Hi. I’m Married to a Five-Year-Old.
Chris has two jobs on school-day mornings. He fixes the kids breakfast while I get dressed, and he takes Bean to school after Gracie and I leave at an earlier time. Easy peasey.…
Weddings + @Instagram = #truelove
Chris and I went to a wedding this past weekend that rocked my socks. First of all, it had a crucial element to all successful weddings: A happy couple. Ashlyn and Josh are…
Marriage, Money, and Mario
On Friday night, we had a movie night with our kids, which has become our weekly tradition. We had a lot of fun with them, but both Chris and I were ready when…
Rainy Summer Afternoons
We have entered that time of summer in Florida when afternoon thunderstorms are part of the daily routine. Every afternoon around 3:00, the heavens open up and rain down on us. I actually…
Learning Through Listening
One of the areas I have been trying to work on in my marriage has been truly listening to Chris and then reacting to his needs. You’d think that would come naturally in…
Closing My Mouth and Opening My Ears
I’m trying something new lately. It’s pretty radical. I’m almost embarrassed to say it because it’s just so OUT THERE. I’ve been listening to my husband. I know! Crazy, right? I am a…
The Grammar of Marriage
I’m never more reminded of how lucky I am to have Chris than when we face a challenge together. Over the years, we have learned that the only way to make it through…
Annoying Spouses
Chris has been driving me crazy lately. Here is the latest in a long line of annoyances: He called me while I was out today and said he wanted to order a pizza…
Lessons I Learned This Week
This week has been a doozey, imaginary friends. I had a bad reaction to a medication I was put on and have been shaky, dizzy, and fatigued all week, for about 24-hours we…