Balance
This past weekend we had some of our favorite people over for dinner. The menu? Need I say more? I didn’t think so. Chris cooked these awesome ribs on the grill and…
Happy Birthday, Mom!
This is my Mom. She answers to the name of Patty. Or Mom. Or Mooooooom!!!! Or Nana. She wears many hats. Today is her birthday. She is 53 years…
A Laborless Day
This weekend, all three of us have been a little under the weather. Saturday was the worst day though and we seem to be bouncing slowly back. Since we were feeling a little…
Ginny, Ginny, Bo, Binny
Ahh…sisters. As far as they go, you just don’t get much better than mine. I’ve talked about her on my blog before, but let me tell you some things you may not…
A Grand Weekend €“ Part II
On Saturday morning of our Grand Weekend, Beanie and I headed down to Orlando to meet Chris. He had flown in the night before to celebrate with his family. And what…
A Grand Weekend €“ Part I
Is there anything better than a good surprise? I think not. And this weekend we pulled the surprises of all surprises. Beanie and I flew down on Thursday to visit…