Bean,  Childhood,  Family,  Holidays,  Marriage Confessions,  Parenting

Making My First Easter Basket

At Christmas, I was so excited about my first year as Santa Claus.  And I am happy to report that I seem to be just as excited about my first year as the Easter Bunny, too!  I have been talking about Bean’s Easter basket since January.  Easter baskets are tricky because all your gifts have to fit into the basket and so you have to be sort of strategic in your loot.  And because I’m ridiculous, I also wanted all my colors to match.

Like I said, I’m ridiculous.

In my house growing up, Easter baskets were never store bought.  My mom always made them herself.  My dad’s job was to test the candy.  In fact, until I was about eight years old, I didn’t even know that chocolate Easter bunnies came with ears.

My mom put so much thought and care into our baskets.  She didn’t spend a whole lot of money on them, but that somehow just added to their specialness because she was really picky about what was cheap enough to go into the basket and yet nice enough to give as a present.

So, I have had many, many years of Easter basket perfection to observe, but this was my first year really trying my skills.  AND I HAD A BLAST!

The first thing I bought for the basket I got several months ago.  Bean loves his Praise Baby DVD (though Chris thinks its a little cult-like and he’s always afraid Bean is going to be sucked through the television into a third dimension…but he has an overly active imagination and so I don’t pay much attention….).  So, I thought I would add to Bean’s movie collection.  I bought him his first Veggie Tale’s movie!!!  I am so excited about it!  I love Veggie Tales and know all the songs myself from my days working in our church nursery in high school.  And even more exciting is that I found one called, “Lord of the Beans!” ($9.93 on Amazon) Perfect for my little Beanie.

(Incidentally, I bought Bean a second DVD for his Easter basket, but we gave in and let him watch it during our first week in Orlando to keep him busy as we unpacked…)

The next thing in his basket is something that I saw a long time ago in Cracker Barrel.  I know, I know.  Cracker Barrel.  But, it was just perfect!  Bean loves to play with tags.  Clothing tags, tags on pillows, tags on new things from stores…  He loves to play with them all.  And when Cracker Barrel first put out their spring things way back in January, they had this little rabbit that was made completely of little tags.  Bean was with me in the store when I found it and he spent about 10 minutes just thumbing through all those tags.  At the time, I put the rabbit back on the shelf, but I’ve been thinking about it ever since.  I just knew it would be the perfect bunny for his basket.  So, this week when I was out shopping with my grandmother, we stopped in and I bought the bunny.  I think he is adorable!  And he was on sale for $5.00!

I went to Target this week to get the Easter basket and to fill it with a few more little things.  I got this set of bubbles for us to play with out in the backyard ($3.99).

And I got Bean a set of Munchkin Snack Catchers for his treats while we are in the car or where ever ($4.99).  I think he’s old enough for these now.  He can get his hand in there and pull out the Cheerios or Puffs or whatever, but they aren’t supposed to be able to spill out if he drops the cup. I think this is kind of cheating because I was going to buy him one of these anyways, but I figured why not wrap it up in a basket and call it an Easter treat?

And, of course, I got eggs.  Lots of pretty Easter eggs.  And I’m almost positive that these will be Bean’s favorite thing in the basket.  Small enough for him to handle, plastic for slobbering, the perfect size for throwing across the room…  These will be a big hit.

So, I had all the goods.  Now I just needed to fit them into my basket.  I went with a cheap plastic basket so that Bean can play with it after Easter ($1.99).  I also liked this basket because it was shallow and wide so I knew all my treats and goodies would fit inside it.  And, against my better judgment, I stuffed it with that stupid green grass that gets on EVERYTHING.

First, I put in the tall things – the bubbles, the snack traps, and the DVD.

Then I laid the bunny front and center – where ever bunny should always be, in my opinion.  And I filled any holes with bright Easter eggs.

Now, I had to call my mom, the Expert, on this next part.  I couldn’t find any cellophane in Target, but I didn’t really know what I was looking for really.  Did I just get the roll of cellophane?  If so, how did I get it around all the stuff?  And how did I tie it at the top?  Keep in mind, I am about the most un-creative, un-resourceful person you’ve ever met.  If it doesn’t come with instructions, I’m pretty much out.  But my mom said they actually made Easter basket bags that you just sit your basket down in and then the bag comes up around it.  She said it is so much easier than trying to wrap it yourself.

