Fun Things,  Parenting

Lightsabers and Daddys

These are the times when I should put down the camera and intervene for the benefit of my child.

I mean, the kid did just lose half his tooth.  Shouldn’t I feel the need to protect his eyes now more than ever?

Yes, that’s my baby over there.  The blind one with the missing front tooth.”

But just about the time I realized I should step in as the adult in the situation…

Chris stabbed Bean in the guts and he died a very slow, dramatic death.

And then they built a fort underneath the jumparoo.  And they both still had all their eyeballs, so what more could a mom ask for?


  • Megan (Best of Fates)

    I keep staring, but I can’t figure out what they’re using as lightsabers – strips of paper, pieces of plastic, tiny swords?

    Because the level of danger varies widely.

    But if Bean’s having fun, what’s the harm?

    Well, except for losing an eye. But just think how dashing are men with eye patches.

  • Amy

    So is your Chris as obsessed with Star Wars as mine is? Because if so, you are in for a lifetime of living room Star Wars screenings. My 5yo, Jack, is at this very moment watching Star Wars (the very first old one) for the bazillionth time. My Chris also bought about 50 Star Wars figurines off of Ebay that he is giving to Jack, one by one, as rewards for behavior and chores. My Chris also bought himself a light saber from Target even after Jack had gotten one for a birthday, because really, you have to have 2 sabers to have a proper duel. Sigh. Boys. But really, I think it’s pretty cute that they have something they can obsess over together. 🙂

    • Angela

      I think so too!
      Especially in the latest pictures.

      I’ll say it once, and I’ll say it again,the Bean is SUCH a cutie.

  • Christina

    Yes, the boys and their Star Wars. Christian is playing Star Wars Legos (or Legos Star Wars?) on our Wii right now. I find little Star Wars Lego guys all over the place. Sometimes they are missing arms, or even decapitated. It’s a wonder my own blood hasn’t been spilled.
    Here is one of my favorite moments…if you have a moment to look. I thought it was funny.

    It is a sweet scene you captured between the two of them, minus the gut-stabbing and all.

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