Husbands,  Marriage Confessions,  Pregnancy

You Drive Me Crazy. Seriously.

This is my husband, Chris.


He’s been my main squeeze, my heartbeat, my best friend, my everything since I was fifteen years old. He’s a wonderful husband and an incredible father.

But when I’m pregnant and my hormones are raging, he is the most annoying person I know.


Topping my list of irritations at the moment? Asking me questions about previews on television. We’ll be sitting SIDE BY SIDE on the couch, watching the EXACT SAME PREVIEW for a show we watch and Chris will start asking me all these questions.

“Did he die? Who killed him? Why’s he laughing like that? Where’s their kid?”


Now, on a normal day, I’m sure this wouldn’t bother me. I’m sure I’d just smile to myself, kiss him, and nuzzle into his shoulder.

But when I’m tired and cranky and pregnant? IT’S THE MOST ANNOYING THING ON EARTH!

Also on my list of minor annoyances at the moment? He’s not happy about helping. This one we’ve actually had fights about in the past couple weeks. Is it too much to ask that after a long day on my feet that when I sit down for a minute and Chris has to cook dinner that he do it with a SMILE? Does he HAVE to moan and groan EVERY TIME? Cause I’ll tell you something, IT’S NOT A FAVOR IF YOU COMPLAIN THROUGH THE ENTIRE THING!

Oh, I’m not saying I don’t appreciate him. Chris is carrying more than his fair share of the household responsibilities right now. But DOES HE HAVE TO REMIND ME OF THAT EVERY DAY???? I mean, COME ON!

But the MOST ANNOYING THING that my pregnancy hormones have an issue with lately? HE’S EATING ALL MY REESE’S PEANUT BUTTER CUPS!

On Halloween, we gave out a bag of mixed candy. One of those kinds of candy were Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups. My favorite candy ever. So, I did the only logical thing I could think of. Before the trick-or-treaters came a-knockin’, I pulled all the Reese’s Cups out of the candy bowl and hid them in my fridge. And even when we ran out of candy, I turned off our front porch light and smiled at my private stash of peanut butter cups.


(that’s my evil laugh)

When I did this, Chris gave me the biggest guilt trip. HUGE guilt trip. How-can-you-deprive-THE-CHILDREN-type guilt trip. And yet, I am finding my pile of Reese’s Cups is getting smaller by the day. AND I’M NOT THE ONE EATING THEM!

I realize that this is all the hormones talking and raging and yelling and booing and hissing. But I can’t help it. I’m a lucky woman. I love my husband. He’s a good person.

Unfortunately, my hormones are annoyed with him at the moment.


Today I posted on the Review Page of MC about my friend, Brett’s, movie because it is up for a big independent film award.  If you’re feeling generous, I’d much appreciate it if you could hop on over to the Review Page and vote for The New Year.  It’d help our good friend out, which would be a personal favor to me.  Thanks!


  • Kristen

    Oh Katie, I get the same kind of reaction from my husband when he is doing something “selfless” for me. He’ll do it but grouch about it and remind me that he didn’t want to do it, but did it JUST FOR ME because he loves me. I’m like “While you’re at it, could you put a smile on your face, too?!” It just guilt trips me that he is doing something he doesn’t want to do, which takes all of the fun/warm fuzzies out of it!

  • Kristin

    Both times I was preggo, I was the happiest I had ever been in my life, except for when my husband was around. People told me there is always one person that annoys that crap out of you when you’re preggo and low and behold my husband was mine:) Thank God I have a good husband who knew not to take it personally, but jeez. You are definitely not alone in this one!!!!

  • Brittany

    Wow, Im glad Im not alone! My husband will ask me the most random questions that there’s no possible way I could know the answer but expects one! Example: “What was the teacher doing while our kid was getting pencils thrown at him?” …..REALLY? Im supposed to answer that with an actual answer? How would I know? LOL So you’re not alone!! And how dare him steal your candy…time for revenge! haha

  • melissa B.

    I have a problem…this is because I am annoyed at almost everyting you stated above and I’m not even pregnant! Uh oh! So, not sure what my excuse is. LOL!

  • Breann

    I am in my 34th week. I am big and tired and totally over it. My husband has re-discovered his party self. Rather than do the “sew the wild oats” before we got married, he is doing this before we have a child. Happy hours (until 9pm?) and all kinds of stuff. At the moment I am trying to be understanding and just let it be because I know he won’t get to do these things often at all after the baby is here. However I am also super annoyed! Men. gotta love them. Dangit.

  • Renee

    I gave my husband the hardest time during my second pregnancy because I didn’t feel like he was as sweet and nurturing as he was the first time around!! He never cooked dinner and complained about taking care of our #1. Ha! Good luck with those little annoyances. 😉

  • Jen C

    wow this is my life right now. i’m 31 weeks and my hubby doesn’t do anything without proclaiming at the top of his lungs how much he doesn’t want to do it and its such a hassle. and he’s eating MY halloween candy while he does it. and the way he chews gum is driving me absolutely insane! sorry….your vent led to my vent. i can normally ignore him but when these hormones are a’flaring, him breathing is annoying.

  • Kat @ Living Like the Kings

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I’m sorry I don’t mean to laugh but I’m pg right now too and I can’t help it. Jon annoys me every day with everything and most days I honestly doubt that it’s his fault. I’m like 90% sure it’s just me. But that doesn’t save him from a lecture and a tentrum from me.

  • Erin

    I hade a roomate that did the TV thing to me. Finally i was so irritated I burst out “I don’t have a special TV!!” and then we proceeded to giggle…but i didn’t have the pregnant excuse 😉

  • Christina

    I’m not touching the marriage stuff… 🙂
    But, I think that it was very responsible to take out the Reese’s PB cups…my husband pointed out that that is the kind of candy that parents will worry about. It opens too easily! Someone could have done something weird to it. (Not you, some weirdo) So, you only did the right thing!
    Also if it makes you feel better, I ate a KitKat and a Twix and we saved out a bunch of Peppermint Patties while we were passing out candy from our house. 🙂

  • Megan @ Red Dirt and Crazy

    I am the most sympathetic person to pregnant women you will ever meet! Mainly because pregnancy wasn’t the most favorite 38.5 weeks of my life. I mean it was great feeling the baby move and knowing I was growing a person and all but aside from that…it pretty much sucked.

    So…complain, moan, groan, and rage away. I promise I will listen and feel sorry for you. Cause your pregnant dad-gummit and you deserve it!! It’s hard work growing a baby!!



  • Jaclyn

    Bahahaha Katie! I laughed so hard at the it’s not a favor if you’re complaining bit because I feel like I JUST had this conversation with the bf. BOYS, honestly. We also had the “there’s a difference between HEARING and LISTENING” conversation, which was actually helpful, because he really didn’t realize the difference or that he was acting like he wasn’t paying attention. Hearing and listening are not the same thing!

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