• Losing My Mind

    I am losing my mind. Seriously. I’m going insane. I’ve heard of mommy brain or whatever you want to call it and I experienced it slightly with Bean.  I’d forget where I put…

  • New Daycare for Bean

    I worried about the timing of all these new things in our lives for the kids. They were moving into a new house the same week that they started a new school and…

  • Hump Day Musings

    I have sat down to blog for three days now and been stumped. You know in cartoons when a bunch of people try to fit through a doorway, but they all get stuck…

  • How We Chose Our Daycare

    I’ve been asked this question before and I was asked it again just today over on Bean’s page. I’ve been hesitant to answer because choosing something like a childcare service for your child…

  • Laying Down on the Job

    This week, Bean’s daycare teachers sent me an email with a few pictures of him they took this week.  Isn’t that nice?  I got the email at work and it just made me…

  • First Day of School

    Yesterday was Bean’s first day at his new school.  We got up and going early and totally would have been on time if Bean didn’t eat like a snail.  He takes forever to…