Friendship,  Fun Things,  Marriage Confessions,  Running

Dear Sarah

My best friend, Sarah, is in Michigan with her husband’s family for the summer.  I miss her like crazy.  She’s been in Canada at their family cottage for the past two weeks, which means I haven’t been able to talk to her because she’s technically “traveling internationally,” according to AT&T.  But I know she read my blog every day, so this is my attempt to reach out to her.  Because I miss her.  A lot.

Dear Sarah,

You’ve been gone for almost half the summer.  I miss you so much!  And I’m not the only one.  Bean keeps asking if we can go visit “Saywah,” and when I remind him that you are on vacation, he then asks, “How about Scott?” and eventually it’s, “Fine then, what about NALA?”  Bean even misses your dog.  I’ve been storing up things to tell you when you get back, but I’m afraid I’m going to forget them, so I’m going to tell them to you now.


1.  I’m running the Watermelon 5k on the 4th of July with some friends.  Even Grayson is running with us!  I wish you’d be there.  Running without you is no fun at all.  Although, without the talking, I’m able to run farther!  I ran 5 miles this morning, and it felt awesome!  I literally ran out of room to run, though.  I made this big giant loop and then had to zigzag my way home to try to stretch my run farther.  I passed this little old man in his 60’s three times!  He’s a runner, too, and I see him occasionally.  Seriously, that dude is in better shape than most 30 year old’s I know.  I kind of want to meet him.

2.  Speaking of meeting runners, I’ve emailed the Orlando Women’s Running Club about joining them.  They run once a week, either a 6:30am run or a 7:00pm run.  They run in different parts of the city each time, and they run between 4 and 6 miles.  Plus, they have social events, too.  Next week they are going to a movie together.  But you know how I am about social events.  Probably skipping those…  (I miss being anti-social with you!)


3.  I’m on the literacy committee at school, and we met for the first time yesterday.  We were talking about vocabulary words that have different meanings in different subject areas and how we can start teaching vocabulary school-wide.  I said, “Yeah, like the word ‘integer.’  That’s a math word, but we can use that easily in language arts.”  Everyone just kind of looked at me, and finally Cristen said, “How would you use integer?”  And I said, “You know, an integer.  An essential part of something.”  Everyone sat there for a minute and then Sharon goes, “Do you mean INTEGRAL?”  I think we laughed for half an hour.  I felt like an idiot.  Almost like that time I used “ultra-violent” light on a quiz and that honors student told me that it should really be “ultra-violet.”  Yeah… I should probably NOT be teaching language arts…

4.  You should see my house right now!  You wouldn’t even recognize it!  It’s so CLEAN!  And ORGANIZED!  When people come in, I have to stop myself from saying, “Go ahead, open that closet door and check out those labeled bins!”  I can’t wait for you to see it!  Especially Bean’s room!  We’re getting ready to paint Gracie’s this weekend, I think.  I finally decided to paint it green and do the garden theme.  I’m really excited about that.

5.  I finally went to that independent, used bookstore you told me about.  It was awesome!  I sold her some of my books, and then bought four new ones for my classroom library.  I met the owner and we talked for a while.  Turns out she has a son in 7th grade and so we talked about school and all of that.  She’s super nice!  I even brought the kids back the next day for her story time.  I felt like I was in a scene from “You’ve Got Mail.”  I half expected Kathleen Kelly to do the reading.


6.  Speaking of Kathleen Kelly, did you see that Nora Ephron died?  Oh, I was so sad.  I love her writing and the quaint little worlds she creates.  I will miss her books.  I read a bio on her, and saw that she wrote, “Julie and Julia.”  How did I not know that???  You’re supposed to tell me these kinds of things.

7.  And speaking of current events, I have a confession.  Last week, I watch a two-hour Justin Beiber special on TV.  And then, the next night, I WATCHED PART TWO!   This is why you need to come home.  I’m so bored I’m watching Justin Beiber in concert.

8.  Can you give me the name of your doctor again?  I know I’ve asked you a million times, and this time I really will write it down!  This bump on my hand is getting bigger and so I need to see someone before it…  You know, why don’t you call me about this one????


9.  I’ve been drinking those green smoothies again.  I keep sandwich baggies of cut up strawberries, blueberries, bananas, and pineapple in the freezer so they are good and cold, and then after my runs I throw them into the blender with spinach, Greek yogurt, and orange juice.  Do you ever put other veggies in yours?  How do I do carrots?  Can I just put them in raw, or do I need to steam them or something?  Those seem to big and hard.  (…that’s what she said…)  How do you do that?

