Aunt Kakie
This weekend, I left the kids with Chris and my mom and I headed to Atlanta so that I could meet my sweet niece, Faith, for the first time. And let me tell…
#TBT/#FBF: Car Troubles
I’m starting a new series ’round these here parts. It’s called “#TBT and #FBF” (that would be “Throw Back Thursdays and Flash Back Fridays” for those of you who do not speak middle…
Judge Me and Feel Better About Yourself
Are you having a rough week? Making some bad decisions? Things just not going your way? Well, let me tell you about some of the things I’ve done this week and you’ll instantly…
AstroTurf, Lawn Chairs, and Tiki Torches…
One night last week, Chris came into the kitchen while I was cooking dinner and announced that he had a great idea for a family activity. This, by the way, is a minor…
Remix: A Laugh A Day
Last night, I was browsing through old blog posts from way back when Bean was born because he has been a total turd this week and I wanted to be reminded of a…
The Time Out Fail
This morning, Gracie was in time out for who-knows-what. We have two designated “time out spots” in our house, which makes it easy to enforce when there is a discipline issue. The kids…
Ginny vs. The Birthing Ball
So, my sister and I were talking this week and she told me a story that made me wet my pants. Seriously. I laughed so hard that I peed my pants. I figured…
A Conversation with Bean
“Police nabidab… Police nabidab…” “I think you mean, ‘Feliz navidad,'” I said. “No, it goes, ‘Police nabidab,'” he said, as he continued to sing in the backseat of my car. “Where’d you learn that…
Hi. I’m Married to a Five-Year-Old.
Chris has two jobs on school-day mornings. He fixes the kids breakfast while I get dressed, and he takes Bean to school after Gracie and I leave at an earlier time. Easy peasey.…
The Yin and Yang of Parenting
Michael got Student of the Month today. First Student of the Month in his class this year. Gracie went time out for throwing mulch at kids on the playground. Twice. You win some,…