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1st Brain Dump of 2012

1. I am finally getting up the courage to wear leggings and I think they are going out of style. Are they going out of style?  I feel like I haven’t seen them in a while, but maybe I’m just missing them.  I always miss trends by two or three months.

2. I just finished reading “Little Bee,” by Chris Cleave. It was so good. It’s a lot like “The Kite Runner,” if you read that one. You don’t REALLY want to know what is happening because it is so heartbreaking, but yet you can’t stop reading! It is incredibly well written. If you’re looking for something to read, I highly recommend that one.

3. I blogged this week over at Southern Weddings about mine and Chris’s New Years resolutions as a couple. We have occasional “State of Our Union” dinners and we usually kick off the New Year with one where we set our goals and priorities for our marriage for the upcoming year. For tips on how to have your own “State of the Union” dinner or conversation, be sure to go check it out. (And then leave me some comment love…)


4. Today I booked our air travel with the travel agent for our trip to Costa Rica in March. I am so freaking excited. I haven’t blogged or even talked too much about it though because I am so afraid something will go wrong and I won’t be able to take the trip or something. I think I’m just nervous and can’t believe we won something so incredible! I’ll feel better once I have my passport (yes, I had to apply for a new passport so I could take this trip and, naturally, it is taking FOREVER to get it back!) and our plane tickets in hand!


5. I am on Day Three of cutting soda out of my diet and I think I am going to die. I miss my Diet Dr. Pepper! I miss it so much! By 2:00 in the afternoon, I am craving caffeine. But I have been a good girl and have resisted and am only drinking water instead. It sucks. I hate it. But I’m doing it because I’m supposed to feel good…or WHATEVER.

6. My friend, Sarah, is doing this whole “refreshing our lifestyle” resolution thing with me and so yesterday she dragged me to a yoga class. I hadn’t been to yoga in four or five years and I had forgotten how much I love it. Even my mind felt better by the time the class had ended. Of course, this morning at school when I raised my arm to write on the board, I thought my arm was going to fall off because it was so sore. Hopefully, that’s a muscle growing in there!

7. My kids are the coolest. Hands down. They are the coolest people I know. I have so much fun with them. Bean and Gracie are starting to play together a little and it just melts my heart. Gracie got a tea set for Christmas and Bean has spent the past two days sitting down with her, drinking tea. He gets really frustrated that she doesn’t know how to hold the cup. She just gives this warrior cry and hurls something across the room. It’s pretty entertaining to watch, actually. I went back to work today for the first time in two weeks and I really missed them. Bean cried when I dropped him at daycare this morning and I kind of wanted to, too. I miss those boogers when they aren’t with me!


8. At Christmas, I stole a really warm, super soft fleece blanket from my sister’s house and I have to mail it back this week. I will be very sorry to see it go. If she was a good sister, she’d insist that I keep it… (hint, hint)

9. We had taco night tonight and to trick Bean into eating some of it, I told him the black beans were boiled peanuts. He loves peanuts. As soon as I said that, he started eating black beans by the handful. Mom wins. I love when I outsmart a two year old. Surprisingly, that doesn’t happen often…

10. It’s that time of year again, imaginary friends. The Bloggies are upon us. Every year I cringe at the thought of asking for you all to go vote, but, alas, here I am again. Asking you to go vote. This year they have added a new category called “Best Parenting or Family Weblog,” and I think that’s the category I fit best into. Why are the Bloggies so important, you may ask? Well, if you’re a blogger who makes money off of their blog, like me, then it’s a fantastic way to get your numbers up, which generates more revenue. It also looks really great to publishers for someone who might possibly be working on their book in super secret right now. So, if you’re feeling generous, head over to the Bloggies website and drop a vote for me into the Parenting or Family Weblog category. Then, if you’re feeling extra nice, Tweet it, Facebook it, blog it, tell your Grandma about it, and just generally spread the word that you know this super lame blogger who is asking for votes. It would be much appreciated. (P.S. I’m going to ask you to do this all again if I’m nominated. So, you have that to look forward to…)



  • Jenny @ Fondant is Gross

    After I read your guest post yesterday at SWMag, the hubster and I had our own State of our Union and it was so fun! We’re pretty good at communication, but it was nice to sit down and start out the year really on the same page. Also, yoga is amazing. I miss it.

  • Dessi

    I love number one…because I’m right there with you! I just bought my first pair of leggings this week. I’m always behind the trends as well! lol!

  • Jen @ Caved In

    I was late to the legging party as well but I’ll continue to wear them because they are crazy comfortable. Not sure why I denied them for so long. Good luck with that soda thing. I never do well with completely getting rid of something. It’s all about moderation. And to finish my random commenting, I’ll say I can’t wait to read about your costa Rica trip!

  • Calliedanae

    Leggings are totally still in, as long as you’re wearing a top that covers your bum! Also, I nominated you! I hope you win!

  • Nikki

    I could never straight give up diet coke, so what I do is dilute it. I will fill my mug up with 2/3 water and then top it off with Diet Coke. I’m not sure how Diet Dr. Pepper tastes water down, but it could be worth a try to save your sanity! Happy New Year to you and your family!

  • Tracy B

    I also loved the book “Little Bee.” Last night I finished reading one that I think you’ll LOVE! It’s called “The Book Thief,” by Markus Zusak. I’ve read where it’s classifed as young adult lit by some sources but it has instantly become one of my favorite books (and I’m 40 – eeeghads). It’s the story of a young German girl during WWII. The story is narrated by “death” – which I know sounds creepy but this book is beautifully written. You’ll love it and it would also be great for your students. I’d love to hear about it if you read it. I think I’m going to suggest it as our Feb. read for my book club.

  • Jess C

    Based on the incredible amount of legging-wearing young women I saw in the airports over the holidays, you have nothing to worry about! Just make sure you’re wearing them appropriately – under a tunic, dress, or some kind of long top, not as a substitute for pants! 🙂

  • JenMarie

    I really love this idea! I printed out the post and am gonna take it home to tell my hubby about it. I’m pretty sure that he’ll like the idea, he’s good about things like that!

    Oh, and I LOVE leggings with heels!

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