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At Least I Was Cool

Its getting hot here.  We have passed warm and we have entered hot.  And did I mention that most older homes in Connecticut do not have central air?  And did I also mention that as a 9 month pregnant woman my internal heater is on full blast right now?

Yeah.  Its hot.

This past weekend, I spent some time changing out my seasonal clothes.  I put away all my winter clothes and all the maternity clothes that don’t fit me anymore, and I pulled out all of my spring and summer clothes from last year.

You know.  Last year.  When I wasn’t pregnant.

Sadly, I was not prepared to be pregnant in hot weather.  I have oodles of fall and winter maternity clothes, but not so many warm weather maternity clothes.  And I’m so close to the end right now that I can’t go out and buy new maternity clothes.  So, I’ve got a little predicament here.  To be hot or to be clothed.  Decisions, decisions…

The way I see it, I have three options:

1) I can walk around naked. I am becoming increasingly against this option as my stretch marks continue their reign over my entire midsection.  Not attractive.  Also, it is much harder to hide being naked when you’re the size of a small planet.

2) I can wear my winter maternity clothes. This is also not an option due to my previously discussed internal heater being on full blast.  I am not happy when I’m hot and when I’m not happy, no one is happy.

3) I can try to fit into my normal-people summer clothes from last year. BINGO!  We have a winner.

Small black tank.
Small black tank.

There’s one minor little problem with this option.  I was considerably smaller last year about this time.  As in a size Small.

Size Small
Size Small

If this shirt were a maternity shirt, I think the size would be NH.  As in Not Happening.

But I can’t help it.  These are the coolest pieces of clothing I own.  So what if they don’t cover my belly?  So what if they barely make it to my belly button?  So what if they look like they have been spray painted on me?  At least I’m cool.  And at 9 months pregnant, that is a paramount concern.

Good thing I have a million of these tanks, too.  (The other 999,996 of them are in the laundry right now…)

4 of the 1,000,000 tanks
4 of the 1,000,000 tanks

And last night, I added cheerleading shorts to the ensemble, too.  Cheerleading shorts from college that have FSU written across the bottom of them.  Once I got those puppies on they probably could have printed “Florida State University” across them instead of just those three dinky letters.  And maybe some of the mission statement of the school, too.  Those suckers were tight.  And wide.

But.  At least was cool.

Nevermind that I looked like someone had put me in a washing machine and shrunk my clothes while I was still wearing them.  Nevermind that the Bean kicked all night long because the elastic band from my shorts was cutting off blood flow.  Nevermind that every time I walked into a room Chris died laughing.

Nevermind all of that nonsense.  At least I was cool.


  • Sarah @


    Seriously, it’s been in the 90s here and we don’t have any air, and our house is really poorly situated for natural breeze flow, so it’s been hot hot hot. And I went to break out the summer tanks and was all “um, small? extra-small? ONE MEDIUM? THAT’S ALL I’VE GOT?!”

    Then I had to figure out whether it was more worth it to buy more regular sized clothes after I’d stretched these out, or whether it was more worth it to buy the maternity tanks.

    The answer was both. But only because my husband would not stop laughing at me. And I’m not quite as close as you are, so I could justify the maternity tank purchase. Good luck surviving the next few days in regular-size clothes!!

  • Katrina

    at least you are almost there! I have 2 months to go! =) I actually made the splurge and bout some cute summery tops, and a bathing suit. Not that I really want to be seen in a bathing suit at 8-9 months pregnant, but hey, if it allows me to get in water and out of the heat, I’m all for it!

  • Laura

    Yah, I pulled out my non maternity summer clothing as well. Let’s just say my bosom has become MUCH more HUGE than this time last year… Ugh.

  • Sathya

    Omg you’re too funny. Every day I hurried check if you have updated your site and am so excited when you have. I’m either laughing or crying when I read it. I love it. Thank you for becoming a part of my daily life!

    I have a 3 month old little boy Austen and live in Australia. When I was 39 weeks pregnant the weather was 111 degrees for 3 days straight and stayed fairly similar for the days surrounding them. It was HELL on earth! I did not leave the living room (the only room that had airconditioning) and walked around in a tank top and underwear.

    If its really bad (especially when you’re sleeping) you know what works well? A wet flanel or handtowel in the freezer and then on the back of your neck, or wherever you like really.

    Good luck!

  • Jenn

    Seriously, no silly pictures of you in the above mentioned clothes? Come on! Take one for the team. Us still at work, not on maternity leave, people need a good chuckle. 🙂

    Just teasing. Hang in there!

  • Miss M!

    At Target, in the pajama section, they have these tee shirts that are super thin and way comfy. The brand is Xhilration and at $7 bucks a pop they’re worth every penny. I wore these all through my pregnancy even up to the very end. If you get an XL, they will cover almost all of your belly, and I was HUGE.

    And I’m STILL wearing them. HA!

  • Jes

    I know, what is the deal with no central heat/air in New England?! The other day I came home to my husband in nothing but his skeevies and hat because it was just too hot to wear anything else. Also, there is nothing romantic about hugging your husband and sticking together because you both are so swampy. Ick. You need a fan, may two or three, and lots of ice cream.

  • Donna

    I feel your pain, where your husband’s big t-shirts and athletic shorts. These things stretch and they are a little bigger so you might be more comfortable.

    Just a note, if you think you are hot now, one of the drugs they will give you for the c-section is killer. I had the thermostat down at 50 (as low as it would go) with my hospital gown on and I was buring up.

  • Liz

    I feel you. I actually went and bought three ribbed (maternity) tanks from Target the other day because it’s hot out here in Idaho, too!

  • Ashley

    Haha I bet Chris was laughing!! Do WHATEVER you have to girl to get through!! Not TOO much longer! I am a fan of those tanks too!!

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