So, I headed out to CVS and – whatdoyaknow?  My mom was right!  They do make them!

So, I did just like she said and I sat my basket down in the bag and then pulled it up over everything.

And when I got it all secured at the top, this is what it looked like:

I was so excited that I actually squealed!  The Easter bunny had come!  And it was me!  And it looked just like I wanted it to look like!

I remembered that I had some ribbon leftover from some birthday present I had wrapped and so I threw that on the top and – voila!  Ze basket vas complete!

Now, I realize to many of you, this ain’t your first rodeo.  You all have probably made more Easter baskets in your collective lives than I have eaten Reese peanut butter eggs.  But, one of my fears as a mom is that I won’t be able to give Bean the fun, festive, and memorable holidays that I had growing up.  So, being able to put an Easter basket together might not be rocket science, but it is a giant step forward in motherhood for me.

Now, if that stupid bunny would quit giving me the stink eye from inside that basket, I think I would call this a successful mission accomplished.


  • Jen at Cabin Fever

    What a pretty basket! It looks wonderful. My mom still mails me Easter baskets and I’m 25. No joke, basket assembled, complete with grass! And its not any less awesome than it was when I was five.

    Don’t worry about impressing Bean with your motherly awesomeness. He already loves you 🙂

    • Katie

      I have my cellophane wrapped basket from my mom this year sitting on my kitchen counter. Glad I’m not the only one! 🙂

      • Sarah H.

        I also got Easter baskets all the way into college! My husband never got one after 6th grade, so he felt jipped…so I always shared my jelly beans with him (since we’ve been dating since 15).

  • Michelle

    I love Easter Baskets and Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy and all of that. It’s so much fun 🙂 I have to say, I’ve never seen those Easter basket bags! I did ours last night and was thinking of how the heck I could get it to look a little nicer and I wanted cellophane but I was clueless! I think I’ll go look for some of those tonight. Thanks for the idea! 🙂

  • Jen

    I understand 100% where you are coming from, with getting the basket “just like our Mom’s”. We both seem to have some high expectations to live up to. Looks like you are doing fantastic!

  • Tara

    Great basket! I got the same eggs and basket at Target for my niece and nephew. It’s sure to be a big hit. Happy Easter!

  • Marie

    That’s such a pretty basket Katie! Over here in Ireland, we’re not that festive with Easter, I’ve never actually heard of anyone making an Easter basket until I read your post, but now I think I missed out and was a deprived child, because I never got an easter basket! I think I should show this to my mother and ask her to make up for 26 years of neglect! 🙂

  • Jen

    I love it! The basket is so pretty and what a cute darn bunny.

    Sidenote: I started a blog today (you got a shout out lol)

  • Dana

    I love you! I am so insane about making holidays perfect and having cool family traditions that measure up to the traditions from when I was growing up, just like you are! I think the basket is gorgeous! Although, I never had cellophane on mine growing up, so I don’t do it now. That makes it easier for me to cheat and put more stuff in it, I think. . . We also have the tradition of using the same basket each year. My kids get pumped when I unpack them every year because they know it is almost time. . . Can’t wait to see Bean playing with all his goodies!

  • Kelli

    You look JUST like your mom! And your Easter basket look amazing! I am expecting my first baby in August, and I have been thinking about all of that stuff too. My mom outdid herself for every holiday, and it’s scary to think about doing it as well as she did for all of us. But I think you passed the test! Looks great!

  • Molly

    For realsies! Isn’t it fun getting to be all these make-believe characters. I have a blast doing it.

    And p.s. I finally got the feed to work after a couple of months of not being able to figure out what the heck was wrong!

    I want to be your featured reader. Like now. Pretty please with a yellow peep on top?

  • Tressa

    I think you did an excellent job on Beanie’s Easter basket 🙂

    That picture of Bean man and your Mom….PRECIOUS!! I see where you get your looks from

  • Amy

    Wow- I’ve never had or heard of an Easter basket, but gosh they sound like a lot of fun! 🙂

    Having a son who’s 1st birthday is 10 days after Easter, he isn’t getting anything this year.

  • Miss M!

    That bunny is so cute! I didn’t know about the basket bags either. I did, however, choose paper grass instead of the plastic stuff because you’re right – that plastic stuff DOES get everywhere!

