
  • How to Pack for the Beach

    We are beach regulars.  During the summer, I try to get out there with the kids about once a week.  Though, they are revolting this week and refuse to go.  What sticks in…

  • Summer Moments

    There’s not much to report from these parts lately.  We’ve been doing a lot of this… Which is one of my favorite things to do, so no complaints here. I had to get…

  • When Bean is Away…

    For Bean’s 7th birthday, my mom took him on a trip to Washington, D.C.  They are having a blast, and I’ll share details about their trip once they get home and I can…

  • Eff This Healthy Shizzzz

    A few weeks ago, I blogged about how I have given up certain things in my life in order to simplify and make myself happier.  One of the things I gave up was…

  • Summer Fail.

    Yesterday was the first, real, official, full day of summer in our house.  I had big plans.  BIG PLANS.  I made a summer schedule, a summer bucket list, and a list of home…