Two Different Children
I am constantly amazed at how unique babies are. Even though Gracie is only three weeks old, she is still a very different baby than Bean was.
For one thing, she wears dresses. Which could be the most fun thing in the whole wide world. You know how they say that having a baby girl is like having a doll to dress up?
Aside from the dress thing, though, there are a lot of differences between Baby Bean and Baby Gracie.
Gracie loves to be held. You put her on your shoulder and she will snuggle into your neck as close as she can get. Then she sighs happily and falls right to sleep. It’s the sweetest thing. Bean, on the other hand, wasn’t a huge cuddler. He still isn’t. He likes to be held as much as the next two-year-old (which ain’t much…) and he gives out hugs and kisses like he’s throwing Moon Pies from a Mardi Gras float. But you’d never find Bean snuggled up in your neck. Even as an infant.
Another big difference? Gracie doesn’t like pacifiers. Bean couldn’t sleep without one. Wouldn’t be separated from his binky. It was permanently glued to his little pie face. He loved that sucker. But Gracie? Notsomuch. We keep trying because…well…I don’t really know why we keep trying. I guess it’s because I read “Happiest Baby on the Block,” and Dr. Karp suggested binkies as a sucking mechanism to help your baby sleep. Or maybe it’s because we are just in the habit of giving the baby a binky when they are crying or falling asleep. Truth be told, the binky was awesome with Bean. But I’m also learning that there are some really great things about having a baby who isn’t dependent on the binky. For starters, we don’t have to deal with that big problem where the binky falls out of her mouth when she finally falls asleep, which then wakes her up. Bean went through that for months and it was horrible. Also a plus? Gracie doesn’t have an enormous binky in all her pictures.
Gracie’s temper is different than Bean, too. When Bean was mad as an infant – and even now as a toddler – his temper was built up when it came out. His cry was a slow building explosion. When you first heard him start to whimper, you had about 5 seconds to get him happy again before he went crazy. But Gracie? There is no 5 second “grace” period. Gracie goes from sleeping to screaming bloody murder instantly. But the up-side is that a) she hardly ever gets upset unless she needs something and b) she comes down from her hysteria just as fast as she gets there.
Even at three weeks old, I think it’s so neat how different Gracie is from Bean. She has different needs, different preferences, and different reactions. And I’m even more excited to see what those differences bring to our family in the coming years.
I love that the second picture has a binky laying at Gracie’s feet! :O)
She sounds wonderful – a lot like my son. He never liked a binky either and, truthfully, I am ecstatic about it. Never have to worry about him losing it, about him waking up upset because he can’t find it at night, about it being in all his pictures – and now that he’s nearly a year old, we don’t have to worry about getting him to give it up! He does suck his thumb or his first finger sometimes when he’s tired (he started that at about 7 months) but I figure that’s really not a big deal. It’s his own way of soothing and, besides, it’s so cute.
She is really a beautiful baby.
Marie @ It's a Kind of Normal
I love those pictures! And the dress is so stinkin adorable! It’s so cute that at 3 weeks old there’s already a difference between their characters. I can’t wait to see how they’ll get on as they get older.
Lindsay (Young Married Mom)
Oh my goodness, that dress is adorable! Do you want to change her, like, eighty times every day?!
Sara @ embrylovescookies
It is only the beginning! The differences between siblings in this house is never-ending! And can I just say that Gracie is one of the most beautiful babies ever!
Jen @ Caved In
Oh my lord, she is adorable. I love love love that dress.
Sullivan had no interest in a pacifier either, yet we kept trying, also after reading dr karp’s book. Finally gave it up after a few weeks. He would just leave his mouth open for it to fall out.
lol… we had the same binky tales! our second baby didn’t want one at all, but we were so used to the easy sooth and kept trying to stuff one in her mouth! That, and she’s the cuddler in the family, as well 🙂 I’m sure you’ll have lots of new experiences especially since its a boy and a girl. I am amazed everyday by the differences in my girls.
All My Monkeys
We keep doing the same thing with the nukkie, too. But that might be semi out of fear of having another finger sucker. My second dd sucks her first 2 fingers on the left hand, backwards. Can you say “orthodontist”?
You may need to forgo dresses for a bit when she gets to the crawling stage. They get stuck, trip, and it can delay crawling. OR… find some cute leggings short short skirt ruffly type combo thingies. You know what I mean. 😉
Aww! The Baby Browns are too cute 🙂 You should make a poll to rename the kiddies blog like you did with the fish 🙂
So adorable.
Laura @Wine and Cheese, Please
She is SUCH a pretty little baby! 🙂 I love that dress on her–so cute!
I love love LOVE that dress!
Ditch the binky. Some babies just don’t need it – I had two who didn’t. When she gets a cold and her nose is all plugged, you’ll be glad you don’t have one.
forty and trying to be fab
It amazes me how different siblings can be from eaach other. Mine are now teenagers and sometimes it’s hard to believe they are realted. They each have their own unique personality and it’s so much fun to watch them develop into the amazing individuals they are. Enjoy watching yours grow. There is nothing sweeter!
She is crazy cute!
My first baby didnt like to be held much either but my second (a boy) was a real snuggler and even at 3 almost 4 he loves his snuggles. Its amazing how different they can be!
Sarah @TheExPatBride
Hey, if she doesn’t want the binky it just means less work later when you don’t have to ween her off of it!
Barbara Manatee
You know what’s even more amazing? Raising twins! Its so fascinating to raise 2 children, side by side and see how they are so unique. I have boy/girl twins and then another son 2 years younger…all 3 kids are so different, yet so alike!!!
April is Autism Awareness Month. I’m dedicating my blog all month long to Autism.
she truly is beautiful! my little girl {7 months} wouldnt take a paci, but then we switched the brand and she now takes it like a champ.
Mama Bub
Dressing a girl NEVER gets old. At least, I imagine in my ten months of girl-parenting wisdom that it won’t get old. But, maybe, when they can talk back and have opinions about the ridiculously cute things that I buy. Still, girl clothes are awesome.
She is seriously cute! Such a pretty babe!
Ashley @A Recipe for Sanity
She is a living doll! How precious!
Kat @ Living Like the Kings
I curse the day we gave Peanut a Paci. For all the reasons that are mentioned above, plus we happen to give her one that is now being phased out at all the stores and we have to order them online at a way higher price.