  • Ashley

    You did a fabulous job! I think it’s absolutely perfect, and Beanie is going to LOVE IT! Can’t wait until I can be the Easter bunny 🙂 You make everything look so fun!

  • Sarah H.

    I LOVE it!! And who can have Easter without that darn green grass that you always find 6 months later? I also have fond memories of my baskets growing up–but ours never had cellophane or sealed or closed up–just a large basket with a big handle and lots and lots of candy! And then we typically got a gift for playing out side like roller skates or a bike or a skip-it or a roller racer or a light up jump rope or some other equally cool things for elementary aged girls.

  • Liss

    That tag bunny is the best thing I’ve seen ever! My baby loves tags, too. I sometimes wonder why I bother buying the whole toy.

    I don’t know if it’s a cultural thing, but I’m in Australia and we’ve always just had chocolate at Easter, never anything like that awesome basket. I feel a bit bad now, I just wasn’t making a big deal out of Easter because my son is too young for chocolate, but you’ve given me some ideas for the future.

  • Dave

    Coming from a man and a father…..don’t forget about Chris. Sure we’re big kids but we like something small as well, say a Cadberry egg???? 🙂

  • Lacy

    This is great! I too have been freaking out over an easter basket for Tristan! He is the same age as Bean. I have it almost put together. I had no idea about the cellophane bags. I need to go get one tomorrow! Great post 🙂

  • Nicole

    Easter Baskets always make me smile, my boyfriend always wonders why I give presents for every holiday and always decorate but they’re just the traditions I had as a kid that I want to incorporate for my new family… I must say reading the blog has definitely changed my mind, and given me more perspective about having kids at all. You’re a wonderful mom, I hope to be the same someday.

  • Jessica W

    Lord of Beans is my FAVORITE Veggie Tales!! I’ve seen all of them except the newest one, “Pistachio”. Yes, I’m 26 years old… no, I don’t have kids.

    Your basket is beautiful. 🙂

  • Casey

    I can’t wait to be the Easter bunny!! Our little boy is due June 4th, and I love reading about what you do for holidays since he will be Bean’s age at that time!

  • Amy

    Great job, Katie!!! This is completely adorable. Since my mom had three babies in less than three years (I KNOW–she still doesn’t know how she managed to stay sane with three little ones in diapers at one), we didn’t have a lot of cash for individual Easter baskets filled with goodies. But my mom was–and is–so resourceful; she would fill our ENTIRE house with eggs and candy. No room was off limits! We would spend the whole afternoon in silence, trying to find all of the eggs while she sat in a corner smiling coyly, saying we still had more to go. In fact, Mom was such a great treat hider that it wasn’t uncommon for us to find eggs at Halloween!

    I know you’re gonna be a great mom that’ll provide Bean with sweet holiday memories like that. 🙂

  • Chloe

    This is hilarious. I work at Target, and just as I thought I was escaping the madness back in the seasonal section here you go tooting our horn. 🙂 I have no kids, but our puppy is thrilled with her Easter rawhides.

  • Sara

    That post was so cute. Both the basket and what you wrote. I am now going on my 5th year on being the Easter Bunny, and I can tell you that putting together Easter baskets and wrapping Christmas presents are some of the greatest joys of motherhood. And it only gets better every year! Happy Easter to you and your family!

    Also, I love the blog… have been reading for a while now, but this is my first comment.

  • Carrie

    That’s it I’m moving in… This will be my first Easter away from my family and I’m not going to get an Easter basket this year. Well I can’t say that… Knowing my mom the UPS guy will be knocking on my door soon with a box!! I hope that you guys are settling into your new home and just know (from a girl that moves almost once a year) that it will get better!!!

  • Katie

    Hi Katie,
    I’m a Katie as well, I got found your blog after Danimezza mentioned you.
    Just had to say I had a dolly like that bunny and didn’t get it, until I had my eldest son, and found he also had the fascination with tags! All my boys have done the same thing!

  • Katie

    Sorry maybe I should have read what I wrote before I clicked submit. Oh dear!
    What I meant to say was I found your blog after Danimezza mentioned you. Much better english!

  • oregonjudy

    Congratulations on your first basket. I think your bunny is actually made up of something called yoyos. It’s a “quilting thing”.

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