Around the House,  Health,  Marriage Confessions,  Pregnancy

Scenes from My Couch


Flowers my sweet sister-in-law brought me

I’ve been couch-sittin’ for the past week to help my back get stronger so that I can finish out the last three weeks of work before my maternity leave. I went to an orthopedist yesterday and it was pretty frustrating, to be honest. He basically said there’s not much he can do for me because I’m pregnant. Wouldn’t it have been nice if he or one of the four nurses I spoke with on the phone before my appointment could have just told me that over the phone?


Cards I’ve been meaning to mail, my laptop, and my daily planner

I came out of the appointment frustrated and disappointed and irritated. So, I went to Chick-fil-a and got a two milkshakes and then drove straight to Chris’s office where I sat for half an hour venting. And then, in Chris’s quiet, calm way, he said, “Kate, you’re being ridiculous.”

Humph. I hate when he’s right.


My iPhone so I can play Bejeweled until my eyeballs fall out and the book I’m reading (which, by the way, is fantastic.  I was not a fan of President Bush, but I have always thought Laura Bush was beyond graceful and kind.  Her autobiography is wonderful, if you’re looking for something to read…)

The truth is that I did learn some things. The doctor says that Gracie is sitting on my sciatic nerve, which is what has caused the constant pain for the past three or four months. Probably what happened was that I started carrying myself differently to relieve that pain and in the process (and along with lifting and over exerting myself), I messed up one or more of my discs in my back. He had me do some exercises and movements in his office to see what hurt and what was bearable and then based on that he guessed that what I have is a ruptured disc. The good news, he said, was that the sciatic nerve pain will immediately be eliminated once Gracie is born and the pressure is off of that nerve. Also, he said that with disc problems, they can usually heal themselves with a lot of rest. Since I can’t really afford to go on bed rest until my maternity leave, the doctor said that if I want to keep working then I have to completely sit down whenever I’m not teaching.


Remotes.  Key to bed rest.

All of this is to say that it looks like my couch is my new nest. So, apparently, I might as well be sitting on an egg.


Water to keep myself hydrated so that I’ll stop having these horrible contractions and Snickers because Gracie has a sweet tooth.

If you think I’m a miserable pregnant woman, you should see me when I’m a confined miserable pregnant woman. I’m terrible when I have to just sit still. It’s a rare trait that Chris and I share. We both like to stay busy, stay active, to be doing something. Sure, I like to just sit and veg sometimes, but usually not more than half an hour at a time before I start getting fidgety. Chris is the same way, too. If he has a whole Saturday with no plans, no honey-do’s, and no obligations, he starts out so happy but by about 10:00am, he’s like a caged lion just pacing the house.


Papers to grade

But I guess this is a good lesson for us to learn now. We’ve gotten used to having a rambunctious toddler around who likes to go, go, go just as much as we do. We’re all going to have to learn how to stop and breathe and go a bit slower with Gracie around. The newborn pace, though hectic, is slow and steady. So, we’ll just consider this little couch sittin’ time to be practice for welcoming a new, slower-moving addition to our family.


I think I’ve watched The Blind Side about 5 times already.

And now I must leave you. My doctor also said that Thin Mints have been known to radically cure ruptured discs and so I must medicate myself…


Today I am grateful for sunshine.


  • Alaina

    Aw, I’m so sorry…I agree with your doctor on the Thin Mint theory, but the Snickers you have there help, too. And I seriously LOVE the Blind Side, and by the way, I do like your planner…super cute! Where did you get it?

  • Jen @ Caved In

    I had horrible sciatica as well and the best feeling was when they gave me my spinal block before the c section. Hope your rest does help. Thin mints are the best medicine 🙂 take care!

  • Melissa

    I’m sorry to hear about your back! I went through several months of terrible back pain last fall and it was pretty terrible without being pregnant! I can’t imagine the combined effects of pregnancy and back pain. I went to a dr. about the pain and they pretty much told me the same thing: go home and rest. I went to a chiropractor the next day and they diagnosed me with something totally different and were able to offer me some relief through adjustments and stretches. My chiropractor sees pregnant patients and has a special table for adjustments. I highly recommend calling up a chiropractor and seeing if they can help you out! Good luck and I hope you feel better soon!

  • Kelly @ The Startup Wife

    I’m so sorry things have been so rough! I actually have something kind of similar to your back problems (though no sweet baby girl at the end of it, since I’m not pregnant!) and it’s the worst. I can’t imagine dealing with that AND having a toddler AND being pregnant! I’ll send prayers for quick healing, and lots of patience. 🙂

    Also, while you’re bedresting, if you haven’t read ‘American Wife’ by Curtiss Sittenfeld, I think you might like it! It’s a fictional imagining into Laura Bush’s life, and I just really, really loved it. One of the best novels I’ve read in a long time.

  • Angela

    I’m sorry for your discomfort.
    But just think….in a few weeks, you’ll dream of having time to lie on the couch 🙂

    It will all be worth it.

  • jen

    I encourage you to try a chiropractor, it is safe, natural and has no negative side effects or risks for you and baby and can provide great relief! My husband is doctor of chiropractic and has helped many pregnant moms stay comfortable and healthy throughout pregnancy.

  • Rebecca

    When I was pregnant I BEGGED to go on bedrest…everybody said that I would hate it, but I assured them I would love it. In fact, sometimes {after I threw my back out twice} I put myself on bedrest. But, I never had a whole weeks worth…I can’t imagine how cooped up you feel. So sorry that you’re having a rough pregnancy…the end is in sight!!!!

  • Kathleen

    I’m so sorry you are in so much pain! Are there any good osteopaths in your area? They are holistic doctors so no meds or anything that you can’t take during pregnancy. I’ve been going to one for months four and five of my pregnancy and he’s helped with the headaches, nausea, and lower back pain. They are brilliant at bringing your body back to its healthy alignment. Our bodies know how to be pregnant but sometimes when we feel things shifting we try to adjust and we make things worse! If you can find a good one maybe he/she can relieve some of the pain the all natural way!

  • Courtney

    I feel for you. I was in bed four days with the flu and though I would die of boredom. Take care of yourself and enjoy this time. Your going to be busy once Gracie makes her appearance. 🙂

  • Heather Ben

    so sorry you are going through this. in addition to your specific problems, I think in general the 2nd is harder to carry than the 1st. If not for anything else then bc your body has been stretch out before. I had some back issues (though not nearly as bad as yours) with my first. I had never seen a chiropractor before but that is the only way I survived then and with my second. But also in my second, I either had horrible pains like you described before. What did you say – the baby was pressing on your lady parts and you felt the baby was going to fall out? yeah, exactly, me too. Since you never had contractions, let you me compare it for you. With my second I was admitted to the hospital at a 5 and by the time I got the epidural I was in agony with the pain & pressure. In months 7 & 8 with my second, I would have that same level & intensity of pain for periods of up to 45 minutes but just focused on my lady-parts area. I used to say she was kicking to be let out. It would freak my husband out to no end bc he always thought that my gasps of pain meant – €œit was time€. But no. I finally just said – I’ll let you know if it is time. While the contractions hurt so bad they were more all over my body and everything hurt. This was just – focused on my back and you know where. Geez, I can’t imagine if I have a third how I will make it through. I was in so much pain that my (very low key, everything is (usually) normal and you have to ride it out) doctor even agreed to induce me early and offered pain pills. Basically, I feel for you and wish you the best.

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