Around the House,  Marriage Confessions,  Suburbia,  The Dog Pound

Dog Gone

I mean, how hard can life be for these hooligans?

Lucy goes from blanket to blanket, burrowing and tunneling and snuggling and sleeping.   Tough life, right?


And don’t even get me started on Big Molly.   Molly spends her days rolling around on my living room floor just waiting for someone to rub her belly.   She’s not modest.


And yet, with lives as carefree as these, my two dogs decided on Sunday that they had had enough and they busted out of our backyard.   From what we can put together, we figure Lucy was the brain behind the plot.   Because, well, just look at Molly.


Molly’s not quite capable of high level recon missions.   Hell, she’s not quite capable of working a dog door on most days.   But Lucy?   She is very capable.   Only she doesn’t have the muscle to execute her plots.   She just dreams up the plots and then convinces Molly to do the work.

On Sunday, Lucy’s scheme was simple.   Escape.   And why?   Because of this two-legged beast:


Since the Bean’s arrival, the dogs have decided that they aren’t getting the love they once were.   Which, for the record, is a bunch of bologna.   Those dogs are just pissed because I don’t let them sleep on the couch anymore.   And that has nothing to do with the Bean.   It has to do with the dogs personal hygiene choices.   And its not like they listen to me anyways.   I came downstairs in the middle of the night last week to get the Bean a bottle and this is what I found:


See?   They don’t care.   I have no authority.   And yet, they still are not satisfied.

And so, on Sunday, as I’m laying around on my couch, using the Bean as an excuse to take a nap, imagine my surprise when my doorbell rings.   Standing at the door is some woman that I’ve never seen before.   She introduces herself as a neighbor who lives several blocks away and then she says, “Do you happen to have two dogs?   One big one and one little one?”


Apparently, Lucy convinced Molly to bang on the back gate until the latch bounced and the gate swung open.   And then the two of them went on a joyride around the neighborhood.   Our neighbor explained that Lucy wandered up on to their porch and made herself comfortable in the shade.   In the meantime, the rest of the neighborhood had been trying to catch Molly, who was jumping from back yard to back yard.   So far, the neighbor said, no one had been able to catch her.

I looked over the neighbor’s shoulder and saw the rest of my neighbors standing in the street, yelling for my stupid black lab who was busy frolicking near oncoming traffic.

The minute Molly saw Chris come into our front yard, she stopped dead in her tracks.   You could see her thinking, “Oh.   Crap.”   And then she bolted up our driveway and sat herself down by the back gate, as if she’d been sitting there, just waiting patiently for us to let her back in.

The nice neighbor brought Lucy to us.   They had kept her at their house until they could find her owner.   I don’t know what kind of wild time Lucy had there, but I think I smelled peanut butter on her breath.   I can’t be sure though.

In the end, they both came home.   And we agreed to start fresh.   I would start taking them with me and the Bean on our afternoon walks (provided they act like house pets instead of raging lunatics on speed).   And the dogs agreed to…you know…not bust down gates anymore.   Everybody wins.



  • Catherine

    Aw, they’re like rebellious pre-schoolers, jealous of their new sibling. I’m sure they’ll get over it soon!

  • Christina Rhoades

    Awww, Molly looks a lot like my Black Lab, Laya. Laya is very sweet and wouldn’t hurt a fly, though sometimes she does have a “bossy” attitude when it comes to attention. My other dog Libby, she is the wild one. Molly and Lucy seem really sweet. Have you been able to walk them with the baby yet (Do they behave)?

  • Jordan

    ah yes, I often wonder how our 2 dogs will act when we eventually have a baby. They actually met their first baby(the neighbor’s) the other day and they behaved nicely 🙂

    Lucy cracks me up- love the picture of her burrowed in the blanket!

  • Miriam

    A long time ago I had this awesome off leash husky named Keanu. This was high school and I was known as the neighbourhood dog sitter, dog catcher, dog lover. On a dark and stormy night I get a phone call from a neighbour telling me that there’s a black and white husky on the loose. I go to the fenced in backyard and call my dog. It took him a while but he eventually showed up. I donned my rain gear and we went looking for this poor lost husky for an hour. No luck.

    The next morning as I was drinking my coffee and looking at the backyard and I realized that Keanu was on the other side of the fence. He had made himself a hole to escape, but would come back when called. So I know about escape artist. I’m glad neither of you pup babies got hurt 🙂

  • Donna

    You don’t give that lab the credit she deserves. We have a lab and he is very smart, but doesn’t look it and occasionally doesn’t act it (he has been known to run into doors, but that is another story). They will find any excuse to escape and go looking for fun so they can run around like a crazy dog. But it is so hard to get mad at them because they just have to look at you with those eyes…

  • Roseanne

    Lab’s can be very smart, I wouldn’t underestimate her. She’s giving you that innocent look because she knows how easy it manipulates her owner.

    We have a retriever who likes to drag me along like I am a small child when we go for a walk; but we found a great solution. Get yourself a Gentle Leader collar for Molly and she will walk next to you like she’s the best trained pooch in the world. It makes such a difference. You certainly don’t need to be pushing a stroller while your dog drags you around.

  • Queen of Quirky

    Lucy totally got peanut butter and treats you can’t possibly imagine. My Gertie is a fence jumper. You have to watch her. She loves neighborhood frolicks. I’m glad everyone came home safe and sound though. If only they could talk…

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