10.  I’m serving Communion at church this Sunday.  It’s my first time, and I’m really excited about it.  I might go over to your house and borrow a dress to wear.  I don’t know what’s happened to all my dresses, but I can’t find a lot of them.  Remember that time I lost a whole laundry basket full of laundry and then found it a couple weeks later out in my garage?  I’m sort of worried that’s happened again, but I checked the garage and there’s no laundry out there.  I’m crossing my fingers that I didn’t do something ridiculous like put it out on the street with the recycle bins one day by mistake.

11.  I got halfway through, “World Without End” by Ken Follett, and had to stop reading it.  It is SO good, but SO long.  If I kept going, I wouldn’t be able to read anything else this summer and I have a huge stack of books I want to read!  I returned it to the library yesterday, and then I started “Divergent.”  It is really good, for a dystopia book.  I still don’t like that genre, but this book is pretty good.  Next up is “Gone With the Wind.”  I’m so glad you’re making me read a classic this summer!  I can’t wait to read it!  What are you reading?  Did you read your classic yet?  Which one did you pick?

12.  Bean keeps asking if Scott can take him fishing.  You might want to give him a heads up about that.  Bean got that fishing toy for his birthday, so we’ve been practicing by fishing in the bathtub every night, but Gracie cries when we do it.  She doesn’t like that fish swimming around in her bath.  I don’t blame her.   I don’t like fish in my baths either.

That’s it for now.  I miss you.  Come home soon, and bring me some juicy Gulf Breeze gossip!

Love you,




  • Beth

    Divergent is awesome, the sequel, Insurgent is great too. What sucks is the last one doesn’t come out til november of 2013. Boo!

  • Leah

    Nothing like talking to a Bestie. I know she’ll appreciate this. Mine lives too far away but at least in the country so we can talk! I think you need to do a summer reading post. I’ve hit a lull and need some suggestions.

  • Ashley @ According to Ashley

    Ha! This is so cute. I ate lunch with my bestie yesterday and it seemed like we hadn’t seen each other in FOREVER even though it’s probably only been a month or two. We had SOOOO much to talk about! Oh and PS – I can’t believe you don’t love dystopian books! I’ve been obsessed with them! Divergent and Delirium were definitely at the top of my list (along with Hunger Games, of course).

  • KateRita

    World without End is sooo good though! But Gone With the Wind is one of my favorites – better than the movie (even though the movie is amazing.) But it’s not a short one either. ps . Love this post – super cute. And completely jealous that you’re joining a running group! I’m just starting training for my 2nd marathon … and I’m all alone on all my runs!

  • Sarah

    Aaahhhh!!! Best post ever (not that I’m biased or anything). Miss you guys so much! Let’s see…couple things: my classic book is Rebecca and I’m on the fourth chapter- it’s pretty good so far. I’ve run a grand total of twice since I’ve been gone, so I’m going to do GREAT in my 5k next week, but I am tan, so there’s that… You, my friend, are definitely signing up for the half marathon which I’ll probably have to end up doing for you. (We all know how you are with deadlines and such, *passport*) Oh- and for serving communion, wear my pink dress that I wore to Christina’s wedding- you’ll see it in my closet. My nude heels would look good with it too. Give Beanie and Gracie Girl lots of hugs and kisses from Aunt Sarah. They have some presents coming for just being perfect. 🙂

  • Bec

    Laughed so hard about integer / integral!

    I am in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan…I doubt Sarah is in these parts?

  • jennifer h.

    you’re hilarious! and a good motivator that i need to get up and do some things rather than sit here watching time pass me by.

  • Renee

    Okay, I’m thinking that you should have just gone to Michigan with her, especially since I just saw that she is in Traverse City (where I live!). It is beautiful here and has lots of fun activities for Bean and Gracie (and you and Chris, too).

  • Calypso

    Aww…can Sah-wah be my friend too? I need someone to propel me to read the classics. Once in awhile I get an inkling to read To Kill a Mockingbird and that’s about the ONLY one I visit. Oh.. and MORE Sarah letters. Super concept. Let’s see a letter to Bean, Gracie, Ginny, Chris, Mom, Dad.. LOVE THIS..

  • tabs

    I LOVED this post!! Makes me want to drive over and catch up with my best friend! I do not know what i would do if she decided to up and go away fornthe whole stinking summer. Next year youshould plan a trip to visit her. 🙂

    Thank you sonmuch for sharing!

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