Around the House,  Holidays,  Marriage Confessions,  Parenting

That’s What Being a Mom Is All About


My Mother’s Day was not what I expected it would be. It started out great. I shipped Bean off with Chris and then Gracie and I took my mom and Grandma out for a Mother’s Day tea on Saturday, followed by manicures and pedicures. It was lovely!


Chris and I had big plans for Sunday. I wanted to go to church, followed by brunch at my favorite breakfast place, and then later that day we were going to play golf with friends while my parents watched the kids. But during church, the nursery director actually had to come get us in the middle of the sermon because they couldn’t get Bean to stop crying. That’s never happened to us before! For some reason, Bean Man just did not want to be in the nursery that day. So, church was cut short.


Then after all that crying, Bean fell asleep in the car on the way to brunch, which was just in time for Gracie to wake up and begin crying because she was hungry. Oh, and I had forgotten to pack a bottle. So, brunch was scrapped and we headed home. We ended up swinging by Subway and Chris and I ate sandwiches on the couch after feeding the kids and putting them both down for a nap.


And in keeping with the events of Mother’s Day, I got the time mixed up with my parents and so we missed our tee time and weren’t able to play golf that afternoon. My parents felt awful, but at that point, it wasn’t even really that big of a disappointment. It was just the way the day was going. Par for the course.

(Did I just make a golf pun? So lame…)


With all of our plans falling through, we gave up trying. We all put on bathing suits, cranked up the music, headed out to the pool, and dove right in…


…even if it was a little cold.  Shockingly cold, actually.


Bean and I spent the rest of the afternoon holding our breaths underwater. Isn’t that what all mom’s do on Mother’s Day? Hold their children underwater?





And you know what? It was a pretty awesome day. No one sat in time out, no one pouted, no one wished they were anywhere else. We were doing what we do pretty much every weekend and it was great. Sure, I would have liked to sit through an entire church service, but I think the Lord understands a crying toddler. And I’d have loved to eat my weight in biscuits and gravy, but Subway on the couch with my hubby in a quietly napping house was a minor miracle and should be appreciated. And golf would have been fun, but I got more sun and more exercise playing in the pool. Plus, Bean looks cute in his swim trunks. So, there’s that.


All day long, Chris kept apologizing for the way the day was turning out, but that was just silly. Being a mom is about flexibility and thinking on your feet and putting your family first and spending time with your kids. So, why shouldn’t Mother’s Day be about those things, too?


Though next year, I might try to squeeze everything we plan into one activity, just to make sure we get it all done. Next year I’ll be eating biscuits and gravy in church while wearing argyle socks and a golf glove. I’m pretty sure my minister will understand. After all, she’s a mom, too.



  • claire

    Happy mothers’ day Katie! And look at you, you gorgeous thing – in a bikini not even 2 months after a c-section??? You’re a legend! I’m so jealous that you’re heading into swimming weather, while it’s getting freezing down here. Keep the pool pics coming!

  • Ashley @ A Recipe for Sanity

    Can I join the chorus and say that you are looking phenomenal? I mean, really, girl! Chris is a lucky guy! I’m glad you made the most of your mother’s day, even though it didn’t go as planned. It sounds like you still had a great time, and next year you can definitely have those biscuits and gravy! 🙂

  • Ginny

    You’re lookin’ good lady!!! And happy!!! Glad you had such a great Mother’s Day – best laid plans are never the fun ones. 🙂

  • Tressa

    Looks like a perfect Mother’s Day to me!! You look AWESOME Katie! Bean does look cute in his swim trunks. I’m happy to hear you were flexible and went with the flow so Chris didn’t have to put you in time out! LOL Oh…and that picutre of Bean man on your back…..looks like his little fingers and mind is thinking about untying your bikini top!!!! TE HE HE 😉

  • Jen

    I’m just impressed you are wearing a bikini and you just had Gracie. My hats off to you! Glad Mother’s Day turned out so great!

  • Waiting for Bulgaria

    My mother’s day wasn’t exactly what I expected/wanted either. But in the end it was much better than I could’ve ever imagined. It’s funny how we sometimes expect to stop being moms just because it’s mother’s day.

  • Danielle

    I made the really awesome decision to go to two festivals the day before mother’s day and we all got too hot and too much sun. Mother’s day was kind of I do not care what we do as long as I do not have to move day! We went to church but that took up pretty much all the energy I had left. I just count the day before as our celebration 🙂

  • Emily Langston

    I can just feel how cozy those pj’s are after a dip in the cold pool and warm sun! Those days are the best. A lot of Moms would be all up in arms disappointed about “their” mothers day going a rye!

  • Meghan

    Your Mother’s Day reminds me of the saying, “if you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans.” Sounds like God had other things in store for you this Mothers’s Day, but it turned out fantastic anyway! Glad you had a wonderful day! PS – are you rocking a bikini??? I’m impressed! You look fabulous